Happiness is not in money? Real stories that money is not just paper


When you complain that with the money of the seams, he inspired to hear in response that no money is happiness. As if we collect money for the sake of pieces! And then sit and admire.

We asked our readers that they were the most terrible in a situation of acute lack of money in life. Their answers are not about happiness in money.


Most often, I have a thought "In what kind of ass" when it comes to socks and other trifles like them. Watch and think: "Damn, yes it is a basic insignificant need - new socks! And I can not just go and buy! AAAA! "


For me, I remember, the most terrible was when there was no money for a medicine for her husband. He had to take him regularly, the medicine was quite expensive - and one day it was just not what to buy. On food, we were enough, but there was nothing to save on, because we had two children and my mother.

Then, when we finally moved to his native Izmir in 1999, it was not easy for me to accept that water, hot water, heating, gas is very expensive, it is necessary to constantly remember. But it was not a tragedy, we quickly got used to the self-discipline, and then I realized that the real poverty is when you can't afford warmth in the house, hot water, the light is still late.


When I had to take money from my pension.


In the fact that at once several men found a moment suitable to offer to sleep with them for money or even for food. When you refuse, offended, they say, I wanted to help you. Pick in me with a member, knowing that if I agreed, then we are talking about hungry death - is it help?


Two things.

The first is hunger. Dull inability to take and satisfy the basic need.

The second is a sense of own impotence. You are nobody. You can not. People try not to dwell on you, because you are in bad clothes. In very bad. You only notices the guard in the supermarket, which begins to walk for you on the heels and look at the hands, and some suspicious personality in the doorways. No, they do not want to rob you, they see that you do not have money ... but pay attention. Suddenly you will start collecting their bottles or attribute aluminum banks, collected from their territory.


When my favorite cat died, and I had no money for a veterinarian (it was already employed with everyone, who can not be).


Pasta for breakfast and lunch. I hated them to the end of life ... as the pasta does not call, what sauce do not flood.


Everything is simple: food and rent. The inability to eat normally and to pay for the apartment greatly undermined the sense of security.


I am not starving, but, as the bells smell on the tray, I remember perfectly, it was still annoying that it is impossible to walk more in the cinema (and now I have neurological problems, and even think about the movies).


What you are in the mercy of small circumstances without the possibility of maneuvers.

Round croup - not pegs, the package should be enough until the end of the week.

First, dial to the communal car, then you can buy a shampoo.

It is impossible to go a short road, there is dirty, and the cleaning of the shoe should be delayed as long as possible, the cream ends.

And so in everything.

Plus, the fear of injury or illness is very pressing. While running - somehow twisted, and if you slide?


The feeling that it is forever. That very much I have never been in life.


There was an unpleasant moment when at the attempt to "raise" local nats, who consider that migrants all on the plate are issued, (one of which came up with eggs) It turned out that my monthly turnover arrival, including all-all, in three The times less than that tax discount, which the interlocutor gets, if he marries me.

Che at marry him sharply, cheap, cho.

And my mother's money sends. Oncobole on disability. But it is not convicted, and the worst thing - I tried only for the species. I really have this money grocery basket saves.


I did not know, angry or not, when the girlfriend said "Come to me, the floors of Passion. I do not like to wash them. " Came, and the floors were very unwashed. But the girlfriend gave a thousand who saved me, and fed dinner. The dual impression remains.


Self-esteem suffers most, you feel shit and impostor, and not a specialist in a profession and an adult person who can provide family and animals. It is terrible when the parent committee at school collects children, and you have neither a penny, the child does not go on a tour and does not go to the camp, and it does not go to a friend, because there is nothing to give. Terribly feed an elderly dog ​​oatmeal on the water. Terribly choose, Baton and pasta or tram from the subway.


So that everyone turned away, absolutely everything. And also faced the cleaned thinking. Money appeared and instead of three kilos potatoes bought a small piece of expensive sausage. Somehow on the machine.


Rotten-perverted tights, collapsed shoes, discussion on the family council (!) Shopping linen (!). Dependence, incapacity. Well, this is the beginning of the 90s, when I did not work, but I studied and was a young mother.

Poverty in adulthood is the greatest fear that someone from loved ones, pets or herself is seriously ill.


