Syroedy, Vegan and Other Alternatives - Fouring: Short Travel Guide


Food is the easiest and, it is necessary to notice, the effective way to manipulate the human consciousness. That is why the number of currents associated with the use or non-consumption of something in food is growing every year. We have collected a short guide.



The flow that came to us from India. By the way, the first Russian vegetarian society was registered in 1901 in St. Petersburg. Vegetarians do not eat meat, bird, fish and seafood of animal origin, and still do not subscribe. Can I have honey and mushrooms. Vegetarianism has a bunch of additional flows that are also called. October 1 marks World Vegetarian Day: You can begin to insist aloe juice and harvest carrot sticks!



The more severe branch of vegetarianism - adherents of this ideology refuse to use all the products of animal origin (animal milk, eggs, leather, fur). The veganism was separated into a separate flow in the middle of the twentieth century. Surprise, but the main Russian vegan was the Lion - "War and Peace" - Tolstoy. On November 1, the International Vegan Day is celebrated - and you will be what to note: There is a special vegan alcohol.



Syroedians are used in food only or predominantly crude vegetable food, not subjected to processing (heat treatment, sucking, pickling, pickling and any other types of food processing). So, if your life is not sweet with a cabbage sheet inside and potato freasses, then it is for them. In addition, they are confident that raw food is the most biologically faithful. In this case, there are several varieties, for example, when you can eat raw meat, fish and eggs. Raw meat! Sounds scary. But remember that there are such dishes in the world as a carpaccio, sushi from raw fish and Gogol-Mogol, and you will become a little clearer ration.



If you think fructants joyfully feed on one sweet fruit, then do not rush to join their slender rows. They have more plants, legumes, grain and seeds in the menu. The main idea is that, for which the plant does not need to be destroyed (carrot - nor!). But then they dragged and cleared over themselves and decided that people are usually considered fruitmen, in which raw fruit diet make up at least 75% (3/4). Ideally, only plants are used. Nutritional supplements and spices are not used, so it will not be possible to fall asleep with sugar or at least salt.



Under this almost abusive word, the rejection of eating flesh of warm-blooded animals is hidden, because a man is also a warm-blooded animal, and there is a similar one - Ay-Yai-Yai! That is, theoretically snakes, fish, clams and that you can all eat it. However, some True Pesselirians argue that land animals should also be excluded from the food chain, so that the snakes do not enjoy the disy, as they say.



Failure to eating flesh of mammals. Bird, eggs, dairy products, fish and mollusks - Welcome! Ethically half-frames justify their choice because at the time of the murder of mammals in their blood, a large amount of adrenaline is thrown into their blood, respectively, they are aware of the moment of their own death, which, in the opinion of adherents of this diet, inhumanly. But birds and fish do not care!



The power system under the slogan "If it is impossible, but I really want, you can". Its adepts are trying to minimize meat consumption and focus on plant food, but the exact figure of the allowed number of animal food is not specified. The flow is subjected to a sharp criticism from the vegetarian community as not enough vegetarian, but the flexitarians eat germinated wheat sprouts with a cake and spit wanted to criticize.

Religious bans


Just in case we will remind you that the Jews have a kashrut - a set of rules that determines the compliance of the requirements of Galahi, the Jewish law, and according to which all used food must be kosher. So, for example, pork, shrimp, crabs and some types of beverages are not desicted and strictly prohibited.

In addition, the cattle should be scored in accordance with rather strict rules - similar directions also exist in the Qur'an, according to which Muslims should have exclusively free food. There is a ban on the use of blood, the meat of animals, who died by their death, were clogged not with the name of God and unclean animals: pork, predators, omnivorous animals, etc. Muslims are also categorically prohibited alcohol.


As for the Christian tradition, the practice of posts is widespread - temporary abstinence of the body from food of animal origin (and souls from sinful thoughts). Together with weekly restrictions in food (for example, on Wednesday and Friday, meat and milk are prohibited) a little more than six months is recruited.

Text author: Ekaterina Kuzmin

Photos: shutterstock

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