The main thing is that the suit is sitting! Guide on condoms from PICS.RU


Rubber product number 2 is the necessary thing in the arsenal of intimate pieces of any self-respecting woman. Now their great many and you can choose at least the taste of cola, even glowing in the dark. We collected the best for you!



90% of all condoms are made precisely from latex. It is safe (from it at all make a bunch of all kinds of medical devices), durable and elastic. The small lack of latex condoms is that sometimes they publish a specific smell (sometimes it is devoured by flavors). And the main minus - in some, unfortunately, allergic to this material.

Red specks on the skin in strategic places can be viewed, but then a runny nose will appear, breathing difficulties, anaphylactic shock may even develop. If there is suspicions to allergies - it is better to refuse latex condoms forever and forever and go to ...



There are such! Polyurethane hypoallergenic material - with him exactly there will be no problems any allergies. It has no taste, no smell. Moreover, a particularly disturbing polyurethane will also like it very much - this material is three times more stronger than latex. Therefore, it is from polyurethane that the most subtle condoms in the world of the Sagami brand are made. However, Sagami has a whole line of different polyurethane condoms. The second brand producing barrier contraception from polyurethane - durex. It is more difficult to find them, but if you try, it is quite possible (at least when there are no sanctions on them).

With polyurethane condoms, there is your catch: they are less elastic than latex, so they are harder to wear them. With comparable sizes, polyurethane condoms seem subjectively smaller and in length, and in width. Therefore, if not sure what is suitable - immediately take the size more. Sagami, taking care of buyers, launched a line of condoms with a special mechanism for instant shutdown.

With spermicidami


Spermicides are chemicals that destroy spermatozoa. They are sold as separately in the form of gels and ointments, and used as lubrication on some condoms, for example, Contex Opium. But there are several complex moments with them. First, such condoms should not be used rectally, according to the manufacturer's recommendation.

Secondly, one of the actively used spermicides, nonoxynol-9, turned out to be quite harmful, it does not affect the risk of transmission of the STD, and there is no big safety in such condoms than in ordinary, not confirmed. So well, they are probably these spermicides. Thirdly, they are very difficult to find. So really well.



Condoms for women look like a latex cylinder and inserted into the vagina before the start of sex. They are much more expensive, they are harder to find, and efficiency is slightly lower than that of ordinary condoms. Dignity, in general, only one thing - do not rely on whether the partner knows how to wear condoms, and it is not necessary to control it.


Points, ribs, pimples, mustache - what only happens. As a rule, they are trying to add pleasure (unless, of course, we are not talking about some domestic masterpiece of the latex industry "The Riders of the Apocalypse"). But it all depends on the sensitivity - to someone they simply seem to be a strange combination of a condom and emery paper.

For anal sex


They are usually made with thicker walls and with plenty of lubrication. If there is no meaning in additional strength (in a narrower hole, a great strength of the material is needed), then the words about lubricant do not need to be conducted - it must be applied separately, and a lot, even more!

For oral sex (they are flavored)

Not everyone likes condoms with tastes and flavors. For those who are going to do oral sex in a condom (they are well done and know that the STDs are easily transmitted during oral sex) and wants to feel the smell of a partner, and not Tutti Frutti, it is better not to be conducted on marketing and buy ordinary condoms. Although the taste of Coca-Cola is a good option!



As a rule, they are covered with anesthetic or composition of menthol - so they slightly remove the sensitivity and make it ejaculation. Useful thing, in a pair of quickly cumming man and a long warming woman.

Illustrations: shutterstock

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