Men-Plemaki: Why did they all sneak



It cost us to explain to the world, why such a number of male individuals is sitting on barbells or publicly irrigates any vertical surface, as women wanted further explanations. How many more incomprehensible remains in the world of men!

For example, why many of them constantly spit on the street? You will begin to bypass your harmless to a man and here ... urgently jump to the side, otherwise the dress or sneakers will be decorated very original. Is it really difficult to convey to urn or lawn, women ask themselves, and that, finally, makes men to behave.

We answer. Good reasons for at least seven.

He was in the past life camel

The karmic memory is so easy not to overcome. Anyone who was in the past life is a sloth or a cat (which, as you know, want to sleep most of the day), willingly confirm it. And former camels are difficult to resist from spoiling every half a kilometer.

Memory about seeds of youth

In the early years, many young men find it important to find their company. Sometimes they are lynching and looking for her right in the yard. And in such companies, most of the social interaction is a joint eating of seeds, with a squeezing of them right in the mouth and constant sprinkling of husk. For a couple of years of everyday communication in this style, one is getting used to.

This is his way to cope with the foul language.

Ancient, honorable, Russian, tested by thousands of peasants. I looked around, the vorrel wondrous Russian Autumn-Spring Weather - the words are torn out of the soul. And if the words are the words that you promised to pronounce that in order to raise the cultural level of the Soviet village, the willy-unillires convert them to the spit. Something should break out!

Sublimation is not in time asking libido

Anthropologists and followers of psychiatric schools of the beginning of the twentieth century indicate that the ancient, almost primitive part of our "I" puts a sign of equality between saliva and sperm and, thus, spit and, if the spit got on a woman, an attempt to fertilize. And if the spit was in the air - well, you understood.

He challenges the public

Under such a sauce, you know, you can do absolutely any nasty for others. Literally any. It was still opened panks at the end of the seventies. Well, you know who could have a blustery of Iroquo. Then they were still Tru.

It was captured by aggressive microprases

From the womb to the brain. They urgently need to colonize this planet, they highly multiply and send new teams of colonizers using saliva captured individuals. Normal behavior for parasites, you can check in the textbook of biology.

Really wanted to visor through the nostril, but fastened

And not to allocate something at least something could not. In general, he made a little less nasty choice between the spit somewhere, where people can be, and the popular delivery of a natural device for urination, which we hope it does not use also to continue a kind. It seems to us that it is better to stay in an evolutionary past.

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