Natasha Bitten and Prize "Sexist of the Year": "Probably feminism is a terrible word"


"Sexist of the Year" is a premium for the contribution to the degradation of society. For centuries, the evolution of public consciousness went towards accepting the fact that a person can be considered not only the one who is strong and aggressive. When a woman began to be considered a man, it turned out that something was not satisfied with someone.

You can not give examples, we see them in life, on television and on the Internet constantly. But only Natasha Bitten, the founder of the Sexist of the Year Award, came up with the award of the most active supporters of the Patriarchate and Adepts of a dense-looking to life. In 2016, the award will be "awarded" on March 15 at 15 o'clock in the Small Hall of the Moscow House of the journalist. Voting on it lasts very symbolic - dated February 23 to March 8. In anticipation of the ceremony, we asked Natasha to tell about the bigger premium.


PICS.RU: First of all, personalization, of course. Who is Natasha Bitten? Here in your personal opinion?

I am a journalist and feminist. Happy man, because the hobby and profession coincide. Journalism is my profession and your favorite case, feminism is my political beliefs. As we know, the feminist and journalist Bitten are actually the face of the "sexist of the year" award. But you do not have one?

I came up with a prize and make a website. But together with me working group Volunteer. This is an independent project, various people are joined to the Working Group, not necessarily from the initiative group "For Feminism" and our affiliates from the Femunity communities and facts_Antisexism_Antisovinism. Two years we have a working group stable, this season - only two new participants. This is an independent cyberfemist project. Different people are joined by the Working Group, not necessarily from the initiative group "For feminism", which is in fact the founder of the premium. We give an ad in the feminist communities that we start working on a "sexist", who wish can sign up. The process is then happening. We collect proposals in the Internet communities on nominees, then in each category we define the three "finalists". Then we offer people to vote on the site, choosing someone from the candidates most of all earned the title of "sexist of the year."

Winner "Sexist of the Year - 2011" Archpriest Vsevolod Chaplin

"Obviously, a woman leading himself is unclosed, dressed as a prostitute, and even more so drunk and sticking to men, no respect and not right in any case, regardless of whether it raped it or not."

PICS.RU: And what about the number of those who want to work on the award?

Small. But it is necessary to just 5-6 into a working group, 1-2 people per category. Works are also not too much. It is necessary to monitor the fams communities on the tags "sexism", analyze and compile a major list of a dozen most resonant sexist statements or initiatives. In the comments to the posts, we leave suggestions to nominate. We definitely take them into account. So our first winner "Sexist of the Year 2010" appeared. I, as a journalist, it is easier to look for, it is easy to assume that sexist materials will be written on this or that topic, sexist statements will be made. It remains to just follow the news.


PICS.RU: It turns out surprisingly, it seems that the project can be described as small, but sometimes discussed even on large media sites. What reaction is most often found in the press? How often are trying to understand what you are doing and why is it important?

I must say, not immediately noticed. Two years we sent invitations to the winners, they did not answer us. But thanks to the information support for the gender faction of the "Apple" party, which Piarila the award began to write about it. True, never mention that the premium is conducted by the initiative group "For Feminism". Probably feminism is a terrible word, and sexism is funny for those who are not in the subject. In the press about the awards they write, as something is funny, curious. But we, of course, know that sexism is not a joke that it is a gigantic ideological and political problem. Among the exceptions in relation to the press, for example, UN Radio, for which I was interviewed last year. That's there it was not this frivolous relationship. Good interviewed. I can note and discussion on the radio "Freedom" with Marjanochnychnikova.

PICS.RU: How would you try to explain the problem of sexism to a woman who are not familiar with sociology, anthropology, gender studies? Just and convincingly, literally on your fingers?

The reader, unfamiliar with the theory of feminism, I will say that sexism is prejudices and prejudices against the female. Few who wants to be considered a bad specialist or a bad driver from prejudice to women. Many women like when they give gifts and bouquets, but not everyone thinks that they should sleep with a worker. And sexists think so. Sexism is a relationship to women, like people of the second variety.

Winner "Sexist of the Year - 2012" Herman Sterligov

"I never heard to rape a chaste girl in a long skirt. It is genetically impossible! Dress fine, fool! "

PICS.RU: But you call sexism and simply advertising with naked women. What are the varieties of people here?

I basically against sorting people. But in practice we are usually sorted. The people of the first grade are default for the mind, for the person and evaluate them. The second grade (women) is estimated as animals, as a product - in appearance and functionality. Men's parts of the body (buttocks, chest) are not depicted in advertising a burger or bicycle. Well, if we see a male torso, then this is an advertisement for the gym, for example. But not a vacuum cleaner with a slogan "Soshu for a penny". Women and those parts of the female body, which can potentially excite men, are pushed everywhere. That is, a male look constantly falls on a combination of a woman, a female body, and the price or slogans like "our brides are not broken," and men form an improper representation that all women are sold and are available that we are all ready to satisfy their sexual whims. What, of course, not so. Not all women are ready to consider themselves a sexy product.

On women, such advertising also affects. It forms certain standards of appearance, the woman's real woman constantly compares themselves with extinguishable female photographs everywhere and complex. Even worse - herself begins to be considered a product, spends a lot of strength, means and time to "pre-sale preparation." This makes women unhappy.

PICS.RU: How can I observe the effect of advertising? You caught the time when it was not when she became, and now the time of modern advertising. It feels like she changes the background not only visually?

I saw the children play advertising (retells), as adults begin to communicate with phrases from advertising, as a driver of a route taxi calls his interlocutor "Seahax" ... And the pop group "Viagra" is worth it! For me, this is enough to understand that advertising is not only the trade engine, but also a tool for the formation of human thinking, public opinion.

PICS.RU: Stormy discussion caused the introduction of the nomination "Women against Women". After all, women attack each other under the influence of patriarchate mechanisms, honestly to condemn them?

Yes, we had a discussion. And we argued a lot. But in the end, they decided to leave this nomination, since it is impossible to ignore the clutten-cultivated patriarchate with the hatred of women to each other (horizontal merges, if expressed scientifically). Dragging harm. We, women, not solve this problem, if we will not discuss it.


Winner "Sexist of the Year - 2013" Maxim Stepanenko,Head of the Missionary Department of the Tomsk Diocese

"If a woman is a single mother, it's even worse. A woman should understand that relations with a man will lead to the birth of children, their upbringing, and it is very important that they have a father. Because if the mother is engaged in education alone, she will raise moral freak ... How much in Tomsk ...! We do not have a future".

PICS.RU: Your Prize The Government of the Russian Federation has reported on the Committee to eradicate all forms of discrimination against women in the UN in 2015. What feelings did you have this fact?

Sophisticated. On the one hand, it's nice that the award knows at a high level. On the other hand, it seemed to have the answer to the issue of the Commission that in the Russian Federation is being done to combat the language of hostility against women. In response, our "antipremia" was named, which was presented as journalistic. That is, again neither about the group, nor about feminism gone. Unpleasant, you know. And it is still sad that in addition to our award, the government and nothing to report. Our project was presented as a civil society mechanism ... in fact, it is true, and in fact the group and the goals of the award remained invisible.

PICS.RU: And how it happened that you decided to establish a prize, and how these five categories were found: "sexist of the year", "sexism in the media", "sexism in advertising", "women against women" and "anti-sanitary policy"?

I as a journalist concerns the problem of the language of hostility for women. I thought everything could fight with it. And when I understood. What I can make a site, I decided to organize a vote. The easiest way to explain the danger and the prevalence of sexism was on specific examples. Categories were gradually. At first there were three. Then - seven. I realized that seven were a lot, people simply do not finish the text with the description to the end and stopped at five, in my opinion, key aspects. On those spheres where sexist ideology causes the most significant damage to women.

PICS.RU: And how much premium helps, on your feelings, to illuminate the problem? Do you feel the return?

Yes, I feel that we pierced the gap in terms of making problems. For those six years that we conduct "awarding", in the media, the word "sexy" began to use more often, began to publish foreign news related to combating sexism more often. I think sexists noticed us, only the species are not served. It should be noted that the prize very much supported the Union of Journalists of Russia. This year, we will announce the results of the journalist's second time in Moscow.

Winner "Sexist of the Year - 2014" Egor Kholmogorov

"I think when we occupy America, we publish a secret decree allowing American men to hear the word" sexism "beat a fist in the face. And we will consider the best videos with this scene. "

PICS.RU: Do you have, if you can call it, pets when nomination? Do they always come to the finishment first?

Yes, I have favorites, as well as other participants in the working group. We even make comic bets! But more often they won the nominees for which I vote (I also vote, by the way). I think the professional formation works for me - I look at sexism differently. I see it where others do not see. For this reason, I cannot watch many films and re-read the work of your favorite and youth. I just perceive them differently. It is unpleasant to me that once these jokes seemed funny to me that the films seemed kind. Now I see that I didn't understand much about them. Films about love, for example, brought boredom with their false. Many even good paintings I have become uninteresting to watch, because now I am less and less I identify myself with male interests - work is affected by it. I'm bored watch movies, where the main (or all) characters are men with their specific male problems. In my youth, I read the books of Averchenko, and now "Sodtoleva ..." even in the hands to take disgusting.

The article prepared Lilith Mazikina

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