What immediately began to feel - the absence of a "airbag". Immediately appeared caution - there was a mistake wrong to calculate something, losing something valuable, etc. The inability to compensate for any minimally significant damage.

Immediately began to appreciate the gold jewelry, which was previously indifferent from the word "at all": the same airbag in its pure form - especially when Lombard is nearby ...


All the time nemplex: tea is there - no sugar, there are cigarettes - the lighter is over, cooking soup - there is no ... infuriates!


Lack of pretty clothes to which I am used to. Uncomfortable shoes. The feeling that everyone is understood everything around and even slightly rejoices that, that, it was all, and now it ended. Survive the fact that there were some restrictions in food or the fact that the year did not have any TV at all, and the player to listen to the record, it was necessary to turn his hand - I remember, but did not wound.


We started nervous when you had to choose between medications for myself and feed for pets. But the most terrible moment was when mom first gave me money. I sobbed from humiliation.


Plan and count everything to kopecks was heavier.

I can consider technological processes, but I can not count your own grandmas! - This led me to despair.


When herself for breakfast - oatmeal on the water, and daughters are on milk. Because milk / meat - only a child. When the food is not enough - here is the tin. Although when the only pants were broken and nothing to go to the institute was also a tin. But I remember counting kopecks on food, the nightmares are still shot: I'm in the store, I need to buy food for a holiday, but I have no money ...


Just in the period of the hellish ass, the wave of diseases at cats of Liggling Frankov rolled and I was roaring that I could not cure he to cure him now.


Tights do not exist, like many other expenses. Pants, free given, our everything.


When people are "What are you always thin, is that of nature so lucky? Tell a diet! " And I think about myself "bitches, what kind of bitch you!". Or when I had a satisfying soup at work with soup, I ate, thanked and seedly sawed right there, damn. Walked by the whole department, ashamed, a shame ...


Food asceticism is accustomed to me and from the absence of precisely delicious way of food, I do not really suffer, but without an animal squirrel in the diet, I quickly begin to feel bad. I then drank meat with blood like a boxer from London's story.


When your girlfriends are called in a cafe, and you do not know how to answer that you do not have enough money for the bus, not that the cup of coffee.


It is difficult for me because you have to consider a blooming glass of milk or scattered with a daughter a pack of napkins. I'm fucking because of spoiled clothes or food. And I break on the child, while realizing that there are no children who do not spoil the clothes.

And when my old washing machine broke (and it turned out to be unreasonable), it became a tragedy.


Even the fact that the daughter became small sneakers - and the big problem.

Actually, we live like that. I get another money for the next article, and I order basic food stock. And so up to the next money.


The fact that earlier is to buy something, well, on something poisonous, buy. And then - save nothing. Is that completely stop there. And what you can not meet with friends, because you have 100 rubles on the road. That is, they are, but they are on the food today.


Suddenly changed the attitude of some people. People are not free, let's say, fell out of my circle quite painlessly, and I just forgot about them. But one of my closest girlfriends (rather secured lady) on my birthday instead of an ordinary gift, as a rule, was not cheaper and with the undertakes, brought a broken biscuit bought for weight (the fight costs three times cheaper). She said that came for a minute. So she said: "I jumped for a minute, congratulate, here you have cookies, then you can drink any tea." As if overnight, I turned into an untouchabled girlfriend. Although almost twenty years have passed since, and it's a shame to this day.


One day, my friend and I went to the cafe, I was then for a long time on the mel. And so I took myself tea, and she squeezed the full table. Sits and eats. And I say that type is not hungry, but really was ooooooo. So sitting with tea. And she ate and eaten ...


Everything ends at the same time, shampoo, panties, toothpaste, all! And money too.


Ate someone else's bank of confectionery poppy. Tasty, by the way.


I had a period when I stayed at the same time without housing and without work. He fed on a gentle wheat, spent the night where it would have to. The very shocking was observation, as the surrounding tried to use it far from my interests. One elderly friend, at the request to settle me temporarily in one of the rooms of her apartment, offered my conditions - I will live and eat with her, and she will bring men who will fuck me. Before that, I perceived it as a very friendly and pleasant woman.


To carry his one-year-old child past a tray with fruit, closing her eyes with his palm, is the hell, which I will never forget.

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