Why do we so hard to get acquainted


Nowherear where people got acquainted?

That's right - everywhere. I got acquainted on the streets, in the subway, in the bakery, in the pharmacy and even in line in the clinic. You are sitting, it happened, on the dermatian couch, waiting for the "dentist" from the cabinet with a macabric inscription "Dentist" and palls "well? Who is there next, "and in front of you sitting the person opposite to you and is suffering too. You (or her) with a whisper: "What? High hurts? ", And in response" very "! And then you "so pass in front of me. I will suffer. " And now the sympathy has been formed between you, the dialogue began and you can ask the phone. And now what? Now they go to the dentist on a schedule, there is no decent reason in the bakery, in order to start a conversation, everything is sitting in the subway. All dating sites and social activists remain. And here - you know, solid cats in bags. But that's not the point. The Internet, in general, is a great place to find a partner for one night, for a couple of months and (yes yes!) For life. And we still will definitely write about it. And now we want to talk about why the process of acquaintance itself has become unbearably difficult. We believe (although we can make mistakes) that there is at least five reasons.

We have learned to trust

Whether we widen "Dr. House" to nausea, whether the doctor just voiced what we all think, but the phrase "everyone was lying" suddenly turned into a motto of a modern man. We have become not just skeptics - almost paranoids. We do not trust anyone, in every word or the action of another person, we, first of all, are looking for secret meanings and bad intentions. If you do not find, do not calm down, but we begin to suspect a singers in complex many and calculate the probabilities of the coming deception. Because "Life is such", and "nothing is just like that." Well? Well, how does a stranger in your life in your life, even if with a Diavolian mind and angelic appearance? Especially with angel appearance ..

We have excessive high expectations from the world.

This is generally normal. A person is always looking for where it is better and striving for the most inflated from possible planks. There was our civilization on this, our civilization will stand. But the high plank is one, and unless fantasies are completely different. Waiting for the potential chief of appearance of the supermodel, the enterprise of Zuckerberg and the lucky Harry Potter is still not worth it. However, for some reason, this is what we do. We are trying to drive out normal living people in Hollywood templates of successful handsome men and beauties. Now you will say that you don't suffer from this exactly, and a good, kind, smart partner would have arranged. And we will answer you that you are chatting. Because we are also secretly dreaming of a beautiful prince ..

We are too much tearing yourself from stress

And it is right. The world is now a little crazy, and in order to survive, retaining appetite and reason, you need a loved one to carefully protect against stress. This, in general, is reasonably once again not nervous, do not climb in obviously traumatic situations, close from the "vampires", hysterics and abusers. But most of us are reinsured and climbing the mountains of saving straws. Because in love is (without options) wild stress. About love, or (fence, God) Love is unhappy even think scary. The heartbeat begins immediately, the legs are cold and the hand stretches to the prose. Horror horror! So you will fall in love with a lacker, and here Abral, Dedine, a quarterly report and startup. Not. It is better not to start ..

We are very ... well, very rational

Also, such a modern trend - to calculate all the probabilities a hundred years ago. An optimistic forecast, a pessimistic forecast, Median ... Propying in advance all risks, draw graphics, like profits and losses. Even if the project looks promising, the rationalization itself completely kills the element of spontaneity. There are no accidental dating and surprises, just get acquainted with those who potentially satisfied us. And this is certainly not a boyfriend from the queue for ice cream, and not a girl in a night bus.

We are tired

True tired. Such a rabid rhythm, so much is done, so much need to do so much to achieve. Forces and time only enough for trying to the chair, turn on the computer and cut off ... Spontaneous relationships do not fit into this scheme, some walks under the moon, bouquets, candy and other romantic nonsense. "Somehow later," we calm themselves and put your life for a year, two, three, eternity. What to do? We do not know. Maybe go straight now and get acquainted with someone dangerous-beautiful, absolutely not like Potter Harry and absolutely superfluous in these difficult crisis times.

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