What are the midwives silent: 20 secrets


They really saw everything. Quite all. Every day, these women help to appear on the light of hundreds of new people, but we do not know much about their work. Here are 20 facts that make you look at them in a new way.

Infuriates when people think that you only hold the woman inherence and all


Of course, we support and encourage women in childbirth, but besides, do not forget that we have a medical education! We put droppers, control epidural anesthesia, make injections of insulin, take blood for analysis and - yes! - We sew the skin in the most-prey intimate places.

It is impossible to stop surprising


To be for the child, the first person in the whole universe, who touched him, just take a newborn in his hands - it seizes the spirit. It doesn't matter how long the day, stressful and extinguishing was the day - the appearance of a baby to the light always shakes. Helping the baby to come to this world - what could be magnificent?

Parents are hatching cool


See how a person becomes a parent - incredible. You notice how all movements and gestures are softened, become completely different. In one moment, the voltage is replaced by endless happiness. It is fantastic.

We live for this glance


This is what: the full curiosity of the look of a woman when she looks at her child for the first time in his life. This is what fills everything around the meaning and, honestly, why we ourselves are not afraid to give birth to children. We see that women feel - endless joy and incredible love - when they take their child on the hands, and we also want to survive it.

The colossal sense of responsibility scares


Especially scary when you take childbirth for the first time. Suddenly you realize that you keep in your hands the life, health and happiness is not one person. And all the training sessions in the world cannot transfer this feeling.

We think all children are beautiful


When you ask "True, he is beautiful?" And we answer that yes, undoubtedly, we really think so. In our eyes, all children are really beautiful. We know that children are very different, and we have seen a wide variety of children.

And we nurse with them when we can


We do not always have enough time for this, but when the new-minted mother invites you to hold the newborn baby - how to resist? And the favorite part of our work is to secretly sniff newborn, they smell just wonderful. That would make flavors for cars with such a smell!

Women are too worried about poop


Believe me, it does not bother us. No, it really does not bother us, we are accustomed to this, this is a normal part of life. But some women are very afraid to rope during childbirth, clamped and cannot be effectively agitated. Births can delay, so if you do not want to suffer for a long time, just relax. And spit on poop!

Some fathers can behave like full assholes


To do selfie, to wander around Rodarla, getting angry in trifles, and - of course - to play Pokemon Gow (it was lucky to play, because the wife found it rather funny). Sometimes I really want to say a woman that she and alone will become an excellent parent. But we, of course, silent. Just kicking the mountain papash.

Scream on us, and we are threatened


Mommies are shouting in childbirth, we are always called us, they ask for something, but this is normal. It happens much worse when women and their partners become aggressive and begin to fight, which happens much more often than you think.

You have deep sincere relationships with people in a very short time.


First you see people when they are bad, and then you see them when they are good. Despite the fact that we are confused with the legs, trying to help many women at once, we are pleased to be part of such an important day of their lives.

Birth of premature children - a special case


We spend a huge amount of time, soothing upset moms. Often, premature babies have excellent prospects, and stress is hardly helping the mother to cope with childbirth and to do everything on it. We are trying to help them tune in for the best.

Most of all we are busy in the fall


Christmas and New Year lead to a burst of fertility in approximately September, so we simply knock out of the forces! So if you do not want to add us work, do not forget about the protection at all these parties.

Sometimes we have to take the children immediately after birth


Unfortunately, not all women are ready or want to become a mother. Sometimes women give birth in prison, sometimes they refuse a child before birth. And sometimes, especially if the woman took drugs and other potent substances, the child urgently needs help, even if it looks quite healthy.

Our duty is very long and rarely end in time


We have 9 and 12-hour working days with a changeable chart, which means the absence of a weekend warranty if necessary. In addition, we often work overtime, because you have to do a lot of paper work - it never ends.

There are almost no breaks in our work.


We usually do not have time for lunch, and often we do not have time to drink even water, sit down longer than 5 minutes. 5 minutes - this is already a real luck! So we are always with sore legs and hungry.

Pregnancy does not always end well


Everything happens. And we are always ready to come to the help of the kids who, born, do not give signs of life, we wash them, wear them, support parents as we can. We try to help survive this tragedy.

We are much plan


Sometimes these are tears of joy, sometimes tears of fatigue, sometimes tears of excitement, sadness. No one said that being an obstetric is easy, but most of us did not suspect that it is so hard.

Often we can give very little


Helping a giving birth woman is a deeply emotional process that is quite exhausting, and sometimes by the end of duty you are just lying down and feel that you can't give a woman almost nothing but basic support. It is not cool, but the forces are missing.

But we can do nothing with them - and go back to work every time

We would listen if they said that we never think about throwing everything and quit, especially after especially tough duty. But most of us are not going anywhere. We miss the very look too. Not to mention the hugs.

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