Circumcision of girls and the abduction of mothers: why in Russia get the title of "sexist of the year"


March 10 in the Moscow House of Journalist announced the laureates of the Runet of the Prize "Sexist of the Year - 2016". The premium is organized by the initiative group "For feminism" and is awarded for the most dense and patriarchal statements against women. And, although in itself she is not too large, there is a lot of scandals on the Internet.

Network vote has been held since 2010. The brightest nominee of 2010 was the chairman of the Central Election Commission Lydia Yermoshin (Belarus). Speaking of women, the participants of the protest action against the falsification of the election results, she stated: "There is nothing to do with these women! Would sit at home, borsch cooked. And not on the squares of the shops. " Lydia Yermoshina was sent by mail the main prize - a saucepan for borscht.

The winners of the past years were Vsevolod Chaplin, Elena Mizululin, Herman Sterligov, Maxim Stepanenko, Pavel Astakhov.


The vote of the award is held in five nominations: "sexist of the year", "sexism in the media", "sexism in advertising", "women against women", "anti-sanitary policy."

This year, the main thing from the titles, Sexist of the Year (78.6% of the Votes) was obtained by the Chairman of the Coordination Center of the Muslims of the North Caucasus Ismail Berdiyev, who spoke in support of the barbaric operation on women's genitalia - "Women's Circuit." "It is necessary to cut all women so that the debauchery does not have on Earth so that sexuality decreased," the mufti said, confirming that circumcision is practiced in some areas of Dagestan. Also Berdiyev said that "It is necessary to reduce the sexuality of women": "The woman of the Most High created for her to give birth to children and raised them. And this [circumcision] has nothing to do with this. Women from this do not cease to give birth. But the debauchery would be less. "

Officially, the mufti from his point of view later refused, calling her joke. In case Mr. Berdiyev again change the opinion, our edition reminds him that at least half of the debauchery make men (and especially in places where women are not available) and maybe something to cut something like this?


In the nomination "Sexism in the media", Gazeta.Ru and biologist-evolutionist Alexander Markov for an interview with "why women are beneficial to be illiterate", gaining 45.6%. It was nominated for the conclusion about the alleged "evolutionary benefit" for women belong to the discriminated group (be poor and illiterate). We are waiting for Markkova Labor on the joys of diseases, hunger and homelessness.

In my Learn the winner before the results announced wrote:

"It's fine! I was nominated for the premium "Sexist of the Year"! ".

Markov managed to bypass before the finish of the leader's leading at first, who announced a set of football commentators in his school, saying: "Not accepting girls." He explained his decision by the fact that there are no good commentator women, so it is meaningless to teach women.

In the nomination "Sexism in advertising" won the video of the Moscow Credit Bank "New Year's Fairy Tale" by typing 61%. That is the most, where Santa Claus pulls over the forests of a single mother who wrote a girl's letter to him. This video was nominated for promoting violence and social segregation of women. He shows a man as a judge and a executioner who has moral right to apply violence to correct the "wrong woman."

The editorial office cannot but recall that, according to statistics, much more men than women are not interested in their children. So, not that Santa Claus strange and tormented.


In the nomination "Women against Women", the coach and "Women's coach for success, material welfare and the achievement of the purposes of" female "Julia Pecherskaya, gaining 46.4%. She is nominated for the public justification of violence against women. "Those cases that I know when a man beats a woman is related to the fact that the woman is manifested as a man. Woman behaves wrong. If you understand that a man a priori is physically stronger than you, why do you raise him morally? When a woman makes a man's brain - a male psyche is much more waters than women, is equivalent to the way if a man is a woman beat. "

We are kind and therefore we will not advise Julia to compare both on your experience.

In the nomination "Antizhenskaya politics", the team of deputies of the State Duma (O.Yu.Batalina, O.V.Okuneva, Sh.Yu.Saralyyev, M.V. Suraev, A.V.Zharkov, V.P.Voltsky, M. T.Gagiyev, V.I. Melnik, M.S.Gadzhiev, E.A.Vtorginina, D.A. Belik, O.M. Kazakova; Members of the Council of Federation G.N. Carelova, Z.F. Krakunkin, L . N. Bokova, E.B.Mizulina, O.F. Kovitidi, E.V.Popova) for the development and introduction of a draft federal law to the State Duma of the Russian Federation "On Amendments to Article 116 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (in terms of criminal procedure Responsibility for beatings) ", typing 70.4%. The project provides for the decriminalization of the beatings committed against loved ones.

The response to the change, as noted by the scandalous E. Roizman, was a surge of domestic violence against women.


None of the laureates of Antipremia are on the awards ceremony, even in some kind of brands proud of it - did not come and diplomas will be sent to the winners by mail. The editors were also a week failed any official winner reaction, but the award noticed everything except them.

Natasha Bitten says, the founder of the Sexist of the Year Prize:

"Two years we invited the winners, but they did not come. We did not spend more at this time. Some nominated and winners wrote about it in social networks, but exclusively in the insolent to our address tone. In such cases, I generally do not see the meaning to invite them.

Threats from our nominees never came, but the scandal with the muftius this year turned out to be loud. "

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