5 faithful ways to avoid conflict


5 faithful ways to avoid conflict 38187_1

All pairs quarrel. Often the conflict cleans the atmosphere, shows hidden claims, helps to get rid of negative in relationships. This is definitely better than the "quiet days" who give partners from themselves. That is why it is worth arguing, but without exaggeration.

Daily conflicts or regular jacks only increase the abyss between people. A small quarrel from time to time is an indicator of healthy relationships, the interest of a pair of trickle. Conflicts every day - messengers of serious problems. How to avoid unnecessary disputes in life together?

Not afraid of anger, but beware of rage

Often, under the influence of fatigue, alcohol or a common poor mental and physical condition, people react too sharply to any situations, even a trifle is able to completely remove from equilibrium. It is always adequate to respond to what is happening. If the partner was upset or angry - it is necessary to tell him about it. But before this do it is important to think about how to correctly explain your feelings, anger and their cause. In a situation close to the conflict, in no case should the voice be raised. The cry is good for protection against danger, but not in case of explanation of the senses.

Do not dramatize

During the dispute, it is impossible to threaten or blackmail to break the relationship. It does not serve nothing good. Thanks to emotional manipulation and carefully selected arguments, you can win the battle. But how long will the result persist? The only fruit of such behavior is the preparation of the soil for the next grand conflicts.

Change the topic of the conversation If the conversation is becoming more and more dangerous or the partner appears the first signs of anger, it is worth a gentially change the topic. A strong desire appears to criticize or mock over the second half? You need to stop, every offensive word, said during a quarrel stays for a long time in the memory of the partner. Unreasonable charges and humiliation will only strengthen the conflict.

Forget about revenge

Yes, it is natural behavior when the feelings are wounded or angry. But what does it give relationships? Continuing to revenge and live according to the law "Ocean OKO" law, it is easy to propagate a joint life into a vicious circle, a way out of which is parting. Instead of revenge, it is better to explain to the partner the essence of the problem. A constructive dialogue will give a much more result than the game "Who will stand longer to take revenge." What to do with anger? Send it to a completely different channel, for example, in creativity or sport.

Use sense of humor

Nothing distracts the quarrel as jokes and laughter. So as not to give together the conflict, it is worth it to translate into comic tone. The sense of humor is necessary in any respect. But in this case it is important to adhere to one rule: never to joke and not laugh at the senses of the partner.

Of course, it is impossible to completely clean the life from conflicts, but following simple rules, you can reduce their number to a minimum. Openness, respect and dialogue - forces that will not allow quarrels to enter and strengthen in everyday life.

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