10 things that your grandmother will definitely do on the Internet. Do you want this or not


It she says you have an Internet addiction. It stands forever by the shoulder, while you correspond in chat. It is inadvertently closes the browser with hundreds of the tabs, and then says "I did not press anything! It is self. " And these are still flowers. Something will be when grandmother will enter the network!

Where is this button?

She will start with the fact that he will write something good things like letters. Or DJN NFRBVB. The smartest will try in advance to explain to the relative difference between the software and iron, the Internet and the browser, the browser and the text editor, the window and the screen, the cross and a dash ... But the panic bell "Oh, I died somewhere!" Anyway is inevitable.

Attack of viruses!

Then she picks up the virus. Try to honestly send SMS on the number indicated on the screen. After a day, I will give up and ask for help. In the interrogation goes into the non-scribe. I did not download anything. Nothing opened. Where did I get on your desktop what?! You like such words with a woman say!

Smile to the world: o)

Cast grandmother mailbox - and you will never be bored anymore. All news about closing stables, free distribution of iPhones, Plans of the City Hall on the shooting of librarians and, of course, life-affirming presentations in PowerPoint, which must certainly send another 5 people, now yours!

Sorry, we appeal to you ...

"I have a very serious, trusting conversation. On horseback a large amount. It is necessary to find the contacts of your fellow worker. Here, in general, the inheritance needs to be transferred to one person. Well, what are you laughing? Good man. Already two days rewrite. Pleasant gentleman from Nigeria. In Russian writes, however, with errors, but very polite. "

What is your elf?

Social networks are more or less mastered, so the era of tests comes: how old will you die? - Do not wait! In which country do you need to live? - No already the country. Will you surrender EGE in Russian? - Yes, you have three mistakes in the test! Who are you in the "Game of Thrones"? - And now they look?!

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Having understood with what kind of pokemon she is, grandmother will get rich to enrich the Internet to what it lacked it. 20 gigs of photographs of seedlings, epos about the adventures of the cat Kuzma and the whole truth about the scoundrels from the home administration: Cher, like, rivers.

Commentator number 1.

The matriarch will appreciate your erotic photo session on the troechka. Pale you somehow. And lost weight. I did not put my blouse, but in vain. Who else will tell you the truth. And, by the way, who shot you in this form? Come on, how do you say, in Fri-Ji? Future son-in-law, after all.

This is the Internet, granddaughter

If the grandmother subsided, then she reads. You. Your entire blog for 10 years will be read before you guess to hide under the castle. So, therefore, where you were in 2007, when you were asked to go to the cottage and pour roses like you. But I'm not offended, no, no. I'll show you Friends Your children's photos. And I will tell you the funny story about the rustic toilet.

Prev, old shrink!

To your shame, the grandmother will picker and start using the most terrible network jargon. Let's say, Mom will say that she has "bombed from the latest news." Or will the anniversary respond to the toast loud: "Loyas my friends!" By the way, wait for her, khm, friends in their account. Maria Lvovna liked your photo from corporate. Leonid Igorevich recommends that you your nephew. Stepanida Akulovna winks to you and a firefold hi. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA !!!!!!

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