Archery, Japanese calligraphy and shipbuilding: Women and their hobbies


We asked for three readers to tell about their hobbies. Well, of course, as they generally came to hand into the hands, an ax and onions. We, for example, did not come.

Look at their stories, maybe among these hobbies there is such a thing that did not have enough to you?

Ax and sails

Alina, Engineer, St. Petersburg


Everything probably began in childhood. I really liked hiking on kayaks, in which my parents took me. And the adventure novels liked. And at one fine moment, sitting on the shore and looking at the yacht, I realized that I would like in the sea right now. And I began to look for how, how can I get into the magic world of waves and sails!

On the Internet came across the announcement of training on the captain's gicke. Guns are sailing and rowing boats, usually go to the vests to open water, and then put masts and are already under the sail. Came and ... fell in love. These boats are beautiful. At first, it was not easy with them - and there was heavy, and the gear of all sorts of a bunch, and it is necessary to do everything clearly and nicely to leave somewhere ... Then he learned, of course, and began to help teach newbies, herself learn to manage the boat, recorded in a sports team. The fourth season is already involved in regattas. This summer we will go to international competitions in Denmark. Sport although amateur, but everything is serious.

In the hands of the ax I went myself. That is, at all the tool, actually axes are rarely used, in life not as in the movies. After all, it is like: you like to ride - love and boats repair. Hiking every year require repair, here to patch something, there to remake something. So I had to learn to cut, strict, cut the details of the jigsaw - all this is what boys probably engaged in school in labor lessons in mysterious depths of workshop-carpentry. We have a job separately for boys and for girls there are no shipyards, we can not be in sailing sports. All learn everything. There would be a desire.


This is a cool feeling, in the evening to escape from the office on shipyard, change the dress on the working combo and a few more hours to buzz to the plane - throw out the energy, to do something that you will be used, where the result is visible. Well, to talk with like-minded people, of course. People who connect the overall fascinating business with which you feel yours - this is especially important. For my team, I can subscribe to that, for which alone in a right mind - for nothing.

For example, I have a terrible phone phobia. But it is necessary, so it is necessary, I will call all the construction data to find out if they have a certain kind of nails. I can't imagine anything sadness of the simulator room, but I am preparing for the regatta - okay!

The project "Standard", in which I participate, only four gifts. Two thirds of what is in Russia. Five percent of the world number of gickecs in general. It is cool, shorter. In the twelve meter gicke, they are built according to the sample of the eighteenth century. Such an adolescence of Peter. On one boat 10 wedged, three masts, 3 sails and a team of a dozen (plus-minus) man.


We ride mainly at the Finnish bay. But hiking is away from us. Onega, Ladoga, traveled to Finland. Here in Denmark in the summer, the gick on the wagon will be lucky. We will go for a long time.

When first came out of the bay (not far away, in fact, for the fort for Kronstadt, they walked), just breathtaking with impressions. Especially when they went at night. Very quiet, only the waves splash the background, sit, look out for lights. Throwing the randomly head - and there the stars are swing, they write down the glowing eights, and it seems that overboard - open space.

Alina Page

Bow and arrows

Daria, Philologist, Moscow


Archery from Luke, in fact, as a hobby is not warful at all. On the contrary, it is a very meditative occupation. You do not think between shots or when you release an arrow, too focused on fixing poses and targets. You are aimed no sight, but all the body. Everything that interests you now is to get to the target. But if I got, yes, he dug - so that the three arrows stuck nearby and you can bite them with two fingers ... there is no limit to the hole! YU-HU! I can!

The club saw by chance. Came and discovered the perfect company! There are already many other girls. Many are actually cool linens. The coach in the club to girls is very benevolently, no prejudice. When she was preparing the girls to the competition, he was doing with many for free. It is proud of it, and you feel skin when you are in the club.

He says to the boys: "Shoot, like a girl." Because the girls with the bow are really getting steeper.

We had a dramatic story. A girl from a disadvantaged family got to the club, he studied at that very school, where the club was based. She had a real talent. She freely pulled 50 pounds of Luke (the norm of the trained uncle), shot "like a car" - clearly, accurately, quickly. The coach began to promote her to competition. Eleventh class, she had every chance to escape from the environment in which she was, through sports. Enter as a master of sports in a steep university, for example, by benefit. But a month before the competition, her guy suddenly began to criticize her, say that she had a man like a man, and she threw it ... The guy was engaged in us too. And, unlike her, did not demonstrate any success. After this story, the door to the club for him was, of course, closed.

In Moscow, on Lucodroms, it is rather expensive. We must look for a good suitable club, with a normal human atmosphere, and it will be uncomfortable. Not all places respond to these criteria.

With shooting even such a moment. National Archery Culture in Russia is lost, among the Russians. That is, we, unfortunately, not the Mongols, who from Luca shoot everything, not Buryats, who have a lot of holidays on Rich shooting, not the Koreans, who are shooting onion - this is a real type of art, like calligraphy and every movement - This is a fixed ritual. For comparison: the usual airfield of the European tradition does the hour of good shooting of 60 shots. Korean affection - from three to eight. But beautiful!

In Russia, there are still disputes that even about what Luke (Mongolian Little or Big European) was shot in Russia.

