14 idiotic ways to get acquainted with the girl. Real stories


In a romantic comedy, any non-standard hero's podcast to the girl turns on a long and beautiful novel. In life, it often causes bewilderment.

Maybe because some guys do not understand when the situation does not flow into idiocy.


Once in winter I went up the stairs from the subway, and a drunk guy went down to meet. Having grew up with me, he understood that he really wants to meet himself, and sharply unfolded. So abruptly that fell. Instantly realized that if I tried to rise, it would just spend in vain a lot of time, and crawled behind me on the steps so. For some reason, I could not go quickly, and as a result, I became a participant in a very awkward scene. I climb along the railing, a drunken man crawls near and shouts me from somewhere from the shoes: "Girl! You are an angel! You are holy! You are a star! Well, let's get acquainted! " And people watch around. I barely broke up upstairs.

Two of the Lartz, the same with the face

In the tram, a couple of major and bearded men told me that I should not be afraid of them, because they are the guards of the Patriarch, and went after me to the entrance itself, where they were thanked God, the concierge was driven.

Just cat

When I was 14 years old, I walked school and went to the zoo. There I tried to get acquainted the dude in the Garfield Rostile Doll. I really hope that it was another teenager, such as worked. But I did not risk it.

Girls, Dublin!

In prehistoric times it was, Soviet, somewhere in 1978. They walked with a girlfriend, gidly a group of guys, and they, and we are about 14-15 years. Suddenly, from a group of voice: "Girls, here the guy meet you wants!" We go to themselves our own, passed already, we are in the back, the voice of "matchmaker" does not learn: "He is good!" And then with a note of despair, heavy artillery is launched: "He has a covers!"

Romantic dinner

With just acquaintances there were no special adventures. But the invitation to a closer acquaintance once was very enchanting, I still remember :) I was fifteen years old, probably. Somehow a familiar young man calls - you can even say "conditionally familiar", just in the total company saw a couple of times - and says: - Savesai! To me tonight, the girl will come to visit, I wanted to fry a chicken for her. But I, unfortunately, I do not know how to cook! Please help me cook a romantic dinner for two! I have called everyone now, no one can, all are busy. Your last hope! I, like a fool, breaking, going to this young man, he leads me to the kitchen, where everything is really prepared for cooking, leaves me to cook and begins to clean the cleaning in the apartment. The floors are washes there, dust wipes - prepares, in general, and noticeably, which is worried. Well, I think, it happens, the young man fell in love, as not to help in such a matter! I'm frying him this unfortunate chicken, drunk potatoes, cutting a salad, I'll pull the glasses, I help to cover on the table, I put everything beautifully, and I say: - Well, take a job, I went, you have a good evening! And the young man with an indescribable expression, well, literally like the head of my head, gives out: - You do not be offended only ... In fact, I wanted to invite you today ... So let's remove the apron and sit at the table. It is all for you. Be my girlfriend? Lord, how I laughed, it is impossible to imagine. Refused, of course.


It was somehow (and there were early prevention of nineties, as it were, not even the end of 80s) on Samara street. All in pink, in the ears headphones from the pink player Sony. Then, herself understand, it was a shock for the entire population of the city of Samara. And here arises right in front of me a peasant of such a year forty (then he seemed to me with ancient ancient) and such ... "Oh. Such a beautiful and deaf ... poor woman. No one is deaf to you. But I can. Let's marry me "...


Once in the great Wednesday, I went to the temple on the evening service. In a long black skirt, but blouse with a neckline. At the transition of Arbat, a man turned to me in English with a question where the Pushkin Museum was here. I answered. And then he said: "I am an American Jew. Let's get acquainted". Why did he decide that this is an argument? Orthodox Jews of the clavicle closed, so he could not accept me for them.

Romantic out of 6 "b"

She studied at the institute, stood in the subway, did not touch anyone. Suddenly me, from all the Duri Ka-a-ak, they jerk behind the hair! Tears of eyes! I turn around, it's worth a man in glasses and says: "What are your hair beautiful, can you pull another time? Let's get acquainted, I, by the way, English teach! " I do not remember how I ran away!

beauty is in the eye of the beholder

One guy swam to me in the pool and said that I had a very sexy skin on the heels :) Well, it's nice, but not what you want to hear as the first compliment.

The country needs you, a girl

I have all potential cavalries forgotivated when you try to dating rather strange numbers, I find it difficult to choose the most idiotic. The very first pickup was caught back in Soviet years, I was a schoolgirl, and he, it is clear, pedophile - but he introduced a counterintelligence officer and inspired me to the agents. I was no less inspired by the opposite wave, the dude was embarrassed and retired. And another case, for example, was like that. In our apartment there was a fire, I lived at aunt and traveled to rake the ashole every day. Somehow, on the way back from restoration work on the bus, a man was killed a pretty decent species to me, began to get acquainted according to the standard scheme, but suddenly learned the sophisticated smell of Gary and sharply fell into religious ecstasy. I tried to sell me the soul for some relatively small money, called the prince.

50 shades Igor Ivanovich

I was still a student, I returned home early in the evening from somewhere. Sometimes stopped. Suddenly a man comes to me, older than me for 15 years, but very pleasant outdoor, and says a kind and sad voice: "Hello. Let me introduce myself. I'm a weirdo." I laughed, then we went together, chatted, in a conversation a man was also very pleasant. Long stood at the house, they spoke, even dark. And then, how it starts to talk about how he loves, to write him and especially to him in his mouth, and even anything even faster, where the Mr. Gray is there! And it all sincerely so, as if the poems read. I frightened and ran away.

Amateur advertising

Once I persuaded me to get acquainted with talented (I do not know what) a young man. Very praised. Well, I say - you can talk. And this talented me comes up, stretches his hand and says: "Dima, nineteen centimeters."

And under the cloak ...

A man approached my sister at the bus stop and opened a cloak, and did not demonstrate something that I could think about, but Iguanu named Petrovich. And spoke with her sister on behalf of Iguana.

What is not necessary

I was trying to have a young man on a bus stop to charm offer "Sudamnya, do you want, I will give you?" But I didn't want it, so he had to leave. But in general, when they come to me with a banal "girl, you can meet you?", I like a man's hand, I say a little in my eyes and I say to the iron voice: "Galetsky Natalia Valerievna. Very nice." And leaving.

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