Trained turtles and cats, guarding cutlets. Annealing homemade pets


The one who keeps pets knows that sometimes they are capable of real wonders. Yes, and in the interval between miracles do not get tired of surprising us. We asked readers to tell about how their favorites are ignited.

The cat Marselyza worked for me with an alcoholometer - with troubles on it, if there was a habit, shook his head. No matter how many cats were, no one could ...


When we had a lot of rats, the mater rats of the Yozh lived in a separate cage. Females lived on two three (cells three). Hergehog had a favorite woman. All cells naturally were locked. Not only locked, but also cooked wire. And after after the beloved woman, hedgehog began to flow, at night I saw the following. Yozh opens his cage, unwinding and, where it is necessary, overges the wire on its own cell. It goes to the cage of a beloved woman, unwinding the wire, opens. And, after three hours, in the reverse order: it turns out, closes the cell of the female, soaking it, it comes to myself, closes (!) And pretends that everything is climbed, as it was.


It costs our cat to cover the pillow - how he almost immediately falls asleep. Although it was wild paws and a fierce tail. Called - attached comfort.


Our dachshund Sonya, when my son was born, immediately recorded himself in nannies. We bought a radio nanny, and it was the most useless buying-dog always silent his sleep and almost started to gripe, immediately ran to call me.


The second of our cat, Jackie, loved to play like a dog. We shouted to him "Aport" threw caramel and he brought them. You could throw on the shelves, on the closet - what kind of dog could peel on the closet?

The same cat adored climb on the shelves and poke the book from there. You are sitting, you do not touch anyone, and Tyutchev falls on you. And he told the keys and mobile phones.

And now lives a cat who loves to watch computer games like GTA or Assassin Creed, militants and adventures on TV and fundamentally turns on the printer. He understood where the button, heats there, then quickly jumps and looks into the latter of the device and listens to the noise and born. For many months, this fun does not bother him.

The same cat forces us to take it on the handles and ride on the elevator. In the morning, when we take the newspaper, spinning at the feet and pokes, you can jump on your back, you take on your hands and go to the elevator, calm down and begins to grailt. Why does he need it - not clear. Previously, it demanded every day, now less often, but if there is no one for many days, it starts to demand, it fits in the corridor and escorts everyone with a little glance - it means to ride.


My cats were ate salty cucumbers and traveled us to order: holes burned in all woolen things left unattended.


The neighbor lived Cockada and pusting. Rugs suffered from obesity, and the neighbor kept her on a diet. Once she caught a kakatu because he was pugged through a cage of slices of fruit and other parrot yummy. The diet will not pass!


Cat Kozya was imposed on us to live myself, and in a year he brought Musya to us, strongly pregnant. Musya gave birth to the triple, they were brought up together until the kittens were distributed. Ksyu adored her tairches on my pregnant belly, a baby's tapeck, and when Cyrus was born, moved to him in the crib. Cyrus was best reassured with her. Luther's cat is very worried when I go to the shower. Sits and waiting when I leave. Persistently looks. The bath approves, sits on the side, the sink just likes, but the souls considers the Assk invention.


One of my cat ate tomatoes. Straight, you can say, frown. Urcha and smoking. And he is once, when the grandmother of the house lost consciousness and there was no one, except the cat, licked her face and meow, until she woke up. She had to take medicine, and she forgot, grabbed the attack, if not a cat, she would not have come into consciousness and a simple attack would turn into a heart attack.


Pog Monia lives in the family of artists. And it was challenged to steal jars with paint. Or pulls them, happily the floor in abstraction. And he himself is chosen. He is a terry meat with a beard. So this beard was blue, and any color. Or eats paints. And then …. makes installing all the colors of the rainbow. The funny thing is that the period of "colored poop" was at one of the artists of Andy Warholl. Yes, and poop in the walls of the Charles Gallery Catchee from time to time appear. Then Chris is missing, then Pietro Manzony. Therefore, we joke that our dog is also an artist. Postmodernist. And it is preparing to conquer the Satie Gallery.


My young kitty learned that all the joys of life (food) come from the refrigerator and the cabinet next. When the time came to ask the cat, she wiped these two devices with the same inspiration. The rest has never been interested.


Caucasian Shepherd, huge, unhurried, beautiful and friendly. In the park, we let her go to go around without a leash. When teenagers with loud music were passed by, she attached to them, and went to the tact of music and smiling. Hip Hoper, this is an unforgettable spectacle. He periodically daryled with meals: laid out two "A piece of food from a bowl to the floor before the start of food. All, and at the end are the very dessert pieces.


Nyasha (cat) when he goes to the balcony, sits on the windowsill and looks not to the street, and in the house, always in the house. Correctly - what is he, born on the street, did not see this street?


My rat Roger stole a huge piece of Ruh-Topaz, wilts him to his nest, and there ... I do not know, admired, worshiped or what, but kept along with food reserves.


Babushkin Vasily, who lived in the private sector on a free walking, changed us from some other family - came from somewhere full and the doors (we have the door to the house in the sieves on the right, he also poured straight to the chulad).


My crow Corvin, (the male, is not a raven, namely gray crow), buried and the imprint, when it came time, chose a couple. And it was ... my mom. Caring for her, well, I tried to mate, of course, not without it. To understand the situation, it is important to know that the crows are monoga.


The cat hare found and heated in the "dog's heart" that page exactly where "these cats yesterday were sulfate-stolen ..."


