Men who finally found their sound, in classical painting


Anna Oskolkov translated signatures for us to the pictures with musitizing men from The Toast. The classic immediately played with new paints! We know we have such musicians, heard.


Close the door to close the door on the door is written wheels the song is not yet ready to close the door !!


Dad, I'm so melting ... no one will sleep to sleep while I do not finish solo on lute


Helenghelen Eyes to the page Enough to pray any God will not hear you and will not save


One torn string means that I have another seven whole strings, on which I can play


Sit on the grass did not finish there, I just ... I just knew my leg better to me, when I stand


Completely singing you Serenad while you try to move away ah, sorry it's all the dress it is so slippery


Shut up all shut up I said shut up I will play on the harp now


they pancake would not regret what they were such bastards when they hear this wang they probably will be chicks especially Karl and I will not give a damn I will play until all


No, I ... I'm just applauding my ears


men, we did it we found our sound exactly found the fucking babai seems to me or we sound deliciously no, you don't seem


You hear the difference aha yes no, I also played and now I hear I hear well, but did you listen? Yes, he listened to see ...

Translation: Anna OscologistSource: Toast

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