With whom you can build relationships and whom it is better to go around the party


With whom you can build relationships and whom it is better to go around the party 38188_1

With each year, a man has to take more and more solutions on its own. These decisions concern friends, work, a loved one ... and how to act in the case when you do not know how to do in one way or another? Or if you live such a person in life?

The question of uncertainty most often pops up in sexual relationships. Many young people stand up before choosing: "Who to build relationships?", "Who are you trying to establish friendly and only friendly relations?", "How to refuse not to offend?" etc. Many who are docked on this and turns their lives in a solid battle with themselves. How to do in such situations? How to overcome internal experiences and uncertainty, and make the right choice?

First of all, it is worth arrange a direct surveillance. Watch your feelings, desires, feelings in relationships with people close to you. Try yourself in different roles. Analyze clear, understandable, adequate manifestations of the reaction to your behavior.

People are usually arranged in such a way that with the slightest change in external factors, everyone revives only its position in society. Rarely, who is taken to identify the fundamental aspects of their behavior in a conjunction with a whole group of close circle of people. Here is such a human egoism. But, forcing himself to look at the world from the outside, it is very often easier to make decisions within this world. In this state, you are as an independent observer, saved from feelings, emotions, prejudice.

What conclusions can be done while in the role of your personal paparazzi? Watching through a wide prism of interpersonal relationships, you may be able to test yourself for feelings of love, hatred, malice, greed, affection, bad habits, etc. Maybe the feeling of happiness you are experiencing, not the same person with whom intimate relationships are associated. Maybe a friend who always supports, devotes to you most of his personal time, pays for its sincere attention and there is the same diamond, the transparency of which makes mistaken in feelings for other people in your life.

Most often, in young age is formed inadequate perception of real things, such as friendship between a man and a woman, relationship for money, relationship for sex. In each of such cases, it is mistaken easier. It is constantly so that a friend who is always nearby is in love with you and gives you all myself, and the one you like - gives only sex and money ... I want to notice that sex is a very fatal tool in the sexual relations. He involves a young couple in the pool of virtual love and makes feel affection and an inexplicable passion. At the same time, the moral side of the relationship remains unsuccessful, and very often replaced by the courtesy of third parties.

In order not to miss the moment that makes you deceive yourself - listen more often to feelings, both your and your intimate partner. The feelings and emotions of man do not deceive. And words and calculation - can. Recognition in love is only one thousandth share of the manifestation of feelings. Love is worth feeling in all its greatness. Love will not put you in an awkward position. She will not bill for the years lived together. Love will not make you choose. She is your choice. Her projection is in your partner, in its habits, manners, character. Love will not let anyone else to your heart, because it is - your heart.

Friend, familiar person, business partner - everyone should be on their role-playing positions in your life, and no one else, besides you, will no longer reset their figures on your chessboard. You are the master, you are your independent observer, and there is no uncertainty in your life, because there is love in it!

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