15 focus of human psyche


15 focus of human psyche 38177_1

All people are different - Thanks to my mother, dad, genetic code and the experience gained experience. But at the same time there are such things on which we all react is absolutely the same. And this is not just "curious oddities", but the features of perception that we can easily use in everyday life. Read and arrow!

The most pleasant combination of sounds for a person is his name. This is used by psychologists, Pikaperians and NLP lovers. Use and you, if you want to establish contact with the interlocutor and to enjoy sugar.

In order to overcome insomnia, it is enough to take the right pose. Try to go on your back, relax all the muscles and roll up pupils up. It is in this position that your eyes are during sleep. The brain will receive the necessary impulse and you quickly light up.

Loud confident speech during the dispute is the key to the victory. The argument is secondary human perception mechanisms are primarily tuned to intonation, facial expressions, gestures and only then for the meaning of the said.

It is believed that a direct look talks about the honesty of the interlocutor. Nothing like this! A good loss perfectly holds a direct outdoor look. But not all know how to control hands - if the hands are "nervous", if the interlocutor covers your mouth, then it is turtled to the nose - think you should not lie.

If at night you are tormented by nightmares, make sure you do not marznet in a dream. The colder in the bedroom, the most likely that a maniac with a chainsaw will come to your dream.

Most people in an unfamiliar place when choosing a direction rotate to the right. This useful knowledge - for example, on the left side of the track is always free, and if you need to choose which way to become - remember that the left is always less than the people.

Dark color of clothing is not the best choice for a working interview or first date. Black is subconsciously perceived by the interlocutor, as a depressive or even aggressive. Do you know that sports judges often finant teams in black shape? Think about it.

Buyers prefer ordered shelves and hangers "discount" baskets and shelves, on which the goods are fell in heaps. It seems to them that such goods are more interesting and cheaper. This is used by shop owners, especially having a mess.

A person practically does not perceive the combination of blue and red, as well as green and red. If you want to love you and appreciate, avoid this color.

Inaction causes stress. You know the proverb "There is nothing worse than waiting and catching up." So this is a pure truth. A person must certainly be something busy. In modern airports, the luggage zone is specifically shuting up so that the aircraft to the ribbon needed to have for quite a long time. It's easier for a person to pass 10 minutes before the luggage compartment than the same ten minutes to wait near the empty conveyor, shifting from foot to the leg and surviving.

The mechanism of perception in people is very clever: he does not need items, he knows how to work with macro images. "It is unjugable in Kokm the booby rope-beaches in the ward. Summer Vaonezh, it's choths and suffered Bkuva fucking on Svioh Metsakh. "

Caesar knew how to do three things at the same time, Napoleon - two ... not true! The brain focuses on executing only one task at a specific point in time. And the fact that you can parallel to watch the movie and play "zombie against plants" - nothing means. In fact, the second task is just a background. But to switch from one task to another can be pretty quickly.

A person can work out and consolidate any habit. It is enough to withstand 66 days. This is, of course, averaged figure. Because some useful habits - for example, to do in the morning, charging requires a little more effort. But in any case, if it is purposefully forcing yourself to do the same thing for two or three months, it will cease to be something new, complex and unpleasant and, in the end, you just stop noticing it.

Fools are lucky. Incompetent people often become leaders, while driving cleverware continue to sit on the lower steps of the career ladder and do not understand what is happening. Everything is simple. The incompetent boobs are so incompetent that they overestimate their capabilities and because of this know how and risk, and to climb forward and, oddly enough, to win. And the clever people are constantly doubted, underestimate themselves, calculate possible risks ... and remain in place. We do not encourage to be more stupid, but we ask you to respect and love yourself.

Claws in the opinion of others look smarter and more confident. People believe that IQ scoopers are above 15 points.

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