Horoscope from PICS.ru. As the signs of the zodiac ride the train in the placentar


Little where it is possible to observe people so well in all of their variety, as in a second-class car. In the subway at the rush hour, you can not walk in the cafe, the cafe rarely meet the marriage of all the zodiac signs. No, a second-class car is the most ideal place.


Aries loves not only to bother, but also to ponate. Therefore, all the surrounding will quickly understand that in the deposit he rides, apparently, accidentally - there are no places in the coupe, and the service is very shocking it, absolutely not his level. There is no sockets, that is, there is, but in Tambura, tea shit, why only noodles from bags from the bags from dinners (and why not reach the Vagon-Restaurant, they ask themselves surrounding). Putting the conductor to the place a couple of times, the Aries calms down and shoves the noodle, drinking tea.


Taurus greedy. He will definitely discuss how much they are asked for tea and what is the cheating on every tea bag. It is quite possible, refuses the linen and climbs into the extracted sleeping bag. Everyone will advise to do the same and, by the way, buy tickets for two months, then they are twice as cheaper. Passengers who have been calmly driving, after communicating with the order will feel robbed.


Those people that until midnight joyfully tell the secrets of their cousin Matriol to the joy of all the carriage and move to them with them the recipes of the most faithful boiled potatoes or shopping tricks certainly in Milan - this is just twins. Without chopping secrets, they are not sweet life. True, their personal people leaving with them. They are not a grandmother Matrona, what to discuss something there.


If you need to compress about the cancer in a folk style, then, please: cancer - always everything is wrong. The conductor angry, lingerie is rigid and dug everywhere, on the upper shelf scary, on the bottom terrible people sit down. True, all this surrounding is a chance to find out only if the cancer is not going alone - he will constantly report on his complex sensations by a plaintive whisper. Alone, cancer will just cunning.

a lion

For Lion Ponte - everything is all, so he goes on the Aries and pretends that in the coupe and rides. In luxury. With careless movements, she spreads his lacker, with grace and healthy curiosity to food dines with crackers purchased from the conductor, turns out with passing by passing, with a neighbor from below (or on top) leads secular conversations about the news of culture and politics.


Virgo brings with me Ordnung even there, where it seemed, and everything was subordinate to her inexorable discipline, order and schedule. That is, in army barracks, surgical departments of hospitals and second-class wagons. She does not have a turn from food on the table, as they disappear even, perhaps earlier than they had time to appear. Bed linen before passing the conductor is a pile. With you, maids take a spare sheet, hang like a curtain from light. By the way, it is she, and not a conductor, it is necessary to look for analgin, activated carbon, hydrogen peroxide and surgical instruments in case of urgent cutting of the inflamed appendix. Virgo loves everything to be cozy, so in Baulah, she has no ton of clothing, as you might think, but all that will provide a comfort in any situation. And it will be sterile.


Polite and hidden like Stirlitz. Where are they going? What do they do in life? What are you fond of? In appearance you will not understand, you will not say aloud, all the more. Weighs are not difficult to identify, stumbled upon them in a snack near the conductor. They stand and try to choose green tea want or black. And maybe, by the way, in general coffee. You can bring out of the stupor, only offering brandy.


Scorpion all inflate. Explorer - Idiot, passengers - morons, tea could be cheaper, relatives to say goodbye hot. If scorpion is lucky to go with someone together, then someone is not lucky to listen to embarrassing volume. Moreover, scorpion is enough to make a couple of movements so that it becomes comfortable (and he does them). But, we will be honest, he hates all the jacket, too, for a feeling of comfort. Such is the Scorpio Hyugge.


Strethor hurt. The Sagittarius loves the romance of distant wanderings, or at least romance to move Moscow - Bologoye. Outside the window spread around Russia, the passengers - stories, decent shielding, on the road appetite is so beautiful that the sandwich will seem food of the gods. Sagittarius sits and radiates optimism, in one of its views, selecting all the scorpions of the car. And it also shares his personal stories worthy of film simulation, if the interlocutor fell out of spiritual.


Capricorn reserved seats. In the coupe, only three people will hear how politicians ruined the country, and in a placentar - thirty three. And this is if not trying to speak loudly. There is always a fellow traveler who can read the lecture on the noodle pack opened by him, and the conductors today went good when they make comments and learn to work, stand, listen, and smile. And smile. And smile. Oh, yes, they are heightened, and not stand, because the smile is clearly distinguished.


Aquarius overcome ideas, and in a closed space (belief, a vocabulary wagon with a water inside will appear very closed space) to carry it thirst to improve everything and everyone is hard. Passing into a car-restaurant, aquarius can get stuck in a foreign car, having acquainted with a completely charming company with a guitar, and then get lost, trying to find your car. Because everywhere there is still a bunch of interesting things. Or someone with a tablet movie looks. Fiction. At the same time, the Aquarius does not respond to the phone, because for preservation I left it to you.


Fish slightly in hysterics. The reason is not needed, these are their usual condition, they floated in it into the car and float out of it. As for the trip, a little liquid will always help the fish to transfer it. The liquid is needed degrees 12-40, here it depends on the preferences of fish. Without fluid, fish is afraid to go to the toilet of a reserved car, fall from the top shelf, fall from the lower shelf and the conductor, who looked at them at the very beginning of the trip. If there is a little feed to the fluid to the liquid, they will be happy until the final point, without leaving the hysteria.

Shared chicken and boiled eggs: Lilith Mazikina

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