7 scientific reasons to hug more often. Even if you, it seems, not with


Making pleasant things more pleasant doubly when you know that they are helpful. For example, hug. Judging by the number of positive effects from the process, a person is simply created for hugs.

Sudi herself. This is how, according to scientists, our bodies react when we hug with pleasant people.

Hugs reduce pain

Kids are not afraid to throw to her mother, breaking the knee. The arms of a loved one causes our splash of producing oxytocin and endorphins, and this cocktail is acknowledged. Menstrual and headaches, pain in muscles from temperature or fatigue - they all retreat before the power of love and tenderness.

Hugs strengthen our love

That same oxytocin causes and strengthens the attachment of people to each other. Hug children and beloved, and it will replace a thousand words that could link you.

Hugs warming

It seems or in fact so, but people are warmed in the arms faster than under the plaid. And a person close to death from supercooling, faster and safer to help contact skin to the skin. So after a fun family walk in the Winter Forest, just wonderful will drink hot cocoa, pressing each other under one common plaid.

And if the walk was romantic, even the kettle do not put - dive with your passion under the blanket naked. You can have no high expectations. As there in the anecdote - "I do not try, so at least I warm up."

Hugs improve the work of the cardiovascular system

Hug if you want to discover that the pulse and blood pressure are stabilized. Hug if you want to help your mother or grandmother with her pressure. Hug to help your girlfriend or daughter cope with Tachycardia because of the panic attack.

Hugs help better understand each other

Oxytocin makes us more attentively to each other and responsive. We also read the feelings and condition of a person when we feel where and how intense his body, and inhale his smell.

Hugs help to cope with diseases

Another hormone, the production of which increases when we hug - dopamine. If a relatively reduced dopamine production is reduced - it happens, for example, when depressed and Parkinson's disease, the arms can help the patient.

Hugs soothe, relax and return confidence

Hugging a native person, we tell him in the body of the body, which his unconscious believes more than the words that he is not alone, he is ready to support, surround care and protect.

Do you know what is wonderful in the arms? Unlike kisses, they act even on lonely people - that is, conditionally lonely. Because almost all the same effects we achieve when we hug with your pets. And even - albeit much weaker - with your beloved plush toy!

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