How to be happy if you live with a smart woman


How to be happy if you live with a smart woman 38176_1

What is a clever woman and what to live with it is ordinary and, we will be honest, not a very smart man. Because on the one hand, a smart woman is a woman with a doctoral dissertation in two different sciences, which may unexpectedly hang, considering the spatial-temporal equation. It is almost impossible to live with this, in nature they are quite rare, and in general, we turned out such a blue stocking, and not a smart woman.

On the other hand, smart, she is a wise woman - this is such an ideal manipulator. A woman who has a husband is always full, dressed, fucked, satisfied and obedient, and she supports it and provides him with comfort. That is, the mind is such a way to extract the fur coat. That at current times is quite offensive. No, we are not against the fur coat, even on the contrary, but to call the correct combination of blowjob and multicookers - it is somehow strange. Thinking thoroughly and fighting in themselves we came to the following:

A smart woman does not focus on men

She loves men, they had it, there will be - but this is not the purpose of her life. She also has a job, and a career, and an interesting hobby, and the man is more likely a pleasant addition.

Plus: Most likely it means that it will not spend his life in search of an ideal man, and will not "scream from what was", trying to turn the monster in a beautiful prince, but just will live with those who choose.

Minus: She will definitely dedicate to a man with all of themselves. Although if you think, it is also plus, because with such that, which "sacrifices everything", to live very difficult and emotionally expensive.

Smart woman appreciates his time

After all, she has something to spend it. Therefore, it is likely to quickly determine, she needs this person or not. And this means that it will not drive for a long time, pull, and reflect "give or not to give." She will quickly enter the relationship on some reasonable conditions, and then, if the time comes, just as quickly and relatively painless of them will come out.

Pluses: deal with a person who mostly knows what he wants is essentially easier than with a hammer.

Cons: Parting can be "relatively painless" for her. For a man, it can become an unpleasant surprise. Although the fool himself, of course.

Smart woman sees you through

Experience and observation allow her to see her) when she was lying, b) when it is really unhappy, c) when the trouble is outside, but they are trying to drink on it (and so everyone do, and even she herself), d) when a person It is truly exhausted, exterger and ready to fall from fatigue, e) And when he is just too lazy. He will see, and will behave according to the situation. And this, apparently, the most important difference between a smart woman from the fool.

Smart woman and sees themselves through

Man, in essence, is pretty simple. The fair part of the emotions experienced is pure chemistry. And the smart woman knows how to control it. Eating a chocolate when sugar drops, a bloody steak, when hemoglobin dropped, drink a broth during a hangover, smoke a cigarette on the nerves, to be in silence and loneliness if necessary, and buy a dress when the snow goes the third day in a row.

Pros: These simple techniques save the mass of time and nerves, and as a result, a smart woman is much less likely to scandalite on trifles.

Cons: First, she will expect the same control over emotions from his man. Secondly, it will be really serious problems, it will not be discussed at elevated colors ("You spread socks around the room, and you still do not love me), but with a cold head. Cold head can be somewhat harder than an old good scandal.

Smart woman thinks projects

She knows what he wants, and knows how to achieve it. The man in this case is not the center of the world, but there is always some kind of role in the project. A very definite role, because as soon as you go beyond the scope, they will immediately indicate them. In practice, this means that if a man has for a fun joint leisure with blackjack and mountain bikes - she will not demand from him that he keeps her, lived with her forever and did her children. A smart woman never confuses one with another and the situation "she thinks that she has a relationship with me, and I just sleep with her" - I'm not exactly about her.

Pros: It is very convenient. In general, in a situation, the truth live is much more convenient than in the shortcomings and lies.

Cons: Well, first, it is always her project. Not yours. And, secondly, if you want to change the role and pro-painting with a fun sports lover before, say, the satellite of life is not very easy to do. High trust will have to be deserved: to withstand exams, pass several rounds of interviews and withstand field trials. In general, everything is serious.

Smart woman knows how to analyze

This manifests itself absolutely in everything. And it is not always nice. In particular, its satellite will not be easy when he will have any adski an interesting exciting project and he wants to completely change his life: change profession, city or country of residence, to start iguana or yacht. It is important not to confuse: she is not killjoy and his project does not bruise. It just tasks a number of leading questions: Does he understand how much it will cost how much effort will you have to spend, what risks are there, including reputational. The conversation can be pretty silent.

Pros: It can come up with a sketch of a working business plan and an excellent roadmap.

Cons: The satellite may seem that she ruthlessly pulled his crystal dream. Here are these sapots on a 15-centimeter stud, aha.

Smart woman has a memory

In combination with observation and analytical abilities, memory is a terrible weapon. Any idea, any focus that her husband can offer her, she was already offered, and most likely he himself. Just a man forgot about it. And she is not. And the results of these actions, tricks or ideas, it also remembers. Even if they were successful.

Pros: Memory is a useful thing. You can ask for a memorial clever, when the last time utilities were paid. Or where are the keys to the house (she most likely knows that there is only four places in the apartment, including a refrigerator where they can be).

Cons: It is wildly annoying. In general, the memory of women must be disconnected so that they have everything, as for the first time.

Smart woman, however, never ceases to be a woman

Small and large signs of attention, gifts, romantic evenings, courting and good manners - she can analyze it and treat it about the same way as to the chemistry of the body, but it will not cease to love it. The biggest mistake that a stupid man can make is to think that the smart woman does not need tulips. Do not repeat our mistakes.

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