9 Soviets Men: how to organize an ideal date


Girls are often asked - where was the romance? The young men are shy, but also in the soul is interested. The processing process becomes mechanical and ordinary. Butterfly in the stomach, of course, still flutter, but the process itself contributes to the fact that instead of the excitemental holiday of the soul (fraught with a possible severe depression), a date turns into something completely ordinary.

But, nevertheless, there is one faithful recipe. Just imagine that the case happens thirty-forty-fifty years ago. When men differed from women much stronger than now, the morals were painted, and the ceremony is much more mandatory. First you need to invite a girl on a date. Do not "drink a cup of coffee." Not "just hang out." And so that from the very beginning it was clear: your intentions are serious, but clean. This creates the right mood.

It is necessary to dress beautifully

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Date, especially the first date is a holiday. It is impossible to go on it just like going to the office, a sports club or shopping. You will see the being of the opposite sex, and not just sees, but try to draw conclusions. It means that it is necessary to dress less so stiff than on the funeral, but more strictly than in orgy. Boys - shaving, clean the boots, pants and shirt with a collar. Tie optional, so be. Girls - dress.

Need to call behind her

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It is much more cute than to appoint a meeting in a cafe, be slightly drunk to her arrival and beat the SMS "Well, where are you?". We must come home to her, call the door, wait until it finishes to paint and lay the hair (even if it takes 40 minutes), say hello to her neighbors or parents, if any. In particular, show her Mother and Batyushka that you are not a killer maniac and give them the opportunity if you identify you.

Need to come with flowers

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Their in this situation can be delivered to the Vaza. Or with candy. Or with a small gift. Not that the girl should be bribed, but, nevertheless, it always works. It just needs to show that you are proud that she is ready to spend time with you. She will be pleased with you - useful.

We need to dance

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Dance - this is not a dirty semi-door with concrete floor, a stroboscope and a clever-clever one for a hundred decibel. Dance - this is spinning, embracing (but between you on the first date there should be enough space for Jesus, as American Protestants say. In the sense, do not paw). Try to find a place in your city where you can truly dance and, we assure you, you will not regret (again, the reading shoes and the glaze shirt will look applemented there).

Need to ask permission

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Of course, if you need to drag the girl to bed, it is not a very effective technique. On the other hand, the boundaries between "decisive actions", the "unpleasant violation of the personal space" and "criminal rape" so thin and conditional, which is better to ask. "Can I call you?". "I'll come after you tomorrow?". "Can I kiss you?"

We must write poetry

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And paintings. And songs. Even if you do not know how to do it. At worst, collect a bouquet of autumn leaves or make a donkey from the acorns and matches. Something coming from the heart and created with your own hands, may not be survived, but it will be remembered for sure.

You need to turn off the phone

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At all. At all. And tablet. And laptop. And in general, all the electronics that can distract you from being in the eyes of the interlocutor, carefully listen to him, laughing at his jokes and think about himself, to the same extent he (she, it) is beautiful. Who inspects the social network on a date - that grandchildren will not.

We must talk about relationships

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Almost immediately, in essence. It is almost as fun, how to make an offer. "You will be a my girlfriend?". Again, from the point of view of fast sex it may be not a very winning strategy. But the difficulties of the type "she believes that we have a relationship with her, and I just sleep with her sometimes" will go around you.

Need to forget about sex

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In the sense, forget about the schedule: Sex on the first date, sex on the third date ... Sex is generally easy and accessible, especially if you use dating sites and social networks. But the butterflies in the stomach and the opportunity to walk under the handle on the autumn park with a famous young lady - well, at least a wildly interesting role-playing game. In general, it is even strange that we have to write about it - in which an amazing world we live today! Just look at the wedding photo of your parents and think - do not you want like this?

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