I basically shoot a large English bows, it is considered classic. His advantage is that, thanks to the sizes, if the lunger flies his hand, while the oscillation reaches the boom ... that it will fly away. English bow stable. And the Mongolian onions is completely small and for me remains a mystery, as it can be concerned. Apparently, learning should be started when the child gets on his feet. But we have a couple of people from him shoots. Train every day many months, so that there was at least some result.

English big onions gives good opportunities in this plan. Two or three classes are already producing a rack, and after the first month of shooting can be moved to long distances - first 18 meters, then 30 and so do not reach 70. But this is a traditional shooting, and with sports is still easier - it is still easy to spend enough Cool onions with lenses, optics, body kites, plungers and other joys - and you can immediately shoot 30 meters. Here is another technique, it is important to adjust the onions itself.

From competitions great pleasure. We compete in the Barev class. That is, we shoot out of naked onions, without marking, without a hint on the sight (such a kind of shooting is also called intuitive), so that the technique may be the most different. One Dagestan Laughing in the last competitions at all everly shot, and she applied with a bow as I have never seen - I moved my hand on top-down, depending on the distance to the target.

On Lukodrom, the first thing is safety. The targets go only on the team, when everyone shot a series, no one hurry anywhere, shooting is underway simultaneously.

Onions I wanted since childhood. Onions, spear and battle bike.

Knife and brush

Ekaterina, Journalist, St. Petersburg


Calligraphy I got involved when I started to interest Japan at all. At first about a year, he studied Japanese to "Momidzi", then the Japanese teachers at the courses, where I studied, offered to open a group on the occupation of calligraphy. I was then almost omnivorous in everything that concerned Japanese traditional arts, so I agreed hardly, not among the first. Well, and then the process of writing hieroglyphs with a brush and carcass ... This is something special, hooked with the first lesson.

With European calligraphy, I have not been before, and now it is hardly pulling to get acquainted. Still, the European written sign is the letter, it means sound, or at once two sounds, or not a single sound at all, but it's still sound. The hieroglyph is almost always an independent symbol filled with its own value and meaning. It is the reflection of this independent meaning in writing me most interesting.

And the fencing on the knives is, rather, the consequences of the role of the Past. Even when the high school student was, saw in the forest of strange people from the then still wooden swords - and caught fire to learn something like so much. Pure sports fencing immediately immediately, changed a couple of amateurs trainers, and at the first courses of the university a friend with similar interests told about the Armory Club Andrei Nechaeva. She walked there herself. And I came.


In the club, generally teach working with a cold weapon simulator of any length, the knife as the main "specialization" I chose myself. Just because it is a weapon not only polygons, and not even so many polygons, how many of the realities of our life. The knife does not look as spectacular like a sword with a tricky Garda, but for me practice in weapons is more important than aesthetics.

In the dark, I will not be almost beautiful for me, and outside the fight separately get the knife and carefully look at it to him.

I like the consciousness of what I have, what to oppose, let's say, turning life. The situation when you have to regularly confront the training more, large and severe enemy, forms a specific attitude towards life problems. The first reaction becomes attack, and not to clamp an angle and whine. Just because the second will not help with some kind of scenario.

Fencing, like any martial art, is primarily interaction with a partner. And with a partner, which, under the condition of the task, is by no means friendly to me. This is also a kind of life lesson: if you learn to keep calm and interact with a person who rushes on you with a knife, albeit training - then the evil boss at work or Hamlo in transport this nonsense will seem!

In the Japanese and Chinese calligraphy, it has a special meaning than what and what you write. Here is aesthetics in pure form: brush, stew, Buntein (Georgic, which pressed the sheet) - each of these things can be a separate piece of art. The process of preparing materials is a kind of meditation: neatly decompose everything on the table, rub the mascara, if you work dry ... In the group, we wrote already liquid ink, because the time of classes was limited, but at home I have a dry carcass, so sometimes interesting Play the whole process from the very beginning.

When you draw a hieroglyph, the error is no longer possible to erase like a pencil. If it turned out unevenly - and at first it always turns out unevenly - take a new sheet and start again. So after our classes, each remained a thick pack of drafts. Perhaps this is a good practice for those who are afraid to make mistakes: Nakoshachil, I saw, I understood exactly where I was withdrawn, then I took a new white sheet - and try again. The second, fifth, tenth ... until it turns out.


In some sense, fencing and calligraphy are similar - both develop perseverance and accuracy of the hand. Only every occupation is in its own way.

Fencing is a very harmonious occupation, it gives a load on the whole body at once. And the load is very powerful. A note wishing to lose weight - everything is individually, of course, but after each workout jeans fell. Of great importance in training is attached security, of course. Both partner when working a knife is mandatory in helmets with a frequent grid, the protection of the throat, protective gloves and a manner. The helmet with the grid is very important when you work with a knife, because one of the most frequent blows is a straight-stuck in the face.

Girls in training is required breast protection. I wear full hull protection: the press is still weak. We have a girl who has the muscles of the press hold a straight stuck. I'm far from being so far.

The training knives themselves are also safe: this is a rod from a textolite, covered with foam and top-fabric. It turns out inhinking, but the elastic design is quite enough. A steel sharp knife in battle should not try to try, and I'm glad to this. It's one thing - training for the development of the body and spirit, another - the threat of life. I understand that there may be a situation when I have to use a real knife to protect myself or your loved ones, but it is rather meant to go on such a situation.

There will be an alternative to such a situation - either to die, or go to jail for the fact that someone stabbed. I do not like any option.

Page Catherine

Interview took: Lilith Mazikina

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