Young mother - superswoman! 7 faithful signs of supersyl


Having become mom, you learned what love and tenderness are. And I learned that you need to be superant, no less to survive. After passing a monthly course "Yazhem!" You can already boast something. And a one-year course will make a man, pah, mother. Of course, mother.


Insomnia? No, you did not hear!

You learned to instantly fall asleep in any position - sitting, standing, lying and when feeding. You forgot what "not sleep" is "and how general people cannot fall asleep. You have another problem - how to find time to sleep. Because the last time the husband walked you from the cooled bathroom, where you left lie literally 10 minutes. In general, the phrase "I am in addition for five minutes" you always turn around with the same thing - in an hour you will still be, because you need to feed the baby again, and you only have a breast.

Now or never

"I will do somehow later" in your language is translated as "Never." Because "then" may not be. A child can fall asleep for a long time, sleeping a little, waking up with screams or at all to declare a strike. Therefore, if you did not take the opportunity to drink wine to wash the mug immediately, as soon as tea drank, the likelihood is that tomorrow you will drink tea from it again. In general, it is for this reason that you try to do everything right away. And then suddenly it is possible not to introduce.

New knowledge


It turns out, four years of year differ from each other. Fundamentally different. Together with the advent of the child in your life included mandatory daily walks for three hours. You walk along the nearest park, you admire and keep a young naturalist blog in Instagram. And your childless girlfriends are surprised where you find such beauty. Just you learned to look around. From the office window, the world around looked more dull.


Grace is your second name. You learned silently moving around the apartment and move furniture. Ninja sobs from the envy of your dexterity. Because if he suddenly creaks the floor, 40 minutes of the tech and rhythmic overflows "Bai Bayushki-Bay" will repeat again, and you can not stand it!


You learned to sleep with open eyes. And still hear the smallest movements in a crib and identify their character. At the same time, you can easily cut down and sleep peacefully even at the Rock band concert. Even standing in front of the scene or hugging with the speaker. But at the same time jumped as soon as the cubs are lying or squeaks in the crib.

As in a dream


Sometimes you get tired that you do not remember whether you got up to the baby at night. That is, you understand that I got up. But what time, how many times is the mystery. Therefore, you have at home chambers that fix your awakening. At the same time, you will be surprised for yourself what not only got up, but also managed to feed, move the diaper and shook in the crib. Ah, yes, sex with her husband was also, as it turns out. And you were the initiator.

With sound speed

With the advent of the child, you start to appreciate personal time. Therefore, now you are doing everything quickly - you eat quickly, quickly take a shower and, about a miracle, you are even going to quickly with my husband's joy. How else? Cubs can wake up at any time, so you can not lose a second. In addition, you noticed that as soon as you quickly did and sat calmly drink tea, a children's cry is heard. Law of life.

Illustrations: shutterstock

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