Nasty, who made us colleagues. PICS.RU collects stories



Somehow we remembered how it was to sit in the office, with different people. Very different. Sometimes nothing, sometimes good, and sometimes such that in a fairy tale say ...

For example, one girl had a colleague who fell away from everyone who tried to leave ahead of time, even if things were made and the immediate superior released - laid higher bosses. They went straight in the evenings on Open-Space, and everyone sat down and creaked with teeth.


One Madame was not too lazy to find in the wardrobe cabinet package with shoes of a hated colleague, and poured into this package of salad residues with a mahinez. On Friday evening, to Monday, it took stronger. How did they calculate? Yes, few people in this office ate such salads, well, and calculate who in what order on Friday left was easy. Colleague cat, in pure form.

The Secretary of the Dissertation Council had an opinion on who is worth it, and who should not be a candidate of science. Only this can be explained by the fact that in the archive of templates of documents that he sent me, as well as all other dissertations, there was no one important template. By 14 pages. Which I knew on my knee, my other colleagues were made in half an hour while I was in defense. It would be possible to take it for an error. If two weeks before that, it was not that he "forgot to tell me (and only me) about the recent change of the standard of references (they had to be done not 10, and 11 in size), as a result of which I had to reformat layout with preservation of the number of pages (increase the font of the links. Remove the growing 5 pages of the text without changing the meaning and, of course, the numbering of the table of contents), print new 6 copies, sign in three different offices, cross them in accordance with the requirements and disseminate six other offices. . Our common chief in the end I volomoved, but I did not disappear from this from this.

So did not know who it was. My colleague on the table was a neat box with floppy disks (yes, it was a long time ago). Someone was not too lazy to find and put in a box a strong industrial magnet.

I had a boss who drove in a chair in the chair in the back and jokingly poked me with his nose in Klava. I was 19 years then, and I could not figure out my feelings - it's ridiculous or necessary to turn around and give it to the face


Another grimace of the overall wardrobe. The new fur coat cut the hole on his back. From the inside, lifting the lining. The girl went home on the car of a young man, so that the option "in the subway" is excluded. Pucklanched, demolished to sew, went to work in the downpun and kept the Ear End.

The Secretary of the Chef Osfolotually abolished the presentation of the girl at the presentation, everyone said that she was sick, it would not be, the organizers struggle with difficulty beat the program. When the girl found, from where the legs grow, the secretary, smiling serenely, said that she warned her by phone. Calls were really, because the orgivers were constantly solved. The chef chose not to understand, the monthly preparation of the speech went to the rush.

I had fun at work. Once I saw an open computer with a strange code, climbed and instructed in random order of different characters. We already knew that he had a strange sense of humor, and when he came to the owner of the computer, why the hell was going on in his work that - they decided the question in the smoking room. But a piece of code had to do again.


We had one. I went to the common kitchen, I saw a colleague girl's mug with hot coffee and a wide gesture splashing back brandy from the locker. The girl returned for a mug and went with her to the negotiation, not the podstava - a young, non-drinking, an unfamiliar spirit. Not only is half the air sitting at the table pulled the air with great bewilderment, so she bored, coughed and dreamed. And he did not even hide. "But what, she would not prevent any of the courage, ha ha

The guy worked on the telephone sales network and left, did not get involved when I realized that his removal changes in boxes new phones on the worn (whom he had about something apparently invisible), but such boxes do not sell, but puts on ordinary top. The young man did the chief approached, he - "Can you prove? You can not, so silent. "

The girl came to work from vacation, and found out that her table had taken another, and her working materials were thrown into. Everything. And personal belongings - too. To the legitarious question "What the hell?" The invader looked at the girlfriend and cheerfully reported that there was nothing in the boxes. The same couple treated the service laptop of another colleague for reformatting under some kind of contrived pretext. The laptop was listed at the office, the IT people did not specify whose whose it is specifically.

Appreciate colleagues, which are just obsessively expressed, sweat or noisily eat. Let it be the worst, with what everyone will have to face!

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