Cat Monda taught my child crawling. We put it on the floor on the blanket, to the center, and in the edges folded bright toys. But Fizuch at the small loaf was limited to the attachment to the nearest and that's it. And you will not care - yells, and does not crawl further, but it is lying. Then the cat was fitted - he lay on the opposite corner, waited until she crashes, allowed himself to arouse her back, turned out of the chain handle, leaving the shreds of wool, and passed into the next corner. Two hours could then drive the blanket so much. And just a blanket on the floor, without a child, she was not interested at all. And also came to the communal cuisine, if a child woke up, and gnawed me behind his feet, driving back into the room, watched me to feed him, and then graciously released back to the kitchen.


Our cat adored acidic cucumbers, watching cutlets and participate in borschism cooking. If we started without it - bitterness in the eyes and mortal resentment! Never stole anything from the table and did not give another. Such a watchman beast of any dog ​​will be!


My dog ​​loved to run around the roofs of Sarai. She was a big, high jumper, and jumped there without much difficulty.


The turtle was somehow incomprehensiblely heard my great-grandbank. If Granny told her granny: "There is no, go back!" Deployed and left. She also went to me in the morning wake me. Flipped into the room, stopped in the middle, raised on the paws and told the shell on the floor.


My cat lit the light in the corridor, if we were not at home. She accelerated from the other end of the corridor and made a jump on the switch. Our version - thus caused us, that is, I made something like a ritual action. Because the first thing we did, coming home, was light in the hallway in the corridor.


And we have a cat when I realized that we didn't eat mice and birds, I began to bring human food to us - we lived in the village and many in the summer ate on the street .. Usually, this was the rest of the bread loaf, which got a dog with her puppies - well, Somehow a cat, it can be seen, not much soared that she could not convey prey on the entrance to the yard ...

But once the mother approached the gate to the outrageous peculiar toes and saw that from the side, she was sitting on, and she had a floor of a good sausage in his teeth! And sitting, waiting that someone from us takes - and then for dogs is clearly very fat. And with us, then there was a little strained with finances, so the prey accounted for very by the way.


The older cat eats down onions, radish, lemons with crusts, jam from Kizyl (bones stands up) and in general everything that is not pinned. The middle cat has its own toy warehouse - a shoe box with a lid. When she wants to play - opens the box and gets some kind of toy. And sometimes collects his scattered toys and one pulls into the box. And then closes it. Because the order should be in the economy.


The cat sometimes closes himself in the closet.


The eldest cat, in Russia, the accusations of the accusations in the darkest, dragged the porch in a rice of 8 poles and crotches in a row. I sat down near and looked reply, then I brought every night, before that it was never. In Israel, where the cats are sea, the marshs of 5 pieces (saved homemade and affectionate seals) over the past decade one after one diseased something exotic was diagnosed and diagnosed died. And then it is, or adjacent, diagnosed by the mother. Cancer, bloodthiology of bloodthorn, once again cancer, antobiotic-resistant pneumonia, again cancer. She believes that everything is still alive thanks to them, they say, they have pulled the disease from her. I have pragmatics, except "this is all coincidence!" There is no explanation.


My dog, Beagle, ate bras from my swimsuits. I found them, the reptile, in the dresser - opened the boxes and looked for the tops from the swimsuits and burned the straps. And put in place. Once I discovered this, packing a suitcase at night before the departure. What we left the bare-catching babies of a living newborn garbage - at night came to lick my son. He sat down near him and began to die from love - Murch, Torogal Peta. And she walked to lick everything that was franto from under the blanket. Poor babe learned to sleep wounded like a cocoon but it did not help. He woke up and walked, complaining to me in bed. Satisfied Cat Semen went next - now we were all together and it was possible to lick us in bulk.

It was so repeated every night, attempts to close the door to the nursery led to such cries, as if the poor animal would die on the spot. My cat, with which for the year we moved 5 times - 6 times, seeing that I was a buys suitcase - I took into my teeth Ikey white goat - his favorite toy, went and lay down in his carrying with an expression on his face, "You as you want, and I have already gathered."


The wavy parrot danced to the songs of the group "Nana". It was something. At some point we turned off the music. They were afraid that his heart would not stand.


My uhd Karol is excited on my hands. On full serious. Pulls the ultimate mating organ. He loves when it is stroking, scratch and climbs all the time, although it is usually unpleasant to Akhatin.


Some cats definitely understood the human language. Once we had one dyed cat on the overexpatch. And the hostess of the house was our intelligent kitty Basya. At some point, her husband needed to pull the cat from under the table, where he hid in a pile of things (we moved). And the husband in the hearts exclaimed: "Yes, what is it, no one will help the cat of this from the table to drive!". Immediately, Basya flew into the room, kicked the cat because of the table and with dignity retired.

Once I was at home alone, I did something in the kitchen, and suddenly (there was a new year) from nowhere to take off a huge Mosquito and flew right on me (and for some reason I am irrational to horror). I screamed, right there, from somewhere from the depths of the apartment, the same Basya was raised, instantly ate mosquito, and went on his affairs. And so she did quite often.


In my distant taiga Siberian childhood, unclean litters walked around the fences like cats. Fair! In winter, the high two-three-meter fences - for long snow months - they became shorter than three quarters because of the high snowdrifts. My dogs got used to walking along the edge and freely did it in the summer. According to the fences chains, they even climbed on low and unknown roofs and tussed there.


The cat slept from childhood in a crystal vase standing on the coffee table. When he grew, barely placed there, but stubbornly talked there with all his might.


Dog at the sister, a hefty German shepherd, learned to bark in a whisper. They had thin walls, I had no idea how she melt it. It was very scary when he was whisper by Lyal.

The article prepared Lilith Mazikina

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