How to understand that you have a mobile coffee (and what to do about it). In gifs



The cup of coffee in the morning turns you into the reactive Vanderwumen. It is logical to assume that the more coffee - the greater the strength, energy and power in the cryptonite equivalent you will get. But no. A safe dose of caffeine is 400 mg, that is, about 4-5 cups, depending on the method of preparation and quality of grain. All that is over this is the most real overview.

If you think about how to poison some enemies, it will soon be 1.5 liters of coffee or 12 banks of energy - this is just about 1 gr. Caffeine, dose, potentially dangerous health. She is naturally energized with a weak heart to be naturally sent to the paws of doctors, we do not joke. But in order for a person to cover, quite and much smaller. Remember the symptoms of caffeine overdose (and it is better to write on the side of your favorite liter circle with an indelible marker):


How to understand that you have a mobile coffee (and what to do about it). In gifs 38095_2

The hands are trembling, like the experienced Alkash, the eye twitches, and not only the eye - in the whole body as if nervous tick suddenly happened.


How to understand that you have a mobile coffee (and what to do about it). In gifs 38095_3

A man who faded coffee balls, something resembles a sticking on accelerators - it becomes fast, richly disengaged with flowered introductory structures and with disolenant. The thought jumps and the language behind it does not have time, full of Abyruvg. In addition, caffeine causes the emission of dopamine, the hormone "I-King-World-Damn Site". That is, caffeine Dzhanki is not enough that he is bother, it is also proud of it.

Bodroy kidney syndrome

How to understand that you have a mobile coffee (and what to do about it). In gifs 38095_4

Coffee is a powerful diuretic, so when you pass, you will run to the toilet every 10 minutes.


How to understand that you have a mobile coffee (and what to do about it). In gifs 38095_5

Coffee - the thing is very sour, and in large quantities he causes damn an ​​unpleasant feeling in his stomach - as if the Volcano Krakataau was erupted there.


How to understand that you have a mobile coffee (and what to do about it). In gifs 38095_6

In large volumes of coffee - excellent vomit, even better than the latest films with Nicholas Cage.


How to understand that you have a mobile coffee (and what to do about it). In gifs 38095_7

Well, the purple unicorns on the doctor Malakhov will not show you, but the flies and darkening in the eyes, the feeling of some kind of movement on the edge of the field of view and mysterious muttering in the head is everything is very possible. This is the answer of your confused brain on the Konian dose of adrenaline.


How to understand that you have a mobile coffee (and what to do about it). In gifs 38095_8

It seems to be in full breasts, and the air does not have enough air. Breathing becomes frequent and superficial, and the heart is pounding with the speed of a jackhammer. Cold sweat is also a very characteristic symptom of coffee poisoning.


How to understand that you have a mobile coffee (and what to do about it). In gifs 38095_9

The nervous system works on full revs, and nothing significant happens. Excessive and not finding excitation provokes panic, anxiety and a desire to immediately run somewhere and hide from something. Something terrible thanks. The conspiracy of aliens, the invasion of the Masons, and in general, follow us, I say for sure.

What to play?

How to understand that you have a mobile coffee (and what to do about it). In gifs 38095_10

Of course, you can leave the victim to get across yourself. Hours after 5-6 it and so will be pop by. If the victim is a smoker, it will be even faster. In the body of lovers, the caffeine falls in 2-3 hours. And the girls taking oral contraceptives, the other way around - their podium is twice as much as. In the case, if you are reluctant to surrender to the grace of nature, Pics.Ru interviewed knowledgeable people and compiled a list of measures to bring the victim (or ourselves) to the feeling:


How to understand that you have a mobile coffee (and what to do about it). In gifs 38095_11

A method known to all Barista. On all sorts of tastings, other masters of coffee makers can drive up to green devils, so an experienced barista with a banana does not part. Bananas contain tryptophan - amino acid, which in the body is converted into serotonin, removing the nervous voltage. Together with the urine during caffeine passenger, the body actively loses potassium (hence the nervous trembling), and the bananas of this trace element are literally stuck under the urging.


How to understand that you have a mobile coffee (and what to do about it). In gifs 38095_12

As a person, having flown up coffee, coming to the wind every minute, he is two steps away from dehydration. The usual mineral water will restore the water-salt balance, remove the tremor and headache and will help to bring caffeine from the body faster.


How to understand that you have a mobile coffee (and what to do about it). In gifs 38095_13

A glass of milk will weaken a little caffeine action. It will not be possible to neutralize it - caffeine has already turned the party and stop the fun is not going to, but the proteins that are contained in milk can associate about a third of the caffeine. In addition, milk will slow down the absorption of the caffeine mucosa of the stomach. Not under the hand of milk? Throw away with any protein food - the handful of nuts, meat cake or a cup of cottage cheese.


How to understand that you have a mobile coffee (and what to do about it). In gifs 38095_14

If you get out of the coffee shop to the air and slowly take a walk of 30 minutes, the heartbeat calms down a little, and the shortness of breath will pass.

Activated carbon

How to understand that you have a mobile coffee (and what to do about it). In gifs 38095_15

At the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kg of weight or a little more. Coal - a universal remedy for poisoning, and you, my friend, it is it.

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