12 small actions that fill the heart of your female joy


Postcards, flowers, restaurant and boat trips are great, but daily little joy, especially those who do not harm her or even your budget, will make it much happier.

Do not fulfill everything. Three items from the list will have a colossal effect, filling the air between you new tenderness.



When you kiss her, coming or leaving for work. Cames - useful, but boring. The gentar thing is in the forehead, in the temple, in a macushkin or shoulder.

# 2.

When you walk, and you take a gesture of a magician with a tiny chocolate at the time when it is almost ready to get hungry.

(And do not think to replace dinner chocolate)

# 3.

When you kiss her fingers, telling insignificant news or thanks to something.


When, returning from the gatherings with friends, grab her dessert. Or beer bottle. There is where they sat.


When you buy her cute woolen socks and a magician gesture to be removed at that very evening when she wet in the rain on the way from work.

# 6.

And carefully wipe her legs with a towel, and then pull these socks yourself.

# 7.

When at any time, there is a cold or tear to overcome it, you serve her handkerchiefs.

(Lifehak: Gentlemen always wear two, the second to save the lady).


When it stands in front of the mirror, and you carefully hug her from behind, so that she can see how you look great together.


When you negotiate together to watch the movie and arrange the cinema for two.


When you, gently sorting out her hair, quench her overnight.


Or arrange a face massage with kisses!

(But not a passionate, not passionate, leave already passionate for sex and farewell to the station).


When you, supporting her chin, smear her lips with lipstick ... and excessively erase the kiss.

(Both will require training)

Illustration: shutterstock

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