Why do you need a clitoris and appendix? 7 "strange" bodies of our body


Evolution occurs rapidly, leaving for the memory of our ancestors only rudiments - the bodies that were once needed: so argued by scientists over the past 200 years. Modern science is confident that all its components are needed to human body, even if their function has changed dramatically.



This small worm-shaped process in the right side causes many disputes about its need. Millions of years ago, he served for long-term digestion of food or was a place to reproduce the digestive bacteria - scientists did not decide.

In an adult, this bag occupies from 5 to 10 centimeters of the body and if it becomes falls - it brings a lot of pain to its owner. And it is inflamed more often than other organs - almost 90 percent of surgical operations on the abdominal cavity comes to the removal of appendicitis.

Question: Why is the appendix so often inflicts? It turns out that there are dozens of lymphatic vessels creating a large network in the walls of the process. It is lymph or subject to lymph nodes or "solitary follicles". Thus, the "unnecessary" appendix, literally impregnated with lymphatic cloth, is directly responsible for immunity. For the same reason, the process performs the barrier function for the disease of the digestive tract, literally taking the blow when inflammation. From here and 90 percent of operations. These are small appendixes for the human body during the battle.



Number one in the list to delete. Almost an alarina covered, Soviet doctors endured the verdict: cut off! Like, why are they needed, only inflamed constantly.

It turns out, almonds and adenoids are literally the guards of our body. It is here that in early childhood antibodies begin to form, which launch the protective mechanism of the body - immunity.

His feature of the defense of the body of the almonds is constantly retained all his life - that is why they are constantly blushing with a cold and swell under the sore throat. Taking the infection, they do not allow her to fall deep into the body and paint from the usual ARZ in tracheitis or pneumonia.

Men's nipples


Theorists for many years argued about the origin of nipples in men. At first they claimed: this is a sign that an ancient man was so harsh, that he could and chest milk himself.

Only at the end of the last century, scientists came to the conclusion that nature simply saves a little, avoiding complicating the design. The nipples of the human fetus are formed even before the floor is extern than the floor, that is, simply, the general human dwarf is neopled, and then the most cute-genitals are already the most for the floor - they define its shape separately. And indeed, why create two models for representatives of one species, if you can one? Moreover, the main dwarf, strictly speaking, female - because the men's Y-chromosome appeared later.

Since the dairy glands are formed with the nipples, then almost all men can really - with due stimulation hormones - feed with milk. But it is unlikely at the dawn of evolution it was common practice.

All the same applies not only to a person, but all mammals.

But the Adepts of the theory of severity are so proud of their male nipples, that as soon as summer comes, immediately remove T-shirts - to envy everyone and especially devoid of the ladies. And we may have a fire!



Another culprit of disputes. On the one hand, well, what to argue - you need to enjoy and use all its benefits. But another 50 years ago, biologists claimed that this small tubercle is a completely unnecessary body and the benefits of him at all (the voices of women were not taken into account here). Whether she accidentally consolidated mutation, or rudiment.

But contemporary science assures: nothing is just like that.

First, as in the case of the nipples, we have a clitoris because nature sculpts both sexes from one blank - a lump of nerve endings between the legs is formed by the fetus before the final formation of genitals. The boy will develop in the penis, and the girls in the clitoris. Little outside and big inside.

Secondly, most likely, in the past, human woman, like cameropers and some other animals, ovulation and conception without excitement were impossible. In addition, swelling from the excitement at the entrance to the vagina, the bulb of the clitoris helped, along with the remnants of the virgin splava, delay cum inside, increasing the chance of conception. The second ability of the clitoris is not doing anywhere.

How came out that now ovulation is not related to the stimulation of the clitoris? Scientists have a very convincing and sad hypothesis. With the development of humanity (if this can be called a development), the rape of women became widespread practices, and the offspring was born only in those of which the connection of the excitement and ovulation was broken. Naturally, the quality was inherited.

Wisdom teeth


The indigenous third molars received their name, because they cut down much later than everyone else, at 16-30 years. Someone decided that it was at this age a man wisely, and the name was so stuck.

The main function is chewing, food inheritance: herbs, roots. But as soon as we left the forest into cozy houses with curtains, the need to sort the roots with teeth disappeared. And the teeth remained.

Often they cut down, delivering a lot of inconvenience: in the modern human jaw space is not intended for them, so we climb into different directions. Therefore, most often they are removed so as not to injure neighboring, modern teeth.

However, it is not entirely correct to say that the teeth of wisdom is rudiment. Bad ecology, poverty, antisanitarian leads to the fact that in many countries by 30-40 people people remain either completely without chewing teeth, or with hemp. Here it is in the arena and the teeth of wisdom will come out so that their owner does not die with hunger.

So mankind is still stamped and stump until the moment of development, when the wisdom teeth really become rudiments.



It seems that the only real rudiment in this list is, and then perhaps scientists have missed something out of sight.

Yes, goosebumps have appeared long before we began to worry about the heroes of the Titanic and listen to the songs of the Virgin Belousov. Goose leather is the result of sawmother reflex. He worked in response to cold and danger. The spinal cord excites the peripheral nervous endings that raise the hairproof.

In the case of cold, raised hair helps keep the layer of warm air at the skin. And with the danger, the raised hair is attached to the animal volume and increase the size, scaring the enemy.

This reflex is no longer needed, since we have no thick wool left (well, except for southern Europeans, and those - conditionally), but there are no heads on the skin of these endings. So it was frozen a little bit, and the hair raised immediately. Volume, beauty.

Nevertheless, the goosebumps of Evolution survived and learned to run even in response to bright emotional experiences, which in a person, fortunately, remained.



Copchik is a triangular bone formed by the action of 4-5 vertebrae. Once he formed a tail - a very important body to maintain equilibrium and feeding different social signals.

As soon as a person became a man and rose to his feet, the need for a tail was disappeared, all his functions took on their hands.

At the very stages of development, the human embryo has a small tail, and one of 50 thousand kids is born with him. The tail is easily removed without consequences for the body.

At the modern man, the emerging vertebrae still carry a very important function, but a little changed: the tailbone is responsible for the load distribution on the body when walking and bending. And when squatting, it still remains the main point of body support. That fifth, point. And the muscles at copter, which previously moved the tail, still participate in women in childbirth!

So in our body there is nothing completely useless, it is created perfect. Here is the removal of almonds, appendix or clitoris without medical testimony - the real attavism, which should go to the past forever.

Text author: Daria Ionina

Photos: shutterstock

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