10 troubles that lie all newlyweds at the wedding


Of course, you will have the best wedding in the world! Moreover, even if you sort out somewhere, you will surely help fix everything.

1. Everything will be wrong with us!

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Yeah, how. It's easier to escape from the Titanic than implementing this is "not so." Even if the couple convince friends to do without redeeve the bridesmaid and other idiotic rituals, relatives will dwell them all the same. And do not relax: at the very moment, when it seems that newlyweds in security, someone who who accepted unlock, I pushing, crashes under the table and still pulls the bride's shoe.

2. Tamada

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What kind of program you have developed, Tamada will hold it as it should. That is, as you used. So, guests will take place earlier than the hot, and Tamada will appear, than guests.

3. Verka Serduchka

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The agreed playlist and a separate request not to include a single song of Verka Serdyuchka will not save from Gop Gop Gop. DJ will wait, when the faces of the guests softened, and must arrange a musical diversion.

4. Girlfriend Bride

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There is always a bride girlfriend, which is unbearable thought to be in the shadow of the main heroine whole evening. It will be a luxurious dress of the same Leson, as the young, but red.

5. Photos

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The wedding photographer, like the wedding di-jeje, professional formation - he saw a lot of weddings and is sure that he knows better what pictures will make you happy. Here, for example, a ring, spending on a heel of white shoes, the original version, eh?

6. Life-beaten relative

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He will. It will be necessary to rise with the skinny envelope in the hands, will say to the toast proven to the centuries and in the end says something like: "And this face you will see to death. Congratulations".

7. Former

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From the other side, or immediately from two. The sad at first a character who disperses earlier Tamada and quite aggressively try to find out what the groom has such that he himself does not have.

8. Witnesses

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The second in the explosion of sexual hints of steam should be selected from the strong spirits of friends. They are always on the front line - participate in shame contests shamelessly, and at the same time can not be drunk, so that it is still.

9. Newlywed parents

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If not lucky, and they counted donated money right there, the first split in the new family is ready. If lucky - they consider the number of guests on each side and invested funds, and the split is also ready.

10. Gorky!

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This will sound, despite the fact that you have taken from all guests a sign of silence. But there is a way of struggle - a kiss must be frank so that everyone began to look at the ceiling. Since all invited is only interested in spoiling you a wedding, seeing that you are happy from their efforts, it will immediately switch to something else. Bitterly!

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