Rules of life. Freddie Kruger. PICS.RU takes an interview



How to trust people if one day already died?

Few know that Christian Lobutien inspired It is the red stripes on my sweater.

If a you feel sorry for children killed by me Just imagine that fly with them in the plane. Sixteen hours.

So that the knives are tightly held on the fingers You have to use completely thermonuclear lacquer. The nails are then restored for months, break, go beside - where your shellac is there.

Yes, I keep a spoon, you still ask you about masturbation ...

If you want to know Where is your favorite , do not ask for an ash. Ask Elm.

I plan to try on The role of leading in "Good night, kids" . I obviously, it is better for any of the applicants - I still have no baby walked.

The biggest nightmare of my own life is the county reader: "Once, two, Freddie goes for you, three, four, better the door to close." Seven seasons in a row "you close". This is unbearable. It would be better "happiness" with "bad weather" stamped, honestly.

Hate minions . They will disgrace the impeccable reputation of monsters.

After the last remake I decided no longer kill children . Now I kill scripts.

I will not be visible: Alexander Smilanskaya

Read and tremble!

Rules of life. Agent smitherifie life. Halpped life. Hannibal lecturers of life. Lord Volan de Mortpraville Life. Dart wadered life. Alien

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