17 Erotic Soviets for the 2017 Sex-Year (18+)


New Year's promises gave themselves, for example, to start a new life, there are potatoes from McDichka not more than once a month, always answer the mother's calls, more in the air with children, stop shining in Tinder and is all this? And about the bed thought? Here is a list of useful sex tips to make it even better.

Cards on the table

17 Erotic Soviets for the 2017 Sex-Year (18+) 38201_2
Did not do it last year? It's time, girlfriend. Tell me finally your partner, what do you really like and what would you like to try. If the apocalypse still comes this year, you will still die will not be so painful.

Communication Key

17 Erotic Soviets for the 2017 Sex-Year (18+) 38201_3
But before proceeding to a serious conversation, listen to yourself. Carefully. Internet. Mad forums and all that. To the conversation about sex and about change in it you need to prepare, even though it is not an exam.


17 Erotic Soviets for the 2017 Sex-Year (18+) 38201_4
It is ideally to study the question, if you have reached a point of consent on something new. Forward, a wonderful new world of sexual adventures is waiting for you.

Porn and zadorno

17 Erotic Soviets for the 2017 Sex-Year (18+) 38201_5
Ok, everything is already quite aware of "pro" and "contra" about watching porn. If you are an adequate guys with a partner, in which we do not doubt for a second, and you will demand a whitening of the anus, pornolologists can be quite informative and informative. Just do not forget to divide everything on 48. Like in "X-Files", The Truth Is Out There.

Know your borders

17 Erotic Soviets for the 2017 Sex-Year (18+) 38201_6
No one canceled the comfort zone. Make sure not to violate it in new games.

Creativity, NOU Criminality

17 Erotic Soviets for the 2017 Sex-Year (18+) 38201_7
Do not Clear, be the most open. And if your fantasy is more likely to imagine your partner, offer, suddenly he dreamed of all his life, just could not formulate. You team! Sex team.

Change roles

17 Erotic Soviets for the 2017 Sex-Year (18+) 38201_8
If you have long together, you probably have all the roles distributed. Rove templates. Remember how after a few years in the role of "snowflakes" on the children's matinee, you wanted to speak "chanter." And you never regretted that I followed our real desires. There is almost the same. Stereotypes and norm are still very different concepts.


17 Erotic Soviets for the 2017 Sex-Year (18+) 38201_9
Get some new rules or deconstruct old. We used to jump into bed only after half hour standing in the shower. Save water and try to skip this procedure, even learn what you truly smell, without all these fragrances.

Three in the boat

17 Erotic Soviets for the 2017 Sex-Year (18+) 38201_10
Discuss with a partner if suddenly such a fantasy flashes. It is clear that "triple" for a huge number of couples is rather anecdote, taboo and virtually treason. But if you have reached the "Gorbachevsky" consensus in this matter, then what the hell is the difference, how much the man is tumbling there. As a preventive polythipophy, review the series "SVBG", where Charlotte "invited star" shook off the bed.


17 Erotic Soviets for the 2017 Sex-Year (18+) 38201_11
Even if you are not fans, trying. This, honest word, very funny exercise, linguistic, of course, if the excitement does not come, then you will attend each other. Dream in any way. But still be careful with the newsletter Genital, especially in one frame with a face. You know, as it happens, tomorrow you will break out the byrupses and revenge porn can hardly turn the nerves afterwards.

Start in a toy bedside table

17 Erotic Soviets for the 2017 Sex-Year (18+) 38201_12
Let even this will not be a complete arsenal of sex shops, but only the frivolous Belish. Down and Out trouble started.

Dirty your tongue

17 Erotic Soviets for the 2017 Sex-Year (18+) 38201_13
Yes, yes, try it too. And again an example from SVBG. Remember, there the redhead Miranda could not start whispering nasty his mistress, and then it was so dissuing that not to stop.

Show ticking and scratch

17 Erotic Soviets for the 2017 Sex-Year (18+) 38201_14
NOTE, we are not about the "simpsons" now, but about you. All this can and you need to try. Of course, finding around with a partner. And suddenly someone from you supery skin and he or her do not smile at all walking in bruises and as after a battle with thirty-hopted cats.


17 Erotic Soviets for the 2017 Sex-Year (18+) 38201_15
The learning is finally different than fingeering fisting is different, but as small!

Apply applications

17 Erotic Soviets for the 2017 Sex-Year (18+) 38201_16
Sex applications, not about "Tinder" and others now, in fact, a million, and they can be very useful for both, google a little.

Sex library

17 Erotic Soviets for the 2017 Sex-Year (18+) 38201_17
Read, yes, not those stupid novels, which once a year handed the award for the worst description of the bedside stage, and not "50 shades of gray", in the world it is written to the fig of real erotic literature, which will inspire you on its original scenario.

D - trust

17 Erotic Soviets for the 2017 Sex-Year (18+) 38201_18
You will not be surprised if you realize that harmonious sexual relationships also hold on trust, patience and attentiveness to each other. Try and dare, you will be waiting for a long way to climb the top of the sexy Olympus, and if you truly trust each other, it will not hurt at all.

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