18 tiny moments of the "Games of Thrones", which not all were noticeable

  • 1. From the very beginning there were hints on what will happen. For example, you probably never wondered about the color of the ghost in the pilot series?
  • 2. And the symbolism of this unsightly scene accurately told us what to expect from the first season.
  • 3. And later this season, when it seems to us that Jame is just a goat ...
  • 4. Dentatively it was or by chance, it still very much and pays attention to when you take into account what Sersh has passed in the fifth season.
  • 5. In one of the episodes after a red wedding, Bran tells a story that contains morality:
  • 6. By the way, about the wedding, the card that we see until all of the shit shows that Frei and Boltonians do not suggest starks as they surround.
  • 7. In the fifth season, Sam tries to calm Olli, saying:
  • 8. Something else from Samvel "I love books" Tarli: in the fifth season you could see what everything comes to.
  • 9. Previously, in the second season, the Quage gave Jorach prophecy. At that moment she looked strange, but ...
  • 10. And if you did not read books and theories around the series, this challenged Serne in the first season of the phrase was for you empty sound:
  • 11. Although in the next seasons we received more and more keys to the riddle of who John is:
  • 12. Before the trial of Tyrion, Jame notices that from intra-family murders, only the murder of cousins ​​has no separate name.
  • 13. Taking into account the fact that Olenna lost his whole family in the Sept Beilora, she probably feels awkward, remembering the phrase from the sixth season:
  • 14. When the old unkind Mysiline said this, the next three deaths accurately coincided.
  • 15. In the second series of the new season, we saw that, although weeks, perhaps, the blood of John and not the Father, the apple still fell not far from the apple tree.
  • 16. And if you compare Stone Lutovolkov, guarding Winterfella's crypt in the first and seventh seasons, you may notice that Boltons resorted to some bold design solutions while they lived in the castle.
  • 17. In the first season, a whole and healthy Bengen mentions the expulsion of the elder brother. Looks like it was his favorite phrase.
  • 18. And finally, it may be purposely (or not), in any case, Sam pays his duty to the son of his old commander, and it is incredibly touching.
  • Anonim

    Journalist Robin Edds not just sat down to watch the new season of the series, but also recalled 18 very interesting moments from past seasons that could tell us, for example, how the plot turns in the future.

    1. From the very beginning there were hints on what will happen. For example, you probably never wondered about the color of the ghost in the pilot series?

    Like John, the ghost was different from the fellow on the litter. But knowing what we know now, it would be worth paying attention to his bright white color - a tip of the secret of John's origin from Targarey.

    2. And the symbolism of this unsightly scene accurately told us what to expect from the first season.

    18 tiny moments of the
    Lyutovolk, who climbed where south of his habitats, was killed by a deer, who himself then died.

    3. And later this season, when it seems to us that Jame is just a goat ...

    18 tiny moments of the
    - I saw the younger of G Grageoy's guys in Winterfelle. Anyway, what to see shark on the top of the mountain.

    - Theon? He is glorious small.

    - I do not think so.

    That is, he, of course, goat. But at that moment came to the point.

    4. Dentatively it was or by chance, it still very much and pays attention to when you take into account what Sersh has passed in the fifth season.

    18 tiny moments of the
    - She is the same wild as her beast. I wish her to punish her.

    - And what would you like from me, so that I drive her down on the street?

    18 tiny moments of the
    Karma can be an amazing thing.

    5. In one of the episodes after a red wedding, Bran tells a story that contains morality:

    18 tiny moments of the
    - He killed a guest under his roof. This is what gods do not forgive.

    We had to wait a couple of seasons, and, thanks to the older sister of the boy, it turned out that Bran was right.

    6. By the way, about the wedding, the card that we see until all of the shit shows that Frei and Boltonians do not suggest starks as they surround.

    18 tiny moments of the

    7. In the fifth season, Sam tries to calm Olli, saying:

    18 tiny moments of the
    - I was worried about John for years. He always returns.

    18 tiny moments of the
    Two episodes later, Olli with other conspirators kill John. If only he listened to Sam, he would understand for himself that even death would not stop John. Then Olli would not finish so ... sad.

    8. Something else from Samvel "I love books" Tarli: in the fifth season you could see what everything comes to.

    18 tiny moments of the
    Sam: But Dragon Glass ...

    John: No one can get it again. It does not matter. Is that we find a whole mountain.

    Gilly: This is the Dragon Glass!

    Sam: Whole mountain. Underground.

    9. Previously, in the second season, the Quage gave Jorach prophecy. At that moment she looked strange, but ...

    18 tiny moments of the
    - Jorah from Andalov. This man must sail into the old Valiria. Everyone who goes too close near their rock, needs protection.

    10. And if you did not read books and theories around the series, this challenged Serne in the first season of the phrase was for you empty sound:

    18 tiny moments of the
    - What harm to any of us can cause the ghost Lianna Stark?

    11. Although in the next seasons we received more and more keys to the riddle of who John is:

    18 tiny moments of the
    - Targaryen, the only one in the world, something terrible.

    12. Before the trial of Tyrion, Jame notices that from intra-family murders, only the murder of cousins ​​has no separate name.

    18 tiny moments of the
    - There is no such kind of murder that did not give a separate name.

    - In addition to killing cousins.

    Although at that moment you may not have noticed, but this is a reference to the time when Jame killed his own cousin, Alton Lanner to escape from starks.

    13. Taking into account the fact that Olenna lost his whole family in the Sept Beilora, she probably feels awkward, remembering the phrase from the sixth season:

    18 tiny moments of the
    - You are surrounded by enemies, thousands of enemies. What are you going to do, kill them all yourself?

    14. When the old unkind Mysiline said this, the next three deaths accurately coincided.

    18 tiny moments of the
    - People die at the dinner table, they die in their beds, they die, recreation in the travelers. Everyone dies sooner or later.

    15. In the second series of the new season, we saw that, although weeks, perhaps, the blood of John and not the Father, the apple still fell not far from the apple tree.

    18 tiny moments of the

    16. And if you compare Stone Lutovolkov, guarding Winterfella's crypt in the first and seventh seasons, you may notice that Boltons resorted to some bold design solutions while they lived in the castle.

    18 tiny moments of the

    17. In the first season, a whole and healthy Bengen mentions the expulsion of the elder brother. Looks like it was his favorite phrase.

    18 tiny moments of the
    - Do you know that a brother once told me? Nothing that is spoken to the word "but" is not considered.

    - How did the father say? All before the word "but" - horsepower shit.

    18. And finally, it may be purposely (or not), in any case, Sam pays his duty to the son of his old commander, and it is incredibly touching.

    18 tiny moments of the
    - Tarli, I forbid you to die.

    - You will not die today, Sir Jorah.

    A source

    Illustrations: HBO.

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