5 reliable ways to neutralize manipulator



Manipulators everywhere, from the parent house to the TV. How to recognize in time that you deal with a hypindion and how to beat it on her field? Yes Easy. The hypindhena always uses the same techniques, and each there is its reception.

Deformation of facts

Manipulators love to twist and tweak the facts so that you still stop understanding what exactly you are shown. The classic example of such a dexterity of the hands is the statement that "since you are fighting for the rights of women, it means that you hate men." One of the other does not follow at all.

The struggle for the interests of one group does not mean the struggle against another, you can simultaneously love both New York, and Moscow or respect someone, but not to fulfill all his requirements on the first whistle. Building such fake logical chains - the profile of many media. And some people too.

What to do: Look for real logic. There is no such manipulative turnover. And it will quickly open, if you ask the manipulator to justify why one automatically means other. "If you don't do this, you do not love me." I love, but I will not do. Because gladiolus.

Communicative sabotage

The manipulator simply ignores your statements and questions, imposes your replicas a new meaning or answers the question of the question. "Where to send this report? - Did you read the instructions? ". And now you are not talking about the reporting of the report, but about your disadvantage and weak memory. This type of manipulation is often used at work to remove the interlocutor and emphasize that its number is the first from the end.

What to do: With the stubbornness of the bulldozer, turn the conversation in the channel chosen by you. Or, if there is an opportunity, turn on the same manipulative reverse. "You do not know yourself, right? Well, okay, I'll ask the marishes. "

Oh, all!


Brewing porridge and pulling you into a dispute, the manipulator always finds the time and the opportunity to express its point of view. But when you try to make a retaliatory move, he says "Oh, all that argue with you" and runs away from the discussion. As a result, it looks calm, intelligent and balanced, and you turn into a hysterical, which waves his fists after a fight.

In fact, you just wrapped up a squall of reproaches and plugged your mouth, not letting the position. But for some reason, the blame for her ugly and stupid behavior then you feel. The manipulator is happy and happy. He also sought.

What to do: Fly shoulders and stop arguing too. Even if you commend yourself and your speech will be slight and intelligent, like the idea of ​​the Nobel laureate, the manipulator will still not listen to you.

Creating a sense of guilt

Wines is a powerful pressure lever. Fixing the scales in your favor, the manipulator makes you do everything to restore justice. But most often this wine is created artificially, and the inconvenience caused by your swine actions is greatly exaggerated. You can create a guilt in different ways - someone directly shakes you: "While you were cracking there with Lenka in a cafe, I was sitting in the patient and unfortunate," someone makes a humble physiognomy: "Do not think about me, having fun if anything - I am addping myself to the phone and call the "ambulance".

What to do: Turn the fool and pretend that you do not notice the manipulation at all. Perceive such evapunations as a simple state statement - yes, I was with Lenka, and you are temperatil. It's like that.



Each of us has buttons, pressing for which you can achieve anything. You are smart, you're a professional, you're a real friend. It is assumed that if you won't go to the manipulator, then you will lose this high rank.

What to do: Calmly and wisely explain why you say no. Breaking on those qualities that the manipulator tries to play: Yes, I am a professional, and that's why I know that cooking coffee for the whole office is not in my competence.

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