6 Wise Proverbs with an unexpected ending from PICS.ru


You, too, good and deep parables, walking on social networks, are only tested ten times? We decided to look at them under a new angle and reveal them more, farther and deeper. For new enlightenment.

Carrots, eggs and coffee

A young woman came to the mother and began to complain about the vital difficulties and troubles in family life. Mother, having listened for a while, took her to the kitchen and there she put three saucepans with water on fire. In one saucepan, she laid a carrot, to another - eggs, and in the third - ground coffee.

A few minutes after the boiling, the mother took off the saucepans from the fire and offered her daughter in turn to eat and drink their contents. "After all, I put it both, and the third to the same water," said the senior woman, watching the guest eats. "And how they changed differently! The carrots in boiling water became soft, eggs - hard, and coffee changed the taste of water! Do you understand what I want to say?

"Mum!" answered daughter. "I came to get a little moral support, and you even could not care for breakfast without breaking me without arranging your ordinary performance from it. You know what, now with all the experiences, I will go to psychoanalyst, it is better to spend money on him than your nerves on you! And I also highly recommend contacting the specialist, because for your stupid show it was not necessary to boil two eggs to one carrot. Psychoanalyst will be what you say! "

Bank with stones

Students asked her professor at a lecture on philosophy about what makes a man happy. The professor took out from somewhere the bank and began to fill it with stones. "Is this bank full?" He finally asked. "Yes," the students answered. Then Professor began to pour sand into the bank. The grains of the sands were seeping between the stones, clogging into each free space. "See? Now she is truly full, "said Professor. "I want you to understand ..."

"Stand, Professor," interrupted his one student. "We know this parable with the jar. Much more interesting, where are you, fucking, so simply took stones and sand? This is not a Dolban Department of Geology, you teach us Fi-Lo-co-Fi-Yu! "

Professor Lukavo smiled an impatient girl and gently replied: "From the kidneys, Ivanova. All these stones and sand are from my kidneys. "


A group of matured classmates came to visit his former class teacher. They all began to talk about themselves, and everyone made a good career. But then the disciples began to complain about problems at work and at home.

The teacher listened carefully, and then ordered to cut the cake and went to the kitchen behind the coffee pot and cups. She returned with a tray, stuck with the most different cups and glasses, from beautiful and elegant to ordinary sherbaty glasses, and offered guests to pour themselves coffee. When the cake was eaten, the teacher asked if they understood the hint.

"Oh yeah!" exclaimed her favorite, Petrov Lyuba. "Guys, in fact, life is like coffee, and everything else is just a cup. So we praised beautiful cups, as if the taste of coffee from this will change ... And Magdalena Elizarovna modestly drinks from the glass and the pleasure gets no less! "

"The fool you, Petrov," interrupted any teacher. "I wanted you to show that while you are complaining here that pearls have chalk, I'm interrupted on a budget salary. I do not even have a single whole service to put on the table on the anniversary! And you are not enough that, instead of a good thing, I only gave me this broom pink, so also all the good cups were sprayed, leaving me a centenary glass. Good students better now! Send from here! "

And the old woman began to beat young people a bouquet of roses, until they left her apartment.

Space punctuality


One businessman who arrived in the monastery, for a long time waited in the mountains nearby when the monk conductor comes. In the monastery, he was angrily asked the abbot, as it is possible that the conductor sent for four hours after him later than necessary. "Forgive us, Miryanin," said the abbot. "But we show cosmic, not worldly punctuality. Look. What value for the forest has a drop in one sheet? And what value for the universe has a violation of your schedule? "

"In this case," said businessman, "I will not sign a sponsorship check. What value for the universe have this money? " Then the monks overwhelmed and threw him into the abyss so that he would not spoil their beautiful picture of the world. And checks and without it there are lovers to sign.


A young Muslim from the city came to rest to her grandfather in the village. He drew attention to how all women are tightly closed, despite the suffocating summer heat. Many even with difficulty moved, their faces were red.

"Grandfather," he asked then, "Why are all these women so hardened?" The old man pulled two candies from his pocket, one in the wrapper, the other without, and asked what of their grandson is ready to eat. "In the wrapper, of course, she is cleaner," the guy replied. "With women the same," his grandfather told him.

The grandson looked at him shocked "I have only two questions," he said. "First, why do you keep dirty candy without paper with you? And secondly, you are here what, really erect women?!?! "


One respectable coach-coach convened people to a lecture on wisdom, promising that all their idea of ​​life will turn over. At the lecture, he constantly quoted the wise and touching statements of famous people, especially Albert Einstein. Many in the audience were recorded behind the coach, and only one strange man in a raincoat and the hat overthrow all the time: "Einstein did not say that! What nonsense? Complete nonsense!"

At first, the coach reminded that these quotes are well known, but finally his patience burst, and he suggested to leave the audience to leave the audience if he was so unpleasant to listen to a lecture.

The listener did not answer a word this time, and turned out rapidly, passed the whole city, reached the cemetery and disappeared there in one of the graves. It was Albert Einstein.

Text: Lilit Mazikina

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