Garripotter for baby: when your parents are real fans


It's never too late to become a fan Harry Potter, and it is better to start with infancy! So decided Tiffany Nicole and her husband and made for the fourth child a magical children based on the most popular books.

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"We recently watched the films about Harry Potter," Tiffany dispelled, "" and decided that it would be great to arrange a room for the future kid in the style of sorcery and magic - in the style of history that I like it, and so influenced my own childhood".

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The most part of the spouses purchased on Etsy and Amazon sites and turned the usual room in the fascinating part of the world invented Joan Rowling. Set for Kviddich? There is. Sorting Hat? There is. Mandragora and remedy for carnivorous slugs? Also there. Yes, there is even a "monstrous book about the monsters"! The room is filled with all sorts of things from the Harry Potter Universe.

For example, the switches are written "LUM / NOKS" spells, which are known to all Potteromans, light and quench the light on the tip of the magic wand, hanging brooms on the bed to play in Kviddich, and on the table - the photo of the first composition of the "Orden Phoenix" on the table. MARDER MAP, "Daily Prophet" and Die Hagrid Klyk is also in place - that's what it means to go to the case with full responsibility!

So if you are only thinking about the design in the nursery, perhaps these cute photos will inspire you to something truly unusual. And if you've already finished ... Well ... maybe start repairing repairs?













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