Professional makeup artist: not beauty - does not mean "urodin"


The makeup artist and photographer Natalia Galtskaya is tired of listening to people, especially women, as dismissively describing their appearance and body. She calls to remember that not a beauty is not ugliness at all!


Due to the specifics of the work, I am constantly dealing with persons of people - both live and in the frame. And people talk to me about themselves, about their appearance. And describe themselves in some way, and every time one way only to speak, a certain reality constructs alone. Even if they talk about the same thing - if you do not look, but only to listen, there are completely different paintings.

The same hair color can be "mouse", and maybe "ash".

Large, strong features of a woman in a woman (a big nose, a large chin, pronounced corners of the jaw) with a similar structure in one reading turn out to be "androgic" (pride), in another - "men" (almost with disgust), in the third jaw Ok, but the nose is not nose, but a schnob. And someone does not allocate this particular feature in any way separately, completely different things in focus of attention are the signs of age, or bruises under the eyes, or weight.

Two women are about my dimensions, that is, somewhere 60 kg at 170 cm, we could wear each other's clothes. But one "Of course, oily, but if you do not emphasize when shooting ...", and the other just lost weight and came with pride to docume the acquired harmony. If anyone asked me, so on my eye all three quite medium addition, plus-minus such among our peers hardly not the majority.

A round face can be just a round face, may not be mentioned at all, but can be disfigured with "thick cheeks".

And the long can be just so long, can be interpreted as an aristocratic and "almost English", and maybe there is a "one horse".

And this I am talking about externally objectively similar cases, when the descriptions are the strongest.

Separate thing - age. Many are sure that they look very younger than their years, but not because they look much younger than the same agers, but because the generation of our parents looked at average older. But very often the first wrinkles are described as a catastrophe, including those that, from the distance of polite communication, will not suddenly notice.


But on yourself, of course, notice. In general, such a thing: people view themselves from a very close distance, a few centimeters, in a small mirror, snoring uneven teeth, skin defects, wrinkles are the same, pigmentation, extended vessels, causing anything else - and then convinced that the whole consist of these Wrinkles, scars and acne on the chin, what exactly is this first notice the surrounding. And those, firstly, see the whole picture entirely, in dynamics, coupled with facial expressions, gestures, posture and other things, and secondly, they look from such a distance, with which part of this small things are simply not visible, if only we are not visiting Dentist.

And, returning to the terminology: a certain trap of the Russian language is that the "ugly" does not mean literally "non-beautiful", that is, not surrounding in a rather narrow framework of actual beauty standards. Synonym for "ugly" will not be "ordinary", but "ugly", "scary". Recognized, undoubted handsome and beauties (if you look at the sight of generally accepted here, and now standards, and not through a person-loving "every one is beautiful") in principle there can be no much, therefore beauty is considered a separate value and a separate bonus, this It seems like natural. But very often, people, not finding signs of such an outstanding, striking the imagination of beauty, are out of this exactly the urgency in the meaning of "all bad", as if there are only two poles, zero and phase, and not all of this many people with quite ordinary appearance which is perceived as normal - although it is precisely the majority. We are all for the most part, you can look worse or better, but for a third-party observer there will be just "everything ok", not Wow and not horror.

But this binarity is beautiful / ugly looks so that many are not ready to agree on anything, except for exceptional beauty, and without finding themselves beautiful, they are recorded immediately in drank and freaks, bypassing the usual appeal. A special case of this approach is a kind of autotreating when a person contrary to the impressions of reflection in the mirror is set to convince himself that no, he is still very beautiful. And the further the data will be accustomed to him in sensations and the body from his ideas about the ideal, the more efforts requires the maintenance of faith in their own excellence - and the more difficult relationship with the photo, because such a person, as a rule, arrange only pictures in some definite An angle or with a strong refinement, where it will not be looked like, but on a certain idealized performance.

And I sometimes want to say something like something: yes everything is OK, everything is fine, everything is fine: if you go out - around full of large noses, small eyes, nasolabial folds, asymmetric eyebrows, different types of skin, various figures, many Men with age are bald, and in women, in principle, on average, the legs are shorter than that of men, and all this is the usual thing, no one looks back and does not shout "Look, watch!", this is not scary and not disgusting to see this, and this is not It should be scary to have. In any appearance there are specifics, some interesting chips, which can be fun to look at and which can be focused, and with all this absolutely you can look cool. Or cute. Or cool. Or attractive. Or just look normally. And this color of the hair is called simply "blonde", while "mouse hair" is those that grow directly on the mouse.

Illustrations: shutterstock

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