7 trash checks that men arrange to women, and that women actually think about them


There are men who are confident that all women are bitch, but to take, stop and not trying to communicate with such terrible creatures cannot. In order not to remain too long in the relationship, they come up with thrash checks, which are a psychologically healthy person will not even try, and then joyfully shouting "Yeah, came across! Do not marry! " And go to check the other.

We selected the 7 most suitable checks from male forums like "male movement" and from social networks and added a comment - as such a check looks like a normal woman.



The most, maybe light from checks. When you go with a cute under the handle, you bring it to the puddle and or on the puddle, or only spend it. If you love, it will not be removed!

What sees a woman: I am here with bare feet in expensive shoes, which put on a specially on a date with him, and then he drags me into a cold dirty. It is unlikely that such a man can take care of his wife and family.


Go together to swim together. Stick with her bra or panties and run out of the water. If she, after all the screams and crying, will not decide to go out, and will be sitn for several hours, then chascrew, you have to take. (And, apparently, long and lovingly treating the problems of the urinary system up to the acquired infertility). If it sills and come out to dress somehow, then the whore is the same. Need another woman.

What sees a woman: First, to undress my woman in public places - this is clearly some kind of perversion, and who knows what the smoke Mr. Gray is lighted in a sepole. Secondly, the urinary system I have one, the other will not be issued, and I intend to use different purposes for a very long time.


Give your woman for a birthday bag of potatoes or swarms. If she fastened and ran to fry potatoes and cook borsch, then a suitable woman, urgently in the registry office.

What sees a woman: Straight feels like a person I wanted to arrange a holiday. Gave the bag of dirty root roots, also hints that in his only one birthday, I should rush from all my legs, clean and cook. Love to me straight rake, yeah.


Suddenly start running around the road, ordinary or iron, under the nose at the car or train. A woman ran with you - it means that it is ready to fire, water and the depth of Siberian ores. And otherwise why she in general, without Siberian ores.

What sees a woman: Someone here seems to not burn with the desire to leave the upcoming generations a little of their genes, but rushes right towards the Darwin Prize. Defective, shorter, individual.


To come to a woman drunk, break some thing and score in the center of the living room. If in the morning it will not reproach, it can be good, it can be suitable.

What sees a woman: In the country, where in every yard on an alcoholic-friend in the eyes of the neighbors, the hell is arranged by his wife and children and shove into pants, it is absolutely clear what is a violent alkash than he is dangerous and why you should never stay with him.


This, honestly, an outdated way, but also asks for a selection. There are such shaman-stone on the hangar. In the past times, the guys brought the girls there and threw into the water. If the girl tried to escape, wondering the stone or coast, then the guy understood that she would be a bad wife: strong, independent (from the editorial office: Love, again). If the girl started sinking, the guy asked whether she was ready to admit him his master and to serve him, and only under this condition saved. And then married.

What sees a woman: It is difficult for us to pick up a couple of the most laconic for this situation from the extensive stock.


We must ask the woman to wash your crazed pants. Well, really cramped. And only with your hands. Fixed - it means there will be a good wife.

What sees a woman: Lord, yes, he is a scratch.

Text author: Lilith Mazikina

Illustration: shuttestock

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