Murder funny. Teleanons who are cooled by the films themselves!


Write the Sinopsis of the film so that it becomes well before viewing - this is great art! Surely, some authors of these television programs learned to transfer the deep essence and the juice of any film from our Sasha Smilanskaya

We have collected a selection of short, but the most valid, real descriptions, after which you want to get a job as a descriptor of all saint. By the way, why deny yourself the pleasure - do it, and you can also so! ;)

Cursive, as usual, ours.


"You are a pretty girl and dream of being such as Princess Leia, and you have a gold bikini? Remove it rather, otherwise dark forces will be captured! " ("Star Wars. Episode 4. New Hope")

Wisely, cho. And it is also very similar to the recommendations of trainings about Vedic femininity!


"Healing broken noses and picking torn ears, evil in the opposite person of Emperor Shao Kana returned to the earthly world, impatiently scratching fists waiting for the Mordoboy. Only the noble Lord Raiden is not shit! Mat for the right thing is just for him. " ("Death Battle 2: Extermination")

You will prevent evil in a conflicting face and with torn ears - it becomes light on the soul!


"As you saw the young Julie of Yastoto Brian, so fell in love with the ears. And he is in failure, parasite: I do not like, says, and all, even though you are crazy. Everything will change after the seventh grade, when Mozpusy Brian suddenly realizes his blindness, it will only be too late. " ("Hi, Julie!")

And the genre of this movie with the Germans know what? Well, drama, of course, sirosli.


"Tired White Yankees stood in a traffic jam, and here on you: he smelled to mind, he took a baseball bat and went to fight with the system. And so I would smooth the city in the sins, do not stand on his way the elderly messenger copper with a funniest name Presterngast. " ("I'm over it")

We sing on the motive of the "grasshopper": Us-Ta-Lyan Yang-Ki is not a Tro-Gal and Ko-Body ... Imagine, imagine, do not stand the sucked cop!


"On the courtyard medieval plague. The heroic crusader with a horse profile and sad eyes dragging the slander witch Anna in a distant abbey to heal it there from the devil. However, the companions of friends are all on the road Mrut, and Anna suddenly begins to seem a bit strange ... " ("Witch Time")

So he thought she was generally normal, well, the devil inside, you think, with all sorts. And she turns out to be a little more strange ...


"Sad family life in American outstands was bored by the Sarah housewife that, barely acquainted with a young and hot Brad, she agreed by MiG to Ajulter. All would be nothing, but in Ugar, Sarah forgets that maniac wanders around the city. " ("Like small children")

Well, so if a hot brand is a high-quality caught, you can temporarily be temporarily taken to the maniac. Good little!


"Mad and fretful king Miki Rourke crumble of the city and temples in search of the epirshian bows, who gains which he will be able to free the titans from imprisonment and arrange a mother Kuzkin. The only ones who are able to stop madman is a lubricant Bastard Testa and a multicultural virgin-oracle. " ("War of the Gods: Immortal")

We are approved by the rich definition of "Multicultural Virgin-Oracle", as well as Kuzkina Mother of Gods.


"Related sorcerers were finally confused in their loves and now suffer, pouring unshaven cheeks by Rumyant. Hermione is jealous, Ron is tupit, and only Harry, overcoming craving for young Chinese women, a couple with a decrepid Dumbledore beats over the mystery of the immortality of Wolan de Morta - after all, their decisive fight is already close! .. " ("Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince")

No respect for shrines! We are interested, readers did not enjoy a khedavra on them?


"The brotherhood of the ring fell apart on three bugs, no one wants to be extremely. Aragorn waves a sword, Merry with Pipin ride on the trees. " ("The Lord of the Rings: Two Fortresses")

Well, yes, Boyan, agree. But after all, the attractive newspaper publication, and the essence reflects - so this is an unsaluable golden classic announcements.


"Maggie Rice did not believe in the existence of angels with the brows of Nicholas Kage, until he fell in love with one of them. And everything would be nothing, just now the angel of SEFU should be chosen once and forever between the love of Divine and Earth. And this is not so simple - the wings ago do not stick ... " ("City of Angels")

Wings, eyebrows ... The main thing is the tail!


"Tracy Tern Blad since childhood dreamed of becoming a dance show star. The trouble is that God gave her mother with the face of John Travolta, and that, in turn, is overly lush forms. In the show business, these are not complaining ... so what? " ("Hair spray")

Yeah, this is such a literary reception. An Angel with the eyebrow of Cage, Mom with the face of travolit, a prostitute with a hairstyle of Julia Roberts, a thick friend with Holmes vocals ... We will use!


"The Wedding of the Buryat Shepherd Batyr ended in a major failure - the bride cut off his head, and the Batyr himself was arrested by a rural policeman of the Jaddy. In prison, Batyr meets Swedish Porn-King Sven, who deducts the term for depraved activities during the Olympic Games in Moscow. The Swede opens the Batyr a terrible secret of the aliens-robots. Notide, Batyr comes to work in the police. But the memories of the deceased bride do not allow the young policeman to sleep quietly. What to do? Of course, seek to blame and wet them without pity. In this dramatic moment, the aliens cause a cunning blow in the form of a terminator programmed to kill people. But these are seeds for a person who has passed the school life in the Buryat prison ... " ("YatinsOTESTS")

In this, everything, of course, is funny little. Is that refreshes the fact that this is a real movie ...


"Old age is not joy. But not for Benjamin Button, who was born with an 80-year-old elder and every year the youth, turning into the handsome of Brad Pittta. It is a pity only, you will have to die in infancy. " ("Mysterious History of Benjamin Button")

It was still a grass for him. But it was weak to get such a miner to turn into a brade with the kneads of Cage and the face of travolit?


"The ordinary hacker of neo lives in the world and does not even suspect that this world is just a simulation created by the sinister machines, and he himself is the very elected, which is subject to subordinate to the matrix. To break out of sleep in a real reality, he joins the rebels and begins to bend spoons with his eyes. " ("The matrix")

Mistress note. To break out of sleep, start to bend spoons with my eyes!


"ZION, the last refuge of the rebels, is experiencing not better times. Morpos in depression, neo - trapped, and the cunning agents of Smiths, the same from the face, multiply with frightening speed. Does humanity wait for the long-awaited "dawn of a new life"? " ("Matrix. Revolution")

... and Ron is tupit, and Merry with Pipin ride, yeah.


"If you wake up and understand that there are not your children around you and someone else's dog - look at the mirror. They became other not only they, but you. And still furniture, clothes and beloved food. It seems that your dreams come true and your family has become perfect. Low price for lifelong happiness, isn't it? " ("Twilight zone. Another life. Rewind")

Try to brow the spoons with your eyes. Do not wake up? Yeah, well, now we are waiting for the transformation into Brad and the growing eyebrows of Cage ... Although after the Buryat prison, all these seeds!


"In a quiet provincial town, where the quarrel of neighbors in a vegetable shop is considered an event, comes to visit the grandmother Lindsay Lohan. Of course, the city begins full hell. And what can you do - children's injury. " ("Cool Georgia")

We recommend using a universal explanation "And what can you do - children's injury" in any situation when full hell begins!


"The most ordinary couple is born a child. Who would have thought that he was actually a mutant, ready to kill all the living? But you like you - and it happens! " ("It lives")

Well, you understand, yes? Choir! Three or four ... And what can you do - children's injury!

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