Someone had to be! Scooter found out, How Much Is The Fish?


Admit, 18 years ago, I also tormented this question: what's the fish and how much, how do you get it?

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The mystery of the century is revealed! One of the best TV presenters in Jimmy Fallon - recorded a video message to the Scooter group, in which he asked to clarify what kind of fish? Her bought for food or for aquarium? If for aquarium, where is it now? And, of course, he asked the most important question that excited everyone: how much is the fish?

The Leader Scooter Eich Pi Baxter did not make long wait and recorded a video representative, in which he said that: first, the fish bought for the studio, but for her it was too loud, so she was sent to the village, in a special residence for animals (live People! - Approx.), Secondly, a friendly correspondence is underway with the fish, it was worth 3,80. What currency are we talking about, the musician did not specify.

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