The most productive day in your life: how to organize it


Imagine: On the last day of your life, you meet yourself - such as you could become, but did not. An annoyance is too soft. In order not to bite your elbows, start becoming this person now - time in bulk, you still have time. Here are quite simple rules that will add 800 points to efficiency.


Watch what you spend time

We live in the age of procrastination. Distracts literally everything. In order not to stop in the affairs, pretend how many hours and minutes you spent on each of them. If the case is a daily (as a view of a box or sleep), multiply on 7, by the number of days in the week, if you do this several times a week (work and workout), then multiply on the number of days when you are busy.


Internet and TV for entertainment

Work or studies

All sorts of social affairs like meetings with friends


Reading for pleasure


Cooking and food


Everything else

Now calculate the total amount of time spent on all business per week, and deduct it out of 168 (the total number of hours in the week). So, most likely, you have an extra watch, which left in general it is incomprehensible to what. Tip: The most voracious time eaters are social networks, YouTube, phones on the phone and winding viewing of the series.

Put the mode and wake up early


To establish a mode - it means to accustom yourself to go to bed and get up at the same time, and this time must be comfortable for you. That is, he lay down in bed and after 15 minutes, having laid a little, sleep like a hamster. I woke up - and immediately shine unrestrained.

Best to adhere to physiological sleep cycles. Each cycle lasts 1.5 hours and it is necessary to wake up at the end of the cycle - then you will be cheaper and not similar to zombies. That is, the total number of hours of sleep must be more than 1.5 - for example, 6, 7.5 or 9.

Gradually rearrange the alarm clock. If you are used to getting up in 10, the rise in 8 will kill you. Or then you will kill someone because of the lack of sleep. Therefore, the awakening time is gradually, for 5 minutes daily. And so do not come to the desired figure.

The first couple of weeks will not be very, because the body will be rebuilt. But then you will start waking up at all without alarm clock and fall asleep without sleeping pills.

Observing with the "Dead Time"


"Dead Time" is the time you spend on all sorts of things, which cannot be rejected, and which can be used more productively.

A typical example is a road to work or from work. In fact, nothing is required of you - you are stupidly sitting at the wheel or in the subway. This time can add productivity if you do in parallel with something else - to listen to the news to know that the world is going on, audiobooks or podcasts, read what you need or have long wanted to learn the language using a special application.

"Dead Time" is not only the road. It is ironing, cleaning and other dull homework, cardiography (during which it is not necessary to stare on your heart rhythm all the time, you can also in a book) and many other cases that do not require 100% of attention.

Put the goal

If there is no goal, time goes down in the toilet where how quickly. Because it seems like it doesn't matter what you spend it. The most significant is the medium-term prospects. For example, what do you want to achieve in a year? 44 sizes, six-digit salary, stamp in the passport, first place at the tango competition? Go to Laos, see six cubes on the press, head the department? Observe all the goals and from time to time to check the course - as far as you approached the dream, which has already been done that it is still necessary to do what, on the contrary, only interferes.

Range tasks


You already have already heard about the principle of Pareto: 80% of the efforts bring 20% ​​of the result, 20% of the efforts give 80% exhaust. Some think that the ratio is actually 70/30, but it does not fundamentally change. Most of the day are occupied by actions that almost do not benefit.

Therefore, planning the day, ask yourself: if I could only make one thing, what would I choose? And if, in addition, I could do one more thing? And one more? So you will have a list of cases depending on their importance to be performed from the beginning. So you have exactly enough time, forces and enthusiasm for what is really important.

Create morning ritual

The right morning ritual is the same Magic Pendel. Of course, the coffee, of course, is good, but the right ritual is not a stupid to Facebook for the American, but something that will give you a charge of pride for the whole day and even at half a step to go to the goal, which was mentioned above. If, for example, you dream of becoming a millionth blogger, then take to write every morning for a sharp statement on the topic. If you dream to lose weight, then you adobe 3 minutes by dumbbells. Want to move to the service - read the profile article in the journal, Voila, now a little more aware of the rest.

Delegize and automatize


At all, it is not necessary to do everything yourself. Look at Branson - he does nothing at all, only in balloons flies. Pass small things that do not bring you into goal, someone else.

For example, you spend 2 hours daily on food cooking. Although for the same 2 hours you can earn so much that it is enough for dinner from the restaurant with delivery and will remain. So it is more profitable to order delivery. Liberated 2 hours you can spend on raising your skills or direct money making.

Send a meeting to yourself

That is, highlight the time when you are fully focused only in your business - and more than anything.

Do break

It is strange, but if necessary, sometimes it was possible to rest on only in the late 1980s, and they could be early. But now any Materia Time Manager will tell you that, making 5-minute breaks every half hour, you will achieve more than those who smelted, without rejecting.

Add to Kurat


Everything is very individual here. Someone helps the cheaper music, someone represents that he is the hero of the film from the series "The Patzan to success", and some worked best when they compete with someone - with colleagues, time or with themselves, for example , breaking past records. Find what you will give you your dose of Drive.



To sleep was really refreshing, it should not be shorter than 1.5 hours. Do you remember, talked about cycles? Here you go. Although nothing prevents you from allocating 15-20 minutes in the middle of the day and just silently lie down with closed eyes, thinking - it is important! - Nothing.

Organize temporary buffer

If Deadlinea afternoon, work as if he is tomorrow. If a meeting at 15:00, be on site at 14:45. Hurry and panic are very bad assistants, and stress because of the linings and force majeures and is completely knocked out of the rut.

If something went not according to plan, do not twitch


Some uniform is late for a meeting? Read the book while you are waiting. Stuck in traffic - Call, explain the situation and again read the book. From the fact that you will hiss and bounce on the seat, the cork will not disappear and nothing will change at all.

Stay behind the house

Exactly. Because the general cleaning once a month takes more time than small cleaning once a week, while there are still live between the generators in the Bardaka. Distributed homework - on Tuesday you will be cleaned, you walk on Thursday for products.

Refuse unnecessary meetings


Sometimes a client or partner appoints a meeting, just to look at you. To chat. To, well, I do not know ... Well, just like that. Therefore, you clearly ask what a person wants to achieve as a result of this meeting, why are you needed on it personally, that on the agenda and what you need specifically from you. If a person can not clearly respond to any of the questions, politely apologize and offer to postpone the meeting on that happy day when he finally decided with his goals.

Say "no" the fact that the sky does not need

Let your life be so simple as possible. Do not complicate and do not bring extra charges. The niece of colleagues will easily be able to take taxi at the airport, you do not have to agree to pass it down. When you say other "no," you say "yes."

Award yourself

If every minute of your life is painted - this is not a time management, but neurosis. When all the things are made, let yourself be sought or just do what you like.

Every evening - techno-detox

At least in an hour before bedtime, turn off all these damned gadgets - a telephone and laptop. Fuck with those who are near. Cat Pospen, or what.

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