Three exclusively female things that bear all men


Three exclusively female things that bear all men 38179_1

It turns out that phrases: "What are you nobody", "what do you want" and "what you are not behind" - not at all from the evil, but very much from a man who is very right. The strong half of the world of damn makes only three things that are not only programmed in women, but also use them in non-stop mode. We learned the terrible truth, and now she is yours!

Men are a very calm people. Only here it is necessary to understand that, saying "men", I do not mean those stupid people who are inflicted with ten doses of coffee and megapolis, as well as the fact that they were offended and continue without a break to offend all sorts of evil people. Speaking of "Men", I mean those very correct people who at the end of the working day leisurely and pleasantly possess themselves on the couch, more comfortably attach a bottle with a relaxing drink, include "Discovery", and then confidently and well contemplate the functioning of wondrny cars.

But I must say that even these beautiful, the best of representatives of the human race can be brought to indignation, often - just!

And every reasonable wife tries to avoid this, for it perfectly understands that "God's husband's wife will be worse!" - This is the faithful formula. For if her husband was worried about her, then nafig needs such a husband. And if it came to the fact that both of them were already wounded each other, then the prospects for the Union become pretty dark.

So: no need to annoy the spouse is good. And in order to do so well and do - you need to understand why it is most often annoyed, otherwise these kind and calm people are concerned, that is, men.

Point first. Continuous tragic

The mid-hearth wife has many emotions. And among them there are a lot of negative. And now she immediately wants to settle them with her husband! For who will understand how not a husband, then you mean a man who right here claim to be listed relatives and loved ones, and in general in it?

And now it starts: here is somehow squeal. Here, here are evil people offend. Here, there are bad people there are not good come, and how can you be like this?! And here they swear. But on those in the most anger lacks. And so on and so on: this rapid jack is enough for the whole evening.

Husband from such that you, aunty, knew, often nervous. And strongly. For his head is spelled out that it is necessary to fix it. If the wife is upset - everything is simple: the wife was worried! And urgently need to save the situation! And he saves - consults, advises, and then he saves - comforts and advises, and then again, and once again ... And on the tenth twist, he comes to the observation that the process is endless. And followed by this, the consideration comes to him that it is probably because it is not able to repair it. Then the man somehow suddenly understands that it turns out a pretty fuck chip and Dale. Understands, and begins to be angry. Expressing this its condition by the observation "What are you not doing all the time?".

Point second. Generosity in communication

For a woman, what comes into communication is faithful and in general the most important sign that she is well done and beauty! And therefore they want to play here. And if everyone is suspiciously silent all the time - it is not good.

In men, communication is nothing more than a means of reporting information. What a communication is the time and end immediately after the information by the interlocutor is understandable. For what to talk about?

Therefore, the lady, which, with the help of communication, tests, as far as it is well done here, and as a result, any Purga is boring - it doesn't matter what, if only a nice conversation was going between pleasant people, it makes nervous quickly.

For: we seem to be about it. Oh, no, that's about it. What about what? But this is where in general? Sooner or later, you can hear something like "dear, what do you want?" Or more concise: "What did you get to do?".

Point third. Principle of cat.

As it was possible to see above, the beautiful half of our society seeks to communicate to such an extent that sometimes a man begins to twitch his eyes. The third way, with the help of which the lady can bring a man to insane screams - persistent and extensive desire to take part in the affairs. Something like a cat, who tries to draw attention to when you are busy. The cat is suitable here, it makes meaks there, here the pawrs takes. And then sit down on what you need most and looks at you.

Similarly, the precious half: here she wants to be curious, here she must be clarified, there she will give good advice, and then she will ask your opinion. Then she wondered if you were not tired, a little later I will check whether it was not hungry, and for the exhaustion of options, it will take a new circle. Just because she wishes to take part in what makes a man and wants to play with her. And here is the problem. The fact is that a simple, single threaded processor is built into a man. He can do or those. Or that. And the same at the same time is very difficult. Therefore, it is quite soon from the bowels of your precious, a deaf growl is heard. And straight offensive words: "Listen, leave, yes? Give things to do? ".

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