The worst gifts received from men. 17 Real stories


Pics.Ru addressed the female part of his audience and asked to tell about the worst gifts, which they ever received from the strong half of humanity.

To be honest - we did not suspect that such depths can be buried in our men.

Bag potato

The worst gifts received from men. 17 Real stories 38115_1

I was presented with 10 kg of potatoes in a bag of March 8. Why? Because then I was on the financial griee, and when the boyfriend asked what to give you, I said viciously: "Yes, even potatoes are giving or". " What, in fact, received as a gift.

Bank for cookies

The worst gifts received from men. 17 Real stories 38115_2

Do you want cattle? I have them. The husband of the future presented in the candidate bakery period. This is a bank for cookies. The height of approximately Santimeters 30. Well, what? And Mimi, and in the farm will come in handy. But, first, I do not eat cookies, secondly, such a cheerful style did not coincide a bit with the style of my kitchen, and thirdly, this rubbish looked only on the upper shelf of the suspended locker, so to get it, had to climb mini-ladder. Yes, and in general, the idea of ​​getting the cookies from the cluster of a decapitated cat is stiff, I want to tell you ...

Garden Gnome

The worst gifts received from men. 17 Real stories 38115_3
This gnome was given to me on the biennium of his daughter. He is terrible, huge and incomprehensible why you need. I have a standard 10 acres of lawn, roses, where should I put this nastyness? As a result, it stands between the household and toilet, the face to the neighbors we do not like. And yes - at night it is better not to go to the toilet - you will hush it on this, and get enough.


The worst gifts received from men. 17 Real stories 38115_4

This is a gift of male colleagues for a birthday. Like a month, I was actively actively asked what my soul wishes. I explained that cosmetics (or a gift card on it) will be at the very point! If, I think, not a map, then straight almost shades of lipstick and shadows and the brand dictated. As a result, about three days around me, everyone went such mysterious and "hinted", that such a gift you bought, such that you will straight die from happiness! This is better than you dreamed! Well, I really rushed ... And there it is .... HEADPHONES! Moreover, I do not fond with music! From the word completely! When, suppressing tears and, pretending how much lipped in these "ears" was hidden, asked "Why is it?", The answer struck: "Well, you always say that we have very noisy in our office ...

Rat name

The worst gifts received from men. 17 Real stories 38115_5

The husband presented a rat for his birthday, with a house, lazalcas and other rat Disneyland. To the question "Why" answered - "Well, he has such unfortunate eyes, like you, when you are on a diet. Let's call him beads. " Wausha lived with us 5 years, I did not touch him, my husband himself calmed down and survived with this brr-gift.

Chinese swan

The worst gifts received from men. 17 Real stories 38115_6

The guy gathered in China and promised that she would bring a chinese silk dress with a manual embroidery. Showed the website of the store, said to choose the style and instead of the dress brought these ugly swans !!!! Type as a "symbol of our love" ... the first thing that someone said, who I saw them on the table - Oh, how cute, this grandmother gave you?

Bracelet for 2 euros

The worst gifts received from men. 17 Real stories 38115_7
This luxurious bracelet (beads "under pearls" on a rubber), bought in 2005 for 2 euros on the street in Paris by my former boyfriend, a non-European man. Just a dream. My girlfriends often looked at him in difficult moments to remember where the edge of good and evil passes. Rare aphrodisiac. I wan it tremble.


The worst gifts received from men. 17 Real stories 38115_8

It is stuffed (more than half a meter in height and half meter at the base, and not light), it was presented as "fox". Gave a 35-year-old man during courtship, so to speak. For what holiday - I do not remember, but I remember that it was "Lisykov" was not, and he "ordered" him specially and "waited when they bring." The little animal was kept in a huge cellophane packet on the closet. The man was very offended that the animal sits in cellophane. My question is: "What should I play it?" Point answer did not give.

Posture Corrector

The worst gifts received from men. 17 Real stories 38115_9
I received from a young man with whom I had a romantic relationship at that time, on the birthday of posture corrector. With the words: "Well, you complained that you have a spin hurt." Disposal specifically through the online store. I did not know, whether I was a tear of death from such care, whether to launch this thing into it.

Dog daily

The worst gifts received from men. 17 Real stories 38115_10

During the courtship period, my future husband asked what to give me on March 8th. As a fan of the office, I asked a diary with a notebook. He bought. Diary "My favorite dog." As I remember, there it was possible to record weight, length, type of wool.

Empty casket

The worst gifts received from men. 17 Real stories 38115_11
The day before my other, my future husband asked me, what size I wear the rings. We then lived with his parents and in the morning on the day of my birth, they all went somewhere "secret." I waited for them in anticipation of a gorgeous gift, hoping that now the diamonds will be. Upon return, they presented to me a big box, and with anticipation waited for my reaction. Opened the box, and there is a large wooden jewelry box. Well, I think what kind of sidere, inside exactly the ring! What was my disappointment when I discovered stuck coins inside the box in the casket inside the casket. I was ready to burst in place, barely kept tears.


The worst gifts received from men. 17 Real stories 38115_12
And I can boast a microscope for a couple of thousand dollars, donated to the anniversary of the wedding !! I repent, always told my husband that absolutely not against household practical gifts such as a set of high-quality saucepan or a new vacuum cleaner model, to which he waved his hands and said that he could not descend to this: "What people think about me, because a gift should be more Personal and pleasant than helpful! ". Apparently, the microscope was a gift of another level that I did not appreciate. The answer was for my bewilderment: "It seemed to me that you said that since childhood I dreamed to have a microscope."

Tripod for the camera

The worst gifts received from men. 17 Real stories 38115_13
I was presented with my husband for the last new year a tripod for a camera. This is despite the fact that I am not a photographer at all, the fotik we have a private mirror, and I use it from the case towards the case. On my amazement about a gift - he answered - "Well, you said that you can't get beautiful pictures," and was very offended: "You will not please". On this NG, I received a thousand rubles from him, a rolled caravel, with the words "Santa Claus already does not know what to give you!" Apparently, it was necessary to rejoice at the tripod ...

Tab for books

The worst gifts received from men. 17 Real stories 38115_14
This bookmark for books was presented for the New Year. Not in the usual May day to raise the mood, namely for the New Year. While I was preparing and invented, saved and saved my husband for a gift. Voila. When I got it, I thought that it was a "vacuum" and when the clock is trying twelve, there will be something !!! But - "Figvam".

Donation by white bears

The worst gifts received from men. 17 Real stories 38115_15
I flew to Thailand and waited when my nice arrived. Moreover, he promised to fly with a gift, which I have repeatedly told, thereby fowing my interest. He arrived, and with the threshold presents the box (it is necessary, dragged through the sea and oceans!). Well, I think it will probably be an awesome surprise. I open the box, and there is a teddy bear and paper. - What is that?! - I ask. "I," says, donated from your name White Mishik in the north ... There is such an organization ... I have to take himself in hand. - Well, and how much, say, the bears got from me? - 3000 rubles.

Lawn mower

The worst gifts received from men. 17 Real stories 38115_16
I was at the cottage, and my husband in the city. He called me every day, and said that a super gift would bring on the weekend: "You're directly ashnesh when you see." For the week I was naphthanized everyone - I think, for sure - or a ring with a large diamond, or some brand bag. Directly wait could not when he arrives. Well, he comes, and, with the face of Santa Claus pulls out of the car ... Lawn mower! I could not save my face, burst out. He still consoled me for a long time - they say what you are worried about, the coolest model, on gasoline ...


The worst gifts received from men. 17 Real stories 38115_17
This richness from TV shopovsky subsoil was granted to me 2 years ago for the new year. Nothing foreshadowed troubles: he said that he would love, called married and asked him to give birth to him twins. And suddenly - colander. Such units are shown in TV joints: usually there are 2 housewives - damned by universe with "ordinary" colander and smart lucky with a miracle garbage. And - ah, well, how I lived without garbage all these years!

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