Family: 23 Sisters Stories that are not averse to jerked each other


Family: 23 Sisters Stories that are not averse to jerked each other 38192_1
Here you read such stories and you will delight that you are the only child in the family. And if not the only one, then you will thank heaven that it all happened not with you.

Dirty surprise

The sister borrowed my pants and the attack of diarrhea is overtaking. She said nothing to me and didn't even wash them, but just quietly put in the closet. I found a surprise only when we put on them.

Scary revenge

I decided to pinch over my sister. Put a bowl with syrup on her chest when she slept. Naturally, in a dream she turned and poured everything. Well, she revenged me. On the night before the school ball, half a eyebrows shared me. And now the most interesting thing is for another 10 years to grow it back.

Like in the movies

My sister swam in the hotel pool, and she is so - and let me raise you and twist, like this dude in "dirty dancing." Come on. I jump into her arms, and this fool squints with me cowards and in such a form circles on the arms raised. And the whole hotel with interest is overlooking my ass. I still have dislike pools.

Lama attack!

Family: 23 Sisters Stories that are not averse to jerked each other 38192_2
I finished school, and my sister was then 12 years old. She hacked my account on Facebook and literally flooded it with Lama! I changed my photo profile on the image of Lama. The cover also was Lama. I learned that I study at the University of Lama and I work in Lama Incorpyed. All my last statuses were exclusively about Lam.

And most importantly - she changed the password, so I could not evict these damn lamas from my account for another week!

Are you cold, maiden?

The sister studied at the dentist and, when I came to the holidays, brought with you some kind of tube - like, here, try, it is awesome lip gloss. And smeared it at me. I just understood a few minutes that it was a local anesthetic. So I promoted the whole evening with a frozen mouth.

Long way home

When I was a small, sister - as it was assumed, she had to look after me - brought me to the park. At the same time, and with his boyfriend met. We walked for a long time and I wanted to the toilet. In large. I told my sister, but she ignored. As a result, she finally agreed to return only when I, let's say, did not hold down his gust. And the road to home was long. Imagine how carefully I walked.

In school, copper had a lousy habit of leave daily gaskets right on the shorts and in this form everything to be covered in the washer. The sister scared scared, I promised her to do so but still constantly forgotten.

And once I come to school, I open a box with breakfast - and there instead of food 20 used gaskets, carefully laid my cute sister.



When I had the first milk tooth, my parents told me about the dental feud, which would take my teeth and bring a gift. And the sister said that there is also a hair fairy. And before bedtime, I ruined my hair in a raid on an extra bonus. For months we went with proposals.

Moment of glory

I sang in the bath (and I must say, I sing badly. That is, here is right), and my sister sawingly wrote my screams. And then included them in front of the guy, in which I was then in love with my ears. I was just killed.

You have the right to keep silence

The sister won in the slot machines a couple of handcuffs - plastic, but they looked like real. When the parents went to work, she fastened me to the road sign at the end of our street. And it was not so easy to remove them!

Eastern Delicates


We dined with the whole family in the eastern restaurant. And my older sister told me that this green thing is a pistachio cream. I naturally ate a full spoon. It was Vasabi. As a result, I was and to blame - I shouted so that we were asked to leave.

Happy swimming

I was a year when older sisters decided to find out if I could swim. Instead of, like all normal people, check it out in the bath or in the pool, they stuck me in the toilet and washed away.

Solemn speech

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I was a girlfriend of the bride at the sister's wedding. And we, I have to say, the fans of the film "Dried Girls". In the film there is a moment when the heroines begin to apologize to each other for all sorts of nasty, which they did each other.

Well, at the end of speech and quoted this film, saying "Sorry I laughed when you had diarrhea in the Barnes and Noble store." But none of the guests realized that it was just a quote. It was necessary to see their faces.

For beloved pet

When I was in the third grade, my sister replaced my breakfast, which I took from home - pulled out sandwiches and poured into a package of dog food. And I only found it in the class.

Fresh breath

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I just put braces. I sat and chatted, and my sister wanted me to shut up finally. I did not stumbled. And she took a deodorant in stick and he was taught from the soul to me in my mouth. Have you ever tried to clean the deodorant from braces?

Heated pool

When my sister and we were completely children, we went to vacation with the whole family. The swimming pool in the hotel was terribly cold, but we firmly decided to have fun, so they climbed straight into the ice water. And this young bitch ... In short, she shoved straight into the pool and told me - "Oh, come here, there is warm water!". And I have not enough that came. I dived there.

In trouble will not throw

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I had a SOS situation at school and I asked Tampon from the older sister. She said that she had no, turned and screamed to the whole school: "Hey, who has a tampon, my younger sister is in dire need!"

All deposit

I was 10 years old, and my sister studied in high school. Once she led home friends - a couple of cool guys. At that moment I wandered around the kitchen in training. And I got into my head to enhanced in front of her guests.

I began to make fun of her, my sister was stripped and at some point caught me and drove these training with me. Right in front of guys! I never went out of my room when she had guests.


I somehow sat down at the airport on the Zhwakhka and that tightly stuck to the pants. Mom deployed me and began to handle her. And the sister took it all on the camcorder and shook at the entire airport: "Ass chews the cheer!". We still have this record somewhere lying.

Missed opportunity


We swam in the pool, and two nice guys asked my sister, as my name is - to meet. She said that my name was Gertrude. And I calmly swimming, not paying attention to how they scream "Gertrud!" - I'm not so called.

Best gift

My sister has noted that one day, walking along the shopping center with friends, I bought a whip in a sex shop for the sake of the sake. And for the new year she decided to give me the same. Full box of wagon, if you are accurate. I open a gift - as well as a whole tangle weave. And everyone looks at me - Dad, Mom, the whole family.

Child excited

I came to buy home, and I just had monthly trouble. I went to the toilet and just found out that the drain does not work. Everything would somehow decide if it would not be a little sister, who after five minutes came running to everyone that in the toilet is full of red toilet paper.

Extreme measures

Little sister sat in the toilet and screamed that the paper was over. Naturally, I did not understand what I did not understand and all the time asked "what?". Having finished at five minutes, she stated that if I didn't bring her paper, she would pass the rug. I again: "What do you say? I can not hear!". I thought she was joking. And this Malyavka naturally left the bath and sat on the corridor rug. The lesson is absorbed.

A source

Photos: shutterstock

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