New Year in a snowdrift, or ode dacha


In every person's life, it was at least once. New Year outside the city, a party in a snowdrift, irrigated champagne and vodka, the northern lights in a separate head. In essence, there is nothing better. Yes, we insist: the new year in the country village in the Moscow region is better, pleasant and more fun than the new year under palm trees. Just need to observe simple rules.

First of all, the cottage must be good. The ideal option is the old professorial cottage in Kratovo or in Sheremetyevka, a huge, a little chaotic and dilapidated, warm, with all the amenities, but some kind of delolifey. Yes, and to be sure to be a grandfather library with pre-revolutionary editions of Vereshchagin - not that someone to reread them with a hangover, but still nice. Another ideal option is a proletarian six acres, on which from the amenities - a stove and a sorter with a heart cut into the door for drafts. No, of course, a rational modern intelligent cottage is also nothing, especially if there is a capital mangal and fireplace in the ground. But still it's a little wrong, nothing can be done. There are still country houses without live fire inside, but we will not even discuss it.

Choosing a company

New Year in a snowdrift, or ode dacha 38173_1

Meet the New Year at the cottage - it's like going to intelligence or descend on the bottom in the submarine. One incorrect character with negative vibrations can spoil the whole holiday. And yes, this character can easily be you. There will be no escape from the cottage, the tram does not go, they do not catch a taxi. Only the closest, only the most fun, so be ready.


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Over the city is very dark. A polar night has come in the middle lane of Russia. In the city, this is not so noticeable due to the lighting and festive illumination, and in the country they will have to take care of all. Well, however, that Chinese LED garlands cost pennies and electricity almost do not consume. Create yourself a holiday yourself, buy a kilometer of these garlands and envelop everything around them. Let the world shine and overflows.

Christmas tree

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Buying a Christmas tree - the wildest idea and moveton. Reasonable people took care of it in advance and planted the Christmas tree in the center of their six acres, so that there was where to drive a dance, and pumping vodka in the snow, in order for the energy of the dance he ended. If there is no Christmas tree on the plot, you can decorate with plum toys, apple trees, pear, or at worst currant or burdock. Everything is better than dragging the tree into the cottage somewhere in the nursery tree or collect plastic basement. In the end, when will you meet the new year under the pear?


New Year in a snowdrift, or ode dacha 38173_4

Cut the firewood in advance. The stove or fireplace you will have to burn all night, and pricking firewood drunk - incredibly, expectable, absurdly stupid idea, a potential nomination for the Darwin Award (Believe people who went to the district injury with a drove foot at five in the morning). It is more stupid only to juggle with grenades. Just in case, find out in advance where you have the nearest hospital duty.


New Year in a snowdrift, or ode dacha 38173_5

Paranoque among us claims to run fireworks in the country village with wooden houses - a bad idea. Worse only flying paper lanterns with a candle inside, "Hi Fireman." A reasonable person inside us says: winter, wet, snow, maybe swears. But in any case, if you do, then do it in a big one. Fireworks need to purchase the maximum amount and draining on all the money.


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There is no TV on a good dacha, but the radio is broken. The music for dances is pumped into the phone in advance and allowed through portable columns, the New Year's appeal to the president is retelling in their own words as desired, and the time of the new year's occurrence is determined by agreement when the phones begin to break away from congratulations. In general, this is the best moment in an isolated dacha celebration: when the owners and guests look at the clock and appoint the new era.


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If someone else has anyone else in the country village, you can come to you. In general, the bond is an old Russian tradition, almost lost, but the tail from her, fortunately, remained. We will come, congratulate, bring with you, and you will still nallet. Do not drive neighbors, but do not hesitate them. With a good scenario, they will whisper on how your guests from the roof naked jumped into a snowdrift.

Strong healthy Son.

New Year in a snowdrift, or ode dacha 38173_8

On an advanced great dacha, each passing pair will take their room, nothing interesting. On the old professorship, there are millions of surcharges, rooms and chestnakers, and you will easily find some kind of unwanted birdhouse, attached to the attic in the form of a semi-plated balcony. In the proletarian litter or a collection-shield house, everyone will fall in the bedrooms around the stove. This is so fun, but for the final consumer fun, it is necessary to highlight a separate room in which different newlyweds and just those who are neat will be able to have sex. But only in turn, freeing the room for the following.

Morning. Discipline

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The next thing is important not to relax. At that moment, when all guests are in a state of harsh East, someone one (you) should take a whip and a knotted baton and start disposal. Plex - in this corner. You are preparing porridge! You go to water! You collect dirty disposable dishes and burn it here! For work, villains! The sun is still high! No wondered, until everyone escapes! There is, of course, the chance that after that no one will come to you, but it is fun, and most importantly, in the morning relaxed state on January 1, no one can resist you. Happy New Year, cute, take care of yourself! Photo:

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