You are sporty than you think! Check yourself on 9 signs



We often underestimate yourself. And when it comes to the physical form, we are striking the Spanish Inquisition. In vain, in vain - probably you think too bad about yourself.

You spend a lot of time on your feet

You do not take a taxi to drive 500 meters from the house to the subway, during the lunch you go to walk, do not rush to the free chairs on the bus, as on boarding. Middle man makes about 6 thousand steps per day. Turn on the pedometer and calculate - if you have more, you are, and not a lazy seal at all.

You are rapidly restored


The next day after training or a long walk, you do not lie down, weak voice begging to bring you a seagull and massage the feet. And no cold can send you to knockout for a long time. In humans in good shape, the immune system is also well done, and the metabolism is so good that the body is not required to have a long rehabilitation after a clock jogging, it is accustomed.

Steps for you - not a problem

If you see a crowded escalator and an empty staircase, what will you choose? People in good shape choose the steps, of course - because the 20-second jog up does not let them breathe and do not deprive the last forces.

You pull on healthy


You sometimes eat fruits and vegetables, salads without mayonnaise and baked fish, kefir and oatmeal just like that, because you are delicious, and not because you firmly decided to eat right and suffer. A clearly calibrated metabolic metabolus suppresses cravings to FRI potatoes in a grain and triple chocolate desserts.

You are not tupping at work

A good physical form directly affects the ability of the brain. Sports of stress resistant, faster finds solving problems, they have higher abilities to the organization, and they switch to the task of the task they are tracked.

You can drast the shopping all day


On a second, good Sabbath shopping is 3-4 hours on the legs (in fact, 5-6 hours we are deceiving). It is fitting. This is a loaf of weights (and how much, in your way, weigh 10 dresses plus hangers? If you do not want to sit down after every store, it says that you are more advantageous.

You love sex very much

Because, whether you are in a bad form, he would have been not only pleasure for you, but also a grave load (and he is a load). In addition, bed acrobatics requires healthy joints, elastic muscles and good feelings of equilibrium. It is difficult to enjoy the process when you have a foot or back entered. Do not think about such troubles in general - well done, you're in a tone.

You have a good posture


The straight back is impossible without well-worked muscles - they create a kind of corset that supports the ridge in a pride right position.

You can easily hold balance

And this ability depends not only on the training of the vestibular apparatus, but also on the state of muscles and joints. Can you run on the curb, without collapsed on the lawn? Take a dietary whole grain pie and stop scolding - you are clearly better than you think.

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