Search for things at the hope of Pavlovna Kahanovoy - Everything can be found!


A hundred times so happened: you are looking for a thing, you are looking for, and you can not find, although just what was here! Knowing people advise in this case to turn to the hope of Pavlovna Kakhanova - Pics.Ru collected real stories when this woman helps.

A long time ago (EDAC in 1910-1912), my great-grandmother was driving on the train to the Far East with children (my grandfather and his sister). She rushed to the great-grandfather, who was sent to serve as the outskirts of the Empire. With them in the coupe, the lady's lady in the age. On the road, Bardak is always going with two children. All the time you need to find one thing, then another. A bear rolled somewhere, somewhere there was a spoon, etc.

On the second day, the Prababashka began to lose their self-control, when the lady, who was sitting opposite advised: "And you say:" I give the hope of Pavlovna Kakhanova (the name of the lost item) three times - and find. The great-grandmother stared at her and answered something in the spirit: "What else is Nadezhda Pavlovna? Do not fool my head. " In response he heard: "Nadezhda Pavlovna Kohanova is me. I have a gift to return people lost things. "

Since then, already 100 years old, my family and friends have been using this safe and helps it really real. Of course, we are talking about things that are not forgotten in the subway, but "That's somewhere there should be." You know for sure that the passport is somewhere at home, and you can't find. Tell me simply "I give the hope of Pavlovna Kakhanova passport" (3 times) and look for a little bit.

This infection works! Crow her knee! I was looking for the keys from the working safe here after the holiday, I didn't go crazy. 12 hours of search all over the apartment! And what would you think? Nadezhda Pavlovna worked!


Now I used it. I live in a one-room with a child, but the child is awl. And it can hide anything - anywhere. Lost the remote control in the hall. 2 weeks we were looking for him. Very uncomfortable without a remote. I remembered this legend. Every day I found the remote! And where I was looking for him, my dad, my MCH! Now I do not remember where Danin's things sung. I put up for sale, and already the buyer called. Let's see whether


2 times it was very necessary. Once the husband's passport has lost before in the registry office. And the second - documents for the cottage. Were straight for an hour!


Lost an earring. Large, silver. I endured their last time on the dr husband (February 2), I took off for the night for it is unrealistic, huge. If, when removing one, it was no longer naturally attention would be paid. On March 8, I wanted to go to work - the Dazarp - there is no one. I broke everything and not at times. Well, exactly at home should be! Later, the Son came down that I went out on the street that day. Children ice cream was impatient, ran to the nearest store. Maybe there, I think, dropped ... But after all, she took the same way as before bedtime ... In short, I already mentally said goodbye to her.

This topic was seen, but the hands did not reach looking for the way above. I even told my husband, he asked everything "when you walked?" On Saturday evening "presented", I immediately went around all the possible locations of the dislocation, no ... spit. In the morning on Sunday, I have glasses and the "festive" dishes from the cabinet (the son of DR, the guests were waiting for), the husband stands nearby. Suddenly screams "Not a fig itself! Suns, returned! " On the shelf, which I am not visible, if you don't get up on my thoughts, my earring was found on the leg! These glasses did not take a long time ago.


The most unexpected find was at the beginning of summer. The background is this: my mom has a teaspoon that my grandfather (her father) found in the American plane on her birthday (that is, it was concluded that day she was born). The grandfather served at the airfield, the plane to repair them seems to be driving or disassemble after the war, I do not remember exactly. So, just a spoon of stainless steel, but an unusual shape, a handle to the spoon itself is welded, seam is visible, well, it is written on it "Made in USA. Stainless "In short, nothing outstanding, and its entire value in memory. The spoon was always kept in mom, periodically issuing to children.

When Egor was small, my mother gave her, it is comfortable to feed, the form is successful. And one day at the cottage (as I thought) she disappeared. They did not notice immediately, they were looking for both at the cottage, and at home, they decided that they were thrown away. They got sick and forgotten. And here I give in the summer, I think I will look at all the same in the country using NP. Well, found! In the drawer with old newspapers that are used for extracts. Which damn me there, I do not know, but the fact, the spoon was there!


It was not sick for six months, now she has bothered, but not to find a spray for the nose. And then this temka. I got up, it means, in the middle of the room, I was convinced that no one erupts and "gave" three times "N.P. His deryvin-spray. At first I stretched to search on the shelves, I just started to get upset, think that N.P. Does not know what it is ... And then, once, I open the box with the linen - 2 bottles are detachment, old almost empty and what he was looking for. In the underwear!


Laughing with laughter, but I already saw this temk, a couple of months ago ... just lost my passport, it was 2 weeks before the departure ... In principle, I was neat, that is, there is no habit of hugging so that it's not at all ... but lost ... break everything! Literally everything! Even in the antleesoles in the garage! There was no place left in the house, nor dust at the same time! I was looking for him for 2 weeks!

Racing here on the Temko of lost things, and thought, what the hell is not joking? It will not be worse for sure ... after half an hour a husband comes and asks what will he be, if he finds my passport? I promised in the disorder ... He stretches my passport! He was in the old bag, which I suffered for charity .... Mug before paying the box, I again reviewed everything ... I watched five hundred and there ... well, it was not there !!! So do not believe after that people!


Lost in the apartment pack of broots, bought in winter in our joint venture "for the summer" under the dress. Well, as always, I received, loved and dodged away to do not play hard. And with the ends. In the spring I did not find, I decided to "give these brooches of NP in the summer. I did not find it ... I still guess where they were missing.


Virgin, I'm shocked. I clean in the room from which this ill-fated hedgehog disappeared. Well, I think, I will call the kohan. Such something climbing on the playpen (we have a dry pool and nothing more) - and on top of the balls lies hedgehog !!! The one we are looking for from the environment !!! I really became unpleasant. I will throw it into this dry pool at this dry pool once for the weekend blanket pillows threw. How could Yezh be on top? Some kind of mysticism.


Caucan did not appeal. And even somehow did not believe in all these houses. But here in the fall, I lost the documents, all documents on the daughter. Restore - tin! I ruled the whole table, my husband follows me, then mother-in-law, then the eldest daughter. No documents. I called all the places where we went with these documents, did not find it. I quietly suited, well, as I could lose a thick folder.

Honestly, I do not remember what I said. Exactly from the soul, with tears and prayer. And found. At your desk. At which each piece of paper was folded, 4 people looked carefully. I do not think the Lord decided to joke with me.


Found a children's phone. And they knew exactly where he was left before the loss. For 3 days after the "Darment", it was found in a closet with working clothes, at the back of the wall, and I did not look for it there, it climbed randomly. How could he get there?!


And I did not help !!! Lost medical gem policy. The whole apartment broke, in some places already 2 times. Today we went to make a new policy (


I did not help (though I have a lot of lost)) an umbrella, gold earrings (but it most likely lost home, so it did not feed any special hopes), old photos (here are most sorry. All old family photos have been more. Looking for, several times all drawers of the house broke. And unsuccessfully. I read the spell for each thing. But nothing was happening.


Three times checked - it worked three times. The last case - my daughter started a new toy phone somewhere. The child suffers, Mom is nervous and smys at home with dad. After the magic formula, the phone was found under the crib. The husband had already checked everything in two times there (I didn't just glanced, but retiring).


I give the hope of Pavlovna Kakhana male brains. I give the hope of Pavlovna Kakhana male brains. I give the hope of Pavlovna Kakhana male brains. They are definitely not lost in any subway and should be unequivocally somewhere here. Not so long ago were still in place. And then they took and disappeared. Nadezhda Pavlovna, give, very necessary! :)

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