Enough tolerating this! Accusations that got all mothers of the world


It would seem that the fact that you endured and gave birth to a child should make you an inviolable goddess and a celestial. However, it turns out that at the very fact you are "bad mother" ™, which does not do everything. Pics.Ru collected 9 charges that, well, just got it!


Giphy (8)

This, of course, is amazing, but most often mothers are accused of being too love their children. "What do you keep it in your hands, let him sit alone - you need to teach yourself to the independence!". First, you will be launched in a long explanation that the child of the first year of life is very important physical contact with his mother, he is not yet ready to separate from her, refer to the latest works of psychologists and pediatricians. And then just bite your head. Silently.


Giphy (1)

"What are you all covered with him? Not a man will grow up, but some kind of sadness! ". Ale! This is a child! Of course, if we translate endless conversations with the baby to a normal language, then it will be a very strange picture: Babel is reported all the time that he is the best, most beautiful and generally around the circle, even if she has just dried up important dagging documents. Well, how else, tell me please inform the child that he is very happy and love him more than life?



Did you take a toy? Psychotram! Put to sleep when the child wanted to watch cartoons? Psychotram! Refused to buy a puppy? Psychotram! Left with a grandmother for a couple of hours? Psychotrarm! Step, damn, it is impossible to step up, so as not to put the baby irreparable harm. What if the maniac will grow up? And just needed to push a rattle in time, they consider good people.


Giphy (2)

Many people sincerely believe in the fact that if a child is missing forward in line, say, to the toilet, then his ego for a couple with a sense of selfishness will swell up to such sizes that the sun closes the sun, the moon and stars. But for some reason it seems to us that it only allows you to keep pants dry, only and everything. Because the child has a smaller bladder than an adult will be, and if it rests, it was rest. No need to look for hidden meaning where it is not - it smacks mania.

Pot / Bans

Giphy (3)

Forbid something bad. Allow - also bad. Trying somehow combining - a bad mother ™ without clear installations for raising a child. And how to try to combine, if the expensive child comes to visit the grandmother and there the entire system of prohibitions flies to Tartarara, because the loving granny and grandfather are fed by sweets on slaughter, allow you to watch the "time" program and go to bed when it swings. And how to live, ask?


Giphy (5)

Whatever you feed your child, it is in any case bad, harmful and does not comply with WHO standards (as if someone seriously figured out what is there for norms). Do you breastfeed for a long time? He will have a bad bite, caries and psychotrauma! We feed a little breast? Bad Mother ™ and do not care about the child immunity. Early give fruit? That's a stupid mother, he will not be anything but there will be nothing! Did you give fruit late? Here is a stupid milf, where does he take vitamins for harmonious growth and development? Vicious circle.


Giphy (4)

Nothing cultivates the feeling of guilt in mothers as RPR is the early development of the child. And so, the mother, exhausted with lack of sleep, problems with breastfeeding, knocked out of the usual life rut, on the third day of the baby begins to search on the Internet, print and glue special cards for which her child should immediately learn the Latin alphabet, all the colors of the rainbow and learn Read, write and solve equations in mind earlier than learning to walk. Poor child.

Personal life

Giphy (7)

Leave a child with a grandmother and go with her husband in a movie - it's just a failure. Do you, ask the accused, the child gave birth to a grandmother? And in the restaurant do not go! What, do you can't do anything at home and eat anything?! A haircut? Manicure? Is it someone in front of someone? Sit at home, educate the child! That's the whole tale.


Giphy (6)

If you want to go to the exhibition Van Gogh, then your child is obviously owned by a couple of hours that you need to visit ona, evaporate. Because it is clear that to carry it with you is the peak of maternal egoism. Hang! Divided! And if I am going to fly somewhere on the plane, then in general the narcissistic idiot, and not a mother. Egoist! Broody! Happy mother - happy child? No, did not hear.

Text author: Ekaterina Kuzmin

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