Stereotypes that interfere with a woman be happy


Stereotypes that interfere with a woman be happy 38185_1

Since childhood, we are accustomed to certain stereotypes that society dictates. But times are changing, people change, and certain stereotypes remain and also invade our life, delivering internal discomfort and bring their adjustments to relations between people.

1. "Separation to" Male "and" Women "

A man must comply with the criteria inherent only man. A woman must comply with the criteria inherent only to a woman. A man is a hunter, a minider, a hard, not tolerance. A woman is a mother, a keeper of a homemade hearth, tolerant, affectionate. It is impossible to bear this stereotype.

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If a woman earns more (it turns out to earn money) than a man, so, according to public templates, this is no longer a family. Like in the film "Moscow does not believe in tears." There may seek such a family and Kosos, and worse, a man Alphonse call. Although in such a family, everyone is engaged in what he is better turned out.

In each person, a certain set of qualities are laid, which is considered "male" or "female", a person should not close his good sides, even if they do not correspond to the template established by the society.

2. "In any conflict one right, and the other is wrong"

Why in any dispute we are looking for the guilty and for the fact that his deed (judgment) does not correspond to our opinion, trying to punish it and prove your right thing? There is no right and wrong. There are people with different opinions, judgments, a set of knowledge, religions, etc. It is impossible to figure out where the truth is. And not why. It is necessary to understand this and accept, then people are easier to interact with each other.

3. "Criticism and condemnation should make a person better"

For some reason, people are confident in our society in our society, if a person's nose once again in his flaws, he will definitely be corrected and will become better. Only it is not. You can only push a person with your criticism and condemnation. Yes, and you probably are not perfect. Everyone can behave as he wants and considers it necessary.

4. "We must listen to the elders, because they are smarter and wiser us"

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Very ridiculous stories occur when mom or mother-in-law give advice to care and raise the child. Of course, the native people do not advise bad, but it happens that their knowledge and skills are slightly outdated and in the 21st century are no longer relevant. But they continue to persistently advise. And you can not disobey, because they know better.

Parents and people are much older than you must respect and all that, but you are not obliged to listen to their opinion if it disperses with your opinion. You have already grew up and have the right to raise your children, dress, clean the apartment, wash the dishes, as you consider it necessary. And point.

5. "Society drives us into the framework!"

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We often think: "What will tell at work if I put it on this dress?", "What will you think about if I express my opinion?". We are concerned, first of all, what they will say and think if we do not fit the image of the perfect husband, my wife, daughter, mother. Underline whatever applicable. But why do people put this "society" above themselves?

Society is just a bunch of people who have their own opinion, and which, to a greater or lesser extent, impose him.

Get rid of stereotypes that were relevant many years ago, but now do not make sense. Then you will gain inner harmony and happiness in relationships with others!

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