10 dishes that will be returned to you faith in breakfast


Do you, too, breakfast usually want to give the enemy? And what do you usually have for breakfast - scrambled eggs or ... more scrambled eggs? In fact of the matter! Although the scrambled eggs, if desired, can be diversified beyond recognition.

If you cook something creative - and at the same time fast and simple - so it is possible and the adept of the correct nutrition to become inappropriate. And it turns out that you have breakfast - excellent morning entertainment and means to wake up!

Lazy cold oatmeal


Ingredients: A quarter of a glass of oatmeal, a third of a glass of milk, a quarter of a glass of yogurt without additives, a spoonful of honey, as desired - fruit, vanillin, grated chocolate, jam.

The process itself. Oatmeal, milk, yogurt and "taste additives" send to a glass jar with a lid. Carefully shake so that everything moves - and put on the front of the refrigerator. In the morning, the dessert is already ready - cold, delicious and also useful! For a couple of days, it can be stored in the refrigerator. And if you fold the ingredients into the plastic container, you can take it to work as a simple, pleasant and harmless snack.

Quick cupcake


Ingredients: 3 tablespoons of flour, as many sugar, 2 tablespoons of cocoa, as much milk, a spoon of soluble coffee, egg, vegetable oil, a quarter of a teaspooner, a slightly vanillin.

The process itself. Flour, cocoa, coffee and sugar mix well. We pour milk, drive the egg, squeeze the vanilla and how you should pass the fork. All this is in a mug, lubricated with oil, and in the microwave. After spending a minute and a half or two minutes in the maximum power mode, the cupcake goes to us a little wet inside, gentle and air!

Lazy pancakes


Ingredients: A half cup of flour, a glass of milk, a pair of eggs, 2 tablespoons of sugar, a piece of butter, a little salt and lemon juice. Syrup, or honey, or jam.

The process itself. Milk and eggs, salt and sugar plus lemon juice - we send all this in a bowl and mix. There is also melted oil, flour - and mix well again. Now all this is in the pan and fry minutes 5. I turn over and get ready for a couple more minutes. Now the blade is made from this dough "porridge", Tomm in the pan for many minutes three minutes, lay out and pour a sweet sauce to your liking.

Rice with cherry


Ingredients: A glass of rice, 200 g cherries, a pair of milk glasses (or water), a little sugar, butter, lemon juice, vanillin and cinnamon.

The process itself. Wear a rice porridge on milk or water, wash cherries and remove bones. Now to grab their 15 minutes in a skillet, falling asleep with sugar and sprinkled with lemon, and at the end there is a spice. Rice lay out on a plate, top - sweet cherries, you can pour all this beauty to the remaining caramel and decorate mint.

Sausages in pitaist


Ingredients: Depending on the appetite - several sheets of lavasha, a few sausages, a small carrot, cucumber, a bit of the Beijing cabbage. Some lemon juice. For hot-dog fans - mustard, Ketchup and this is all.

The process itself. From the chopped cabbage, finely grated carrots, sliced ​​cucumbers and drops of juice with a salad. We lay out a little on the pita, with a bulging the sausage, lubricate what it is like, we turn the "converter" - and in the microwave it on a couple of minutes. As an option - to fry in a skillet, for worst crisp.

Sandwiches with avocado


Ingredients: Bread for toast, avocado, egg, drop of vegetable oil, salt-pepper.

The process itself. In a piece of bread, a glass is done "hole", the egg is broken into the cup and beat slightly. We spread the toast on a preheated frying pan and pour egg there. Too roasted - we turn over and fry a couple more minutes. Avocado While we clean, cut, turn into porridge for a fork, salt-pepper, you can sprinkle with lemon juice. Now smear this paste on a toast with an egg - and smacking from pleasure!

Granola - Super Muesli!


Ingredients: For two - 150 g of Hercules, on a handful of almonds, raisins, kuragi, some pumpkin seeds and sugars. A little bit of honey or syrup, you can fruit-berries.

The process itself. Ingredients, in addition to the last two, mix in the form for baking and put in a preheated oven for 20 minutes. We take out, gently mix - and Tom in the oven for another 15 minutes. Now we water, decorate fruit and kaifuh. You can print more - in a cold form, it is also yummy!

Lazy "green" dumplings


Ingredients: 400 g of cottage cheese, 150 g of spinach, egg, a piece of solid cheese, about 250 g of flour, salt-pepper, you can still dill and other greenery.

The process itself. The washed spinach is crushed in a blender, mix in a bowl with cottage cheese, egg and grated cheese. Syll of the same flour, mixing thoroughly. The dough should be a bit sticky. Rather it into the sausages and cut them into pieces. Throw in boiling water, cook a couple of minutes, ready to decorate greens - and rejoice in the body and soul.

Garlic bread - for those who work at home


Ingredients: Baguette, 100 g of butter, plump clove of garlic, a little beloved greenery, pinching salt.

The process itself. Baguette cut along. Everything else blend in a blender. Now smear the bread with garlic butter. In principle, already delicious! But if the hunger has not woke up yet, I will lay our creation on a baking sheet, laid out for pastries, and send for 20 minutes in a preheated oven for 20 minutes. Now the appetite has already woke up and shouts: "Well"!

Stuffed pears


Ingredients: On 1 large pear - a pair of sugar spoons, a pair of tablespoons of cottage cheese or gentle soft cheese, a slice of butter, a bit of crushed nuts, you can a little cinnamon or rosemary.

The process itself. We clean the pear, cut and cut out the core. In the pan melts the oil and pour sugar into it. When it dissolves, fry in this caramel of pears to pleasant goldenness. We lay out half on the plates, in the deepening put on the spoon of cottage cheese or cheese, then - nuts and seasonings, and we water the remaining caramel on top. Sustainable bliss!

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