Recipe for the FBI agent, how to charming people and make friends



Former Agent FBI Jack Schafer wrote the book "Include charm according to the method of special services". After all, it is forbidden (that is, charm!) All around is a vital thing. For all. Therefore, listen and remember.

Shafer simply and intelligibly tells how to overtake almost anyone for friendship, love, solid discount or for the benefit of the Motherland. Some and the same methods help the fBrovtsu in communicating with the cashiers and with Russian spies. We do not see the reasons why we will not become Mata Hari, and without unnecessary movements of the stomach.

Truthful lies

Important condition! All manipulations recommended by Schafer are carried out from sincere desire to make friends, blame. Own sympathy for an unfamiliar while man is half. If you do not have it, it is not worth starting. First, it is not good to deceive, secondly, it is still sooner or later to fall up to the mission.

I do not bite

First you need to show a person that you are safe. Many townoons since childhood learn to walk with a special person and saying "ugly". Raised shoulders, disabled eyebrows, pursed lips, business gait. Such an appearance testifies to readiness to fight and for a friendly chatter is not very suitable. So, first, we straighten, relax your face. Secondly, we do not pay a person's personal space. Let's say you can adjust so that every day ride in the elevator along with a pretty counterpart, but for a start it should always stand in the corner far from it.

Good signs

There are microengies that give people to know that you are friendly. This is a rapid raising of eyebrows, drawing the chin, a sincere smile, a short eyes in the eye, the declination of the head of the side, shaking the hair (at the same time with the eye of the eye). For accuracy, it is better, of course, look at the illustration in the book. But, in general, it is clear. You enter into one room with the "object": Derg Eyebrow, the star earring and head of the side, like a smart labrador. You can practice in front of the mirror.

Curious barbarian

If an unknown person, which all the time falls on his eyes, is safe, but it remains unknown, it becomes mysterious. The natural feeling of curiosity can be heated, also making something interesting. Stare in the smartphone does not apply to tempting classes. But, for example, if you get a big notebook and start to draw, or you will twist the Rubik cube in your hands, it will be likely to dare to you with questions and advice.

Love for me

You can start the conversation first. The most important thing in the conversation is to immediately transfer her focus on the interlocutor. You need to give a chance to a person to talk about yourself, praise yourself or regret. For example, in the evening, almost anyone can say "probably you're already tired." Not tired? Perfectly! "We must be very hardy to work so much." And now he is already praised himself. And instead of a rough bowl, you can retell someone else's praise. ("I heard how the director recommended you"). Another way to give a person to get it - to make a mistake and allow it to fix it: "So you have a mark-up, I suppose, all 200%! - No, only 150% "- OP, and you learned confidential information and sneaks someone's pride.

Much in common


To find something in common with a person, it is enough to pay attention to clothes. On T-shirt Heroes of the cartoon - Wow, I also love "Futurama"! If you have a common tight, then the joint experience can be created. The main thing is that it is not boring. People bring together overall happiness and general adversity. So you can escape along with work half an hour early and wrap over ice cream. Or go to the horror movie and press it with full right during the most terrible moments. All sorts there flights on the paraglider is also a great thing.

Principle of reciprocity

People, even stating out loud that no one should have anything to anyone, always seek to equalize the score. Interestingly, it is useful and to make a person a favor, and ask for help itself. In any case, small and relevant requests and support strengthen the connection. You can stretch to a man from a neighboring table or skip it first to a machine with drinks. And on "Thank you" answer not "please", but "oh well, would you not help me?". OP, worst Or ask him to post your jacket a couple of minutes, grab the bag of chips for you from the store - now he thinks you're a fee and, oddly enough, it is located to strengthen the relationship. After all, debtors, unlike lenders, do not forget.

Reveal the ears


Few people can listen carefully. We are constantly distracted, then on the sound of a text message, then on your own inner voice. If you try at least two thirds of time to honestly listen to his stories, then you will show the most soulful and sensitive person. Confirm your attention, in time saying "yep" and "yeah", asking clarifying questions, like "so you say, cut you straight on the traffic light?!" Bend to the interlocutor, move away the items on the table that you share you, you can even carefully touch his hands. But the underly lips running eyes and crossed hands will give him to understand that he is absolutely not interesting for you. By the way, probably, you have already noticed that all the listed tips can be used in order to loosen and scare away people. It is only necessary to do the opposite.

Dosage frankness

People are easier revealed if you take a step towards and showing frank itself. But no matter how burning inside, "he is my half!", The FBI suggests: it's not necessary to pour all my biography at once. Especially on introverts. By the way, the interesting advice from the shower, how to distinguish the introvert from the extrovert. Starting to speak without bringing some phrase to the end. Extravert, most likely finishes it for you, and introvert will be silent. So, with introverts career. They need more personal space and make sure of your security longer, and then they are also supporting, like all other citizens. By the way, the book tells about how to keep the conquered sympathy, and how to protect yourself when meeting in a social network, where tricks with gestures and views are not possible. In general, a useful thing, that's just you have to learn to control the movements of your eyebrows :)

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