How to determine what you apologize too often and stop


How to determine what you apologize too often and stop 38170_1

When the hairdresser burns you stamp on the temple with a hot hair dryer, you say: "Oh, sorry"? Then this article is for you. If you have more than five of your cases, you need to do so for sure! Just do not apologize, good?

Scary smile

When you write someone a letter or comment, you are very scary and embarrassing to put an exclamation mark or abuse emoticons. On the other hand, without them it seems to you that the text is obtained by some dry and miserable. It's nice to know that you are not from those who scream capslock for the entire page, but, however, you have the right to express our emotions in the text, even with the help of an exclamation mark. Here is like us!

Well, how do you have a kara?

When the hairdresser is pleased with a satisfied voice: "Do you like?" You do not have the strength to answer honestly and instead sluggishly depict enthusiasm. Because somehow conscientiously offend a person, because he tried. You're sitting for two hours and silently watched how his work brings the catastrophe on your head. It was silent, which means it is to blame himself, and also to leave the tips now, herself in punishment.

But you are princess

If someone, do not give the goddess, goes to the public toilet, in the cabin of which you retired, you freeze as a rabbit in the light of headlights. TSSS! No sounds can be published, it is indecent. I do not care that it is here that these sounds are not appropriate. You are so polite rabbit, which is ready to overcome the lowest instincts of your body.

Chinese ceremonies


How are you? - Okay? - And you? "Good ... You can lead a long time to lead such meaningless and stressed dialogues with a person who, honestly, absolutely do not remember. Who is it? Former classmate? Founder of the company? Applicant for the post of courier? Well, since he spoke to you, it is necessary to diligently support the light of human communication. You are a happy discovery of any drunk chatter in the subway, whining the companion in the plane and patient vest every unfortunate and a little inadequate soul that comes across you on the way.

Telepathic signal

You are terribly revenge on a shameless contraction, which breaks you in front of you in line with your "I just ask for a minute" or "just buy cigarettes." Oh, yes, you mercilessly burn her brazen heads with their eyes. If the thought was materially, all these shameless macushki would have exploded long ago, decorating the city of a cheerful fireworks. Fight! Fight!

Sorry I live

Who would have crashed into you when you are peacefully and not breaking any rules, you walk down the street, you apologize. It does not matter who it is: a cyclist on a strange track, a doggyman, entangled by his leash, grandmother with a cart, a guy with a mega-backpack: Sorry, sorry, sorry, I'm not to blame, but if you suddenly guilty, then I beg, forgive me!

No change


You can not insist that the saleswoman (or courier) themselves solved the problem of passing. Therefore, you will quit everything and go to exchange money on stalls and pharmacies. Maybe you will even buy something unnecessary there, because after all, it's not to ask for people to twist a five-hour so. And in general, you wanted to buy yourself here, it means that these are your problems. We must be modest!

Turn off the light, the tip of the fork

Parents taught you as a child to kindly divide on all the last candy or mandar. Here you are all your life and shudder, if you suddenly appear a shameful desire to devour the last piece of pizza or hide a lonely olive from the menia. Our advice to you: Do it. Take and burn! Or even so, buy yourself in the store a whole bank of olives (package of tangerines, a box of sweets ...), hide in the room and at least once in my life do not go with anyone while you do not like it yourself.

Finnish shame

You call spammers. "Alla, we offer credit services", "Hello, Congratulations, you are recorded in a cosmetic salon", "Dear residents, according to the order of the government, you must buy our water meters for a million rubles and seven kopecks right now right now." And you, you can't make yourself just throw the phone! You talk to them, you even try to explain something to them. Seriously, enough!

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