15 reasons to wave your immortal love


You have a passion forever (well, for a long time for sure!) And in large. But there is, damn, a couple of little things ... Well, well, a dozen couples ... the little things they are, of course. And you should not focus on them. But how, damn, they are furious!

And after all, if you sit, breathe, exhale and think about it, then as a reason for divorce, each of these items looks funny. Small they. Always completely tiny. Well, like droplets ... for some reason, the medieval torture is remembered at this place with small droplets in Campol. So you think, calm, calm. I'm not going, you think, because of such nonsense to divorce. I just once a suit, my love !!!


Your love is a lark. In the morning your bird gets up early and begins to work. Stunning thunderous dishes. You are on brains, brainstorms, brains.


Your love is eating a nest. From the sheet and blankets. And everything else who has fallen under her restless legs. The nest at her half the sofa is capital. Glukhary blind from envy.


Your love is a hardworking bee. Without breaking down from the monitor, he paint to the mother of the nectar and other frustral, and it looks her. Hybrid bee and pigs, a miracle of selection, in a clinic for experiments.


And how is your love quietly squints his nose! When she has a runny nose, three pigs are hiding in their house, and the wolf runs away to the moon. Shawls - for the weak spirit, of course.


Your love is Kisa. With a pretty silky wool, which is so decorated with sink in the bathroom ...


Your love is a fish. With a stupid scope of fins. Sleeping in the soul, leaves behind the spilled lakes on the floor.


Your love is open to the world. And all the doors of cabinets around hospitably open.


Your love does not know the barriers. When the loud voice of love yells from the far room in the kitchen "And you do not know where my ta-a-apki?", He easily dries the TV, vacuum cleaner and an open crane.


Your love is gourmet. No day can live without coffee. Such an aroma is worth. It is worth a long time ... Turning into the aroma of the Black Coffee Grounds in the sink. And these sucking brown spots are everywhere so bizarrely scattered.


Your love is almost a wizard. Always leaves the cups on the table - this is not because too lazy to give heavy load to the dishwasher. One day they will turn into beautiful swans. Or in some great Labuda. For example, in the island of pure penicillin.


Your love is Estet. It is satisfied with the warehouses of values ​​on the chairs and hangs socks on the door handles.


Your love is economic and home. Periodically rewinds your things. This is how evil enemies do not find, right? So touching!


Your love is mysterious. Periodically, she exclaims "Here is the hell!" (as an option, can blur out loud or sigh) - and on sympathetic-nervous "What are you?" Wash hand: "Nothing, nothing." And really, who is here?


Your love is extrasens. Automatically nods, not listening to what you say. Heart depleted, not otherwise! True, the heart then forget to convey the info brain. But nodes with feeling.


Your love carries the world light. And the method is so brilliantly simple: do not turn off the light in the toilet!

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