Safety engineering during sex: how not to kill a person member (18+)


Porn films give us an illusion that the possibilities of the human body are truly infinite: you can drink any, hang, spank, and no one has canceled simple sex.

But the cinema is, you know, movies. Not everything you show there, guide to action. We have prepared for you a memo for sex security, which will allow you to keep ourselves safe and preservation. Get on health!

Blow job

Safety engineering during sex: how not to kill a person member (18+) 38111_1

Normally, the member should be only in the mouth, that is, in the oral cavity. It is necessary to convey to the proud carrier of MPH, which is to get into the upper part of the throat and try to climb into the esophagus - this is not at all vanilla, but penetration into the bdsm area. And if he (and for you, for example), the hunt of a deep blowjob, then it is necessary to negotiate separately and well theoretically prepare, otherwise you can earn the edema of the throat and other unpleasant mechanical damage.

Particularly Rule Cavalers did not notice how their lady suffocated. To death.

And you yourself need to carefully follow the teeth - scratch and even "scraping" gentle skin on a dick is very easy.


Safety engineering during sex: how not to kill a person member (18+) 38111_2
The main source of irritation of the mucous membrane, and hence the unpleasant sensations during oral sex - bristles and, sometimes, beard, if a man has thick hair or a girl extremely gentle.

Do not try to bite the clitoris or sex lips to your teeth, if not sure (a) in your own excerpt and control, and when you try to suck the clitoris - you should not get involved, and you can immediately suck him right. Nobody ordered a vacuum cleaner here.


Safety engineering during sex: how not to kill a person member (18+) 38111_3
For fingering, firstly, the hands should be clean, secondly, the nails should be in perfect order. Little to cut them with scissors or jump with tweezers: they should be written to get rid of sharp edges. Otherwise, you can scratch the gentle maiden, both inside and outside.

Hands! Must be! Wash! Foreign bacteria in the vagina can lead to inflammation. Nafig such gifts.

There should be consent to penetration in advance - you may be surprised, but not all lesbians practice sex with penetration, and not every heterosexual woman likes the invasion of fingers, in general, or right now. From the manicure - only Shellac: An ordinary varnish may be uncomfortable to be detached (and cause some feelings). And do not reflee the eagle claws - it is possible to smash long nails at all.

In addition, it is not necessary how much in vain to chop up a non-excited clitoris is at least unpleasant. It is better to sighty to start the eve of the vagina, and extrusion - to start from afar. Masters practice the licking of the toes to the legs or the neck of the neck from the back. Do you feel the difference?

Caress chest

Safety engineering during sex: how not to kill a person member (18+) 38111_4

Careful with bites, and in unstable poses - and with suction. The nipple is hardly sewn back, especially if he accidentally swallowed. It is not necessary to suck the breast like a vacuum cleaner: it is very gentle fabric, hurts pancake! And it is not necessary to mive it as the dough. And desperately compress, saying "AAAA, Tits!" Do not.

Anal sex

Safety engineering during sex: how not to kill a person member (18+) 38111_5
Should not be a surprise! Only voluntary consent and thorough preparation.

First, you need a lot of lubrication, a lot of lubricant, better if it is with anesthetic and cooling effect. Or, if for some reason you used lubrication for vaginal sex, it is worth ensuring that it is without a warming effect, which is often achieved by adding pepper and other stimuli.

Secondly, it is necessary to achieve the normal stage of excitement and start carefully to prepare a partner or partner.

Thirdly, it is not necessary to start rabid frictions and "like in the movies", after the introduction of a member or dildo: a straight intestine should not believe, straighten and dealt out, otherwise there is a risk of damage.

In general, excerpt, accuracy and delicacy, otherwise you can seriously twist a partner or partner for a long time.

Caressing eggs

Safety engineering during sex: how not to kill a person member (18+) 38111_6
They, of course, are very similar to rubber, but still very much better to compress them. And generally treat them very carefully - although sometimes you can pull them down during a blowjob for a cool! Slightly. "Doctor, we will not make each other hurt?"

Careful with the testicles and at the position of the "lady from above". With modest dimensions of the member and impressive - the ladies can be done accidentally. By the way, it is even in this pose a man often get a member fracture.


Safety engineering during sex: how not to kill a person member (18+) 38111_7

Remember as "Father our": without excellent theoretical preparation and, of course, the mutual consent of any fisting never for anything! Tender internal fabrics can really break away from such a coarse effect.

Deprivation of virginity

Safety engineering during sex: how not to kill a person member (18+) 38111_8

Ideally do it with your fingers, extinguing the partner to the extreme, so that it was not so hurt.

If the decision is made in favor of the penis, it sometimes happens that the exposure to a member does not want to succumb to a member. Then you need to act again with your fingers and extremely carefully, otherwise you can not notice from pride and stubbornness that you have a deal with a rare dwelling melting, and arrange a hole from the vagina to the rectum - the wall there is not that superproke. This injury is even considered quite typical when defloration, that's so serious.


Safety engineering during sex: how not to kill a person member (18+) 38111_9

With the focus of a sharp introduction of a member in a vagina for a full length, if not sure that the partner already has the experience of making such, hmm, volumes and sizes, and is incredible at this moment sufficiently. Unfortunately, death from blood loss or peritonitis due to the gap by a member of the wall of the vagina in the place of attachment to the uterus is not a fairy tale and not fiction.

Double penetration

Safety engineering during sex: how not to kill a person member (18+) 38111_10

The thing is quite popular, which excites the minds of both men and women. There is important theoretical preparation and the corresponding degree of initiation of both men and, especially, women plus a lot of lubricant. In addition, you will be able to make your partners adequate sane people who do not fall into a shock condition from touching a member of another man: first, in front of it inevitably, secondly, the inner walls are very thin. And let them, for the sake of all saint, at least try to move synchronously